Church Happenings February 12 - 19
Today / 9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
2:00 pm / McNally Shower / Hall
6:00 pm / Youth Group / Hall
Mon. / 6:00 pm / Senior High Youth Group / Hall
6:30 pm / Choir Practice / Sanctuary
Tues. / Valentine’s Day
4 – 8 pm / Erie Free Taxes / Hall
6:30 pm / Tai Chi / Nursery
Wed. / 4 – 8 pm / Erie Free Taxes / Hall
6:30 pm / Girl Scouts / Adult Lounge
Thurs. / 6:30 pm / Girl Scouts / SS Room
7:00 pm / Deacons / Hall
Fri. / 12:00 pm / Trustees / Adult Lounge
1:00 pm / Neuro-Restorative / Hall
Sat. / 10:00 am / Tai Chi / Hall
Sun. / 9:15 am / Sunday School
10:30 am / Worship / Sanctuary
AA Meetings – Mabel Cole Hall
Monday – Saturday / AA / 12 pm
Monday / AA / 6:30 pm
Monday / NA / 8 pm
Wednesday / AA / 8 pm
Friday / AA / 8 pm
Saturday / AA / 9 am
Saturday / AA / 8 pm

Golden Girls

The Golden Girls will meet on Wednesday, February 22,

5:15 pm, at Butch’s.

February 12, 2017

“Love Grows Here”

Fairview Presbyterian Church

4264 Avonia Road P.O. Box 340

Fairview, PA 16415


February 12, 2017






LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God created the heavens and the earth.

LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God guided Noah and his family through deep

waters until the dove returned with an olive leaf.

LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God asked Abram and Sarai to leave their home

and to go to a place that God would show them.

LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God led the people through prophets and kings.

LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God’s son was born to the Virgin Mary.

LEADER: In the beginning…

PEOPLE: God raised Jesus from the dead.

LEADER: In THIS beginning…

PEOPLE: God is creating once again.

Let’s worship the One who is worthy of worship!

OPENING HYMN # 43“Great Is Thy Faithfulness”


LEADER: This seems strange today.

PEOPLE: Yes, it does.

LEADER: Some would say we shouldn’t talk about Pastor

Chuck’s retirement and then we wouldn’t have to

process it.

PEOPLE: Maybe, maybe not.

LEADER: Talking we risk being sad; talking, we risk feeling

disoriented; talking, we might remember and

begin to laugh. Or cry. Or become anxious.

PEOPLE: Maybe we need to talk.

LEADER: Heaven help us.

PEOPLE: Yes, heaven help us!

LEADER: Maybe we need to look and see what heaven is

doing. As it was in the beginning so God is

beginning to create something new among us;

blessing and healing; loving and caring;

lamenting and celebrating…and changing us!

PEOPLE: May we look and see what God continues to do!

LEADER: And let’s confess those emotions that stand in the

way of growing in God.

LEADER: Jesus said, “I will ask God, and God will send

another Companion, who will be with you

forever. This Companion is the Spirit of

Truth…You know the Spirit, because the Spirit
lives with you and will be with you.”
PEOPLE: And so it is! Thanks be to God! Amen.

RESPONSE HYMN # 382 “Be Thou My Vision”


CHILDREN’S TIME Linda Tobolewski





SCRIPTURE LESSONI Corinthians 3:1-9


SCRIPTURE LESSON Deuteronomy 30:15-20

SERMONRev. David Oyler, General Presbyter “11,512 Days”

CLOSING HYMN # 51 “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”


Thank you to Rev. David Oyler for leading the service today. Thanks, also, to Alysabeth Mahood for being our Liturgist, and Linda Tobolewski who will be doing the Children’s Time.

Altar Flowers

The flowers are given by the Tobolewski family

in loving memory of Jackie Hinkle.

Thank You to our Volunteers

Coffee Cart – Heather & Hannah Nichols

Greeters – Linda Tobolewski Fred Ralph

Sound System – Rich Foland

Nursery –Stephanie & Brian Borland

Jolene Tubbs

Thank you to Jolene Tubbs, who has been playing for us since

January 1! What a treat to hear our organ being played again so beautifully! Thank you, Jolene, for giving your time, and blessing

us with your talents! Safe travels as you head to Florida!

Thank You!

Thank you to all who came and helped at the Food Pantry last Saturday, and to those who stayed after to set up for Chuck’s Farewell party. Thank you also to those who stayed after the party and helped clean up. Your help was very much appreciated!!!

February FLYER

There are copies of the February newsletter on the table in the Lobby for those who do not have email.

Youth Group Spaghetti Lunch

The Youth Group will be having a Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser on Sunday,February 26, right after the service. Mark it on your calendar, and plan on a tasty lunch while giving support to the many things our kids do, and enjoying great fellowship!

Altar Flowers

The flowers are given by the Tobolewski family

in loving memory of Jackie Hinkle.

Thank You to our Volunteers

Coffee Cart – Heather & Hannah Nichols

Greeters – Linda Tobolewski & Fred Ralph

Sound System – Rich Foland

Nursery – Stephanie & Brian Borland

Jolene Tubbs

Thank you to Jolene Tubbs, who has been playing for us since

January 1! What a treat to hear our organ being played again so beautifully! Thank you, Jolene, for giving your time, and blessing

us with your talents! Safe travels as you head to Florida!

Thank You!

Thank you to all who came and helped at the Food Pantry last Saturday, and to those who stayed after to set up for Chuck’s Farewell party. Thank you also to those who stayed after the party and helped clean up. Your help was very much appreciated!!!

February FLYER

There are copies of the February newsletter on the table in the Lobby for those who do not have email.

Youth Group Spaghetti Lunch

The Youth Group will be having a Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser on Sunday,February 26, right after the service. Mark it on your calendar, and plan on a tasty lunch while giving support to the many things our kids do, and enjoying great fellowship!