2016Guidelines for Applying for GPA CE Credit
(Effective July 2015)

The GPA Continuing Education Committee approves programs and provides certificates for Continuing Education credits (Area IV for Psychologists).

Review Materials Required to Submit
For GPA-approval, the following three materials must be submitted to the GPA office.

  1. One Completed Application
  2. Vitae of All Presenters
    The presenter should be a doctoral-level psychologist or have an equivalent level of education/training in a mental health field.A sponsoring psychologist must be involved in all levels of planning and presenting the workshop should the presenternotbe a psychologist or related doctoral level professional.Exceptions may be recognized in individual cases, such as in the case of a national expert in a specific field, or experts in another field with adequate formal mental health training.
  3. Fee Payment for Application and/or Advertising
    GPA accepts payment by credit/debit card or check. If using a card, enclose a memo with the following:
    1) Card Type 2) Name on Card 3) Card Number 4) Expiration Date 5) Security Code and 6) Fee Amount

First-time Applicants Only (Since June 2013): Any new organizations who have not submitted an application since June 1, 2013 must submit a draft version of the promotional materials with this application.See Section D. on the application for the requirements that must be included on the promotional materials.

Application Fee Structure (Effective January 15, 2014)
One-day workshops requiring one CE Certificate. / $250 flat fee
(1-6 hours of CE)
Workshop series requiring ONE CE certificate. (The definition of a “series” is a group of workshops for which there is one registration and the same attendees throughout, and for which only one CE Certificate will be awarded at the end of the series. All sessions of the series must meet all APA criteria. / $250 flat fee
(1-15 hours of CE)
(16 or more hours of CE)
Conferences requiring ONE CE certificate. Attendance at the entire conference is required. All workshops must meet APA criteria. / $350 flat fee
(1-15 hours of CE)
(16 or more hours of CE)
Conferences where multiple individual workshops are offered requiring multiple certificates. / $500 flat fee
(1-9 hours of CE)
$125 flat fee
(Each additional application applying for
1-3 hours of CE)
Repeat Applications: All details besides the date and location must remain the same. Conferences (requiring multiple certificates) that are applied for separately must pay the regular full rate. Workshops that are repeated within one calendar year qualify for this rate. / $75 for each additional date if applied for together
$150 if applied for separately

Charitable Organizations Discount. Definition: Small non-profit whose primary mission is to serve underserved populations. The training needs to be low or no cost. 501c(3) status is an IRS definition and does not apply here. Submit a one page proposal and a copy of your 501c(3) IRS letter with your CE application.

/ ½ off full price rate

Late Fee:

If the application arrives between 15-30 days before the workshop, there will be a $50 late fee.

If the application arrives between 7-14 days before the workshop, there will be a $125 late fee.
Applications will not be accepted within 6 days of the workshop.

Advertising Opportunity (Optional)

GPA’s Continuing Education Website-CE Workshop/Conference Listing
$75/4 weeks. Includes title, date, CE hours, contact information, sponsor, and one website link.
There are no refunds on advertisements.

Review Policies and Post-Event Instructions

Cancellation Policy and Determination of Disapproval:

a)If GPA determines the application does not fulfill the requirements of APA and GPA standards, $75 will be kept as an administrative fee. The balance will be mailed back to the contact person.

b)If the applicant withdraws the application before approval/disapproval, $75 will be kept as an administrative fee. The balance will be mailed back to the contact person.

c)There are no refunds after approval.

Items Required to Return Following the Workshop:

  1. Evaluation Summary:
    The program must use an evaluation form. GPA's CE Committee will provide an evaluation form for a one time use. A summary of the evaluations must be returned to the GPA Office.
  2. Participant Sign-In:
    A generic sign-in sheet will be provided post-approval and must be completed by each participant on site and then returned to the GPA Office.
  3. Promotional Materials:
    All promotional materials used to promote the event must be submitted including brochures, emails, website listing and anything else utilized for promotion. See Section G. on the application for the requirements that must be included on the promotional materials.

Contact Persons/Program Coordinators have up to four (4) weeks after the program in which to submit these materials. Failure to supply these items may result in subsequent programs being turned down.

CE Certificate:
GPA will generate a CE certificate for a one time use to the program’s designated contact person once the program has been approved. It is the contact person’s responsibility to print, distribute and supervise certificate distribution.

Note: Consistent with APA’s CE rules, GPA requires that sponsors only give credit to those who attend the entire workshop. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time or leaving before the workshop is complete will not receive CE credit.


Sponsors are required to ensure the accuracy and usefulness of content delivered by instructors. Sponsors

are also responsible for ensuring that statements are made regarding the limitations of the content being taught, the most common risks and any severe risks of the therapeutic interventions taught, and are required to ensure that the basis for such statements are made clear during each presentation.

GPA Continuing Education Contact: Amy Dietrich, Director of Communications and Continuing Education

/ (404) 634-6272, ext. 208

CE Reviewer, Georgia Psychological Association; 13 Corporate Blvd. Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30329

2016 CE Approval Application

(For Office Use Only) File #:______Date Received: ______Fee: ______Check # or Card Type:______

  1. Applicant Information

Contact Information / Name:______
Phone: ______

Group or Organization Name:


Individual Name:

Are you a member of GPA? Yes or No?Educational/Professional Credentials:

Total Computed CE Application Amount Due: $______Total Computed with Advertising: $______
  1. Workshop/Conference Information

Event Title
Event Date(s)

Location Name:

Location Address:

City: State: Zip:

Accessible to People with Disabilities? Yes or No?

Is the number of participants limited? Yes or No?

If there is a limit, what is the maximum?

Who is your target audience?

Registration cost: (List highest fee charged.)

Website/Registration Link:

*GPA has the right to review your website/registration linkat any timeto ensure that all promotional materials are following guidelines for GPA-Approval.Failure to supply the required information may result in subsequent programs being turned down.
  1. Workshop/Presentation Information

If applying for a conference, please fill out multiple copies of this section (C), one for each component workshop. For each presentation to be awarded CE credits, you must fill out a separate section completely for each workshop applying for CE credit. (One copy of this section equals one certificate.)
Detailed Workshop Schedule (15 minute breaks are allowed within a three hour workshop):
Number of CE Credits: _____
*CE presentations can be given in quarter hour increments, with a minimum of one hour.
Presenters can give participants a 15 minute break during each three hours of his/her workshop. All workshops must fulfill the full amount of time indicated in the CE hours for attendees. If a presenter does not fulfill the time requirement, participants will not be able to receive continuing education credit.
Are you applying for your program to have ethicsspecialty credit? Yes or No? _____
If yes, please indicate how you are going to tie in the APA Ethics Code.
Presenter(s) names and credentials:
Describe previous experience as workshop leaders, any special qualifications on the subject matter and current license(s) or certification:
How to write learning objectives:
  • Approximately one learning objective per hour of content each houris required, with a minimum of three learning objectives per workshop, regardless of length.
  • Learning objectives must be measurable and observable behaviors, focused on the learner, and uses action verbs.
    USE: list, describe, explain, assess, critique, demonstrate, discuss, apply, utilize, summarize.
    DON'T USE: know, understand, learn, become familiar with, learn, gain awareness, etc. as these cannot be observed and measured.
For further information visit GPA’s CE webpage and click on “APA Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives.”
Learning Objectives:
Current Peer-reviewed References:
Please include a minimum of five recent peer-reviewed journals, articles or edited books upon which your presentation is based. Use APA format.
Diversity Statement: A multiculturally competent approach to continuing education respects peoples’ complex identities. It acknowledges that there are no “one size fits all” remedies and considers that the specific needs of diverse groups often require modification in how we think about and treat the clients we serve. Please explain how the content of your workshop will consider and address at least one aspect of the general population’s diversity (e.g., differing ages, races, sexual orientations, religions, gender identities, cultures, abilities or socio-economic realities).
Conflict of Interest
During the past 12 months has the presenter or their spouse/partner had a financial, professional or personal relationship that might potentially bias and/or impact content of the educational activity/session?
  • Yes? ____
  • No? ____
If yes, please explain:

D.Review of Application

Please initial to indicate that you understand the following policies (this is intended for the person managing the logistics and continuing education of the workshop/conference):
  1. Will you use the GPA Evaluation Form? Yes or No? ______
    If no, attach the evaluation form to be used. See APA requirements for Evaluations.
  2. Will you use the GPA sign-in sheet? Yes or No? ______
If no, attach the sign-in sheet to be used. See APA requirements for sign-in sheets.
  1. Understanding of Approval: ______
    This program is being reviewed for GPA-Approval for psychologists. GPA-Approval qualifies an approved program for Area 4 in the state of Georgia. This is not the same as APA-Approval. Other states may accept this type of approval, but psychologists should check with their state licensing board before attending the workshop.
  2. Are you a first time applicant or repeat applicant?
  3. ______First-time Applicants: Any new applicants who have not submitted an application
    since June 2013 must submit a draft of the promotional materials. I have attached the draft promotional materials.
  4. ______Repeat Applicants: I will include all of the following items on all promotional materials related to the continuing education workshops/conference applying for GPA-Approval.
  5. My promotional materials (or will) include the following required items:
    ____Educational goals
____Any prerequisites
____Refund policy
____Faculty credentials
____Number of CE hours offered for each activity
____Indicate Pending GPA-Approval or GPA-Approval Continuing Education for psychologists
*GPA also recommends including the schedule (days and hours), format (Workshop/Seminar/Conference), and what is included in the registration cost.
  1. I have included a vitae or biography for all presenters. ______
  2. I commit that I will return to GPA the sign-in sheet, summary of evaluations (not the forms) and all promotional materials utilized to promote my continuing education program within four (4) weeks of the program’s end. I understand that future applications may be denied if I fail to keep this commitment. ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Send the completed application and all included materials to Amy Han Dietrich:


Mail: CE Reviewer, Georgia Psychological Association
13 Corporate Blvd. NE, Suite 220, Atlanta, GA 30329