Name / Category of Governor / Appointed by / Date Appointed / Term of office / COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP / School Fund Trustee / Attendance Record2015-2016 / Responsi-bilities / Pecuniary Personal Interests, Governor at another school.
ities / Fin-ance / Health
& Safety / PARRC / Pay & Personnel / Post 16 / Pre-mises
Suzanne Askham / Co-Opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / / / FGB 5/6
Equalities 3/3
Post 16 3/3
School Fund 3/3 / Chair – Post 16 / None
Aileen Bates / Local Authority / Local Authority / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / / / / / / FGB 6/6
Finance 4/4
H&S 5/5
P&P 3/3
Post 16 3/3
Premises 3/3
School Fund 3/3 / Chair – GB, Chair - P&P
Chair - Premises, Chair - School Fund
Child Protection & Safeguarding / None
Davidson / Parent / Governing Body / 23/03/2016 / 4 years / FGB 3/3 / None
James Gregory / Co-opted / Governing Body / 07/10/2015 / 4 years / / / / FGB 4/6
Equalities 1/3
Finance 2/4
Post 16 1/3 / None
Helen Hook / Staff / Staff election / 10/03/2014 / 4 years / / / / FGB 6/6
Equalities 3/3
H&S 4/4
Post 16 3/3 / Chair - Equalities / Parent
Gov–Wansdyke School
Alice Kemp / Parent / Parent election / 14/10/2013 / 4 years / / / FGB 5/6
Equalities 2/3
Post 16 3/3 / Vice Chair - GB / None
Tim Marshall / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / / FGB 5/6
H&S 4/5
PARRC 3/3 / Chair – H&S
Chair - PARRC / None
Paola Meekins / Co-opted / Governing Body / 25/11/2015 / 4 years / / / / FGB 5/5
H&S 4/4
Premises 2/2 / Whistleblowing / None
Name / Category of Governor / Appointed by / Date Appointed / Term of office / COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP / School Fund Trustee / Attendance Record
2015-2016 / Responsi-bilities / Pecuniary Personal Interests, Governor at another school.
ities / Fin-ance / Health
& Safety / PARRC / Pay & Personnel / Post 16 / Pre-mises
Jeff Parker / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / / FGB 4/6
Finance 4/4
P&P 3/3 / Chair - Finance / None
Susan Tomes / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / / / FGB **4/6
P&P 3/3
Post 16 3/3 / Pupil Premium / Helen Sanderson Associates – trainer
Nancy Tucker / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 4 years / / FGB 5/6
Equalities 3/3 / None
Rosalyn Way / Headteacher / ex officio / 01/09/2015 / N/A / / FGB 6/6
School Fund 3/3 / Headteacher / None
Jane Gibbs / Parent / Parent election / 27/11/2013 / 20/10/15 / FGB 0/1 / N/A / None
Elizabeth Keiller / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 22/03/16 / / / / FGB 1/3
P&P 2/2
Post 16 2/2 / None
Simon Main / Co-opted / Governing Body / 05/02/2015 / 14/03/16 / / / / FGB 3/3
H&S 2/3
Premises 2/2 / None
** 1 meeting missed due to change of date.
The Governing Body is made up of:
- Parent Governors (elected by the Parents or appointed by Governing Body if no response received to letter seeking nominees)
- Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body)
- Staff (elected by School Staff)
- Local Authority (LA) Governors (appointed by the Local Authority)
Work of the Governing Body:
School Governors are the equivalent of a Board of Directors and make strategic decisions about how the school is run. They meet on average once each term as a whole group and more regularly as members of various committees. School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They can only act corporately - not as individuals. The Governors are made up from parents, staff, the Local Authority and community representatives.
Governors are appointed to help to:
- decide what is being taught
- set standards of behaviour
- agree staffing
- decide how the school budget should be spent
Governors also participate in the following sub committees:
- Equalities - ensures all the different needs of the students are considered and reviewed regularly.
- Finance - ensures that the finances of the school are managed in the way that most effectively supports the work of the school.
- Health and Safety - agrees policy and monitors practice in relation to all aspects of health and safety and safeguarding (keeping children safe and promoting their wellbeing so they can thrive).
- PARRC (Planning, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Celebrating)- agrees policy and monitors practice in relation to curriculum, assessment and pupil performance data, including evaluating the school's performance against agreed targets.
- Pay and Personnel - agrees the school’s pay policy, andoversees staff appraisal and procedures for a range of staffing issues.
- Post 16 - oversees all aspects of Post-16 provision in Poplar College, helping our students develop to their best potential.
- Premises–agree funded maintenance plan for the school and arrange monitoring and inspection of the school premises.
- School Fund Trustees – manage fundraising money and donations to the School. Decide how the money will be spent.
Guests are sometimes invited to the meetings to talk about specific topics e.g. Subject co-ordinators.
The Chair of Governors can be contacted by email at , or you can leave a message at the school office. The Chair of Governors is happy to hear your concerns, issues, questions and suggestions and will ensure that you receive a timely response from the most appropriate person. However, please bear in mind that in the day-to-day-issues of the school and any concerns about your child you should approach the teachers in the first instance.
Non confidential minutes of Governing Body meetings are available on request from the Clerk to the Governors: .
Information & Admin for Governing Body\2015-2016\Governance Structure & Attendance August 2016