
Zhanyou Chi

  • The goal and semester plan as outlined in the expectation list

Expected date / Status
High density fed-batch culture of Schizochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production: / 3/31/2010 / Draft in revision
Integrated process of Food waste and wastewater treatment for biodiesel feedstock production / 6/30/2010 / Draft in revision
A novel continuous culture process for oleaginous microorganisms
Main theme: this continuous process is specially designed for oleaginous microorganism’s culture. Modeling and experiment work will be conducted to test this idea. This work will be summarized and published in this paper / 12/1/2010
Integrated System of Wastewater Treatment and Algae Culture for Biofuel Feedstock Production
This proposal was written but failed to be submitted. Some revision will be needed for the re-submission
CO2 delivery to algae culture process with carbonate or bicarbonate
CO2 will be delivered to phototrophic algae culture pond with the format of bicarbonate or carbonate. High efficient methods will be developed.
Invention disclosure and Patent
A novel continuous culture process for oleaginous microorganisms
Novel continuous culture for oleaginous culture:
experiment verification of the concept
experiment work for ARC project
outcome expected:
a developed continuous process for oleaginous microorganism culture
Experiment work on CO2 delivery
Objectives: test the idea of CO2 delivery with bicarbonate
Outcome expected: an cost-effective process for CO2 delivery in algae culture
  • Accomplishment to date toward the expectation list

Status / Work Plan
High density fed-batch culture of Schizochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production: / Draft in revision / 10/30
Two-stage biohydrogen and biodiesel production / Draft ready / Finish by 10/30
Integrated process of Food waste and wastewater treatment for biodiesel feedstock production / Draft in revision / Finish by 10/30
Invention disclosure and Patent
CO2 delivery to algae culture process with carbonate or bicarbonate / Experiment test / Finish by 12/30
Screening of algae strain that can tolerant high pH and high bicarbonate concentration / On going / 12/30
  • Highlight of monthly progress against the plan
  1. Paper: Two-stage biohydrogen and biodiesel production, ready to submission
  2. Paper: High density fed-batch culture of Schizochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production, in revision becraig.
  3. Ultra-high bicarbonate concentration tolerant algae strains will be selected from halophilic algae strains.
  • New data/results/information obtained during the month

Theundergoing experiment showed exciting results that some algae strains can grow in the medium with 0.3 to 0.6 mol/L of bicarbonate. In future work, this may be improved more than 2.0 mol/L since halophilic algae can tolerant 5.5 M NaCl solution, and saturated cesium bicarbonate solutions is 6.4 M, saturated potassium bicarbonate is 2.25 M, saturated ammonium bicarbonate is 2.7 M.

  • Copies (or draft) of papers, reports, and presentations developed in the month

Attached separately

Updated expectation list

Expected date / Status
Oleaginous Yeast Cryptococcus curvatus Culture for Biodiesel Feedstock with Wastewater from Anaerobic Bio-hydrogen Production / 9/30/10 / Ready to submit
High density culture of Aurantiochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production from glycerol / 10/30/10 / Draft in revision by co-author
Integrated process of Food waste and wastewater treatment for biodiesel feedstock production / 10/30/10 / Draft in revision by co-author
High efficient CO2 delivery system for algae pond / 12/30/10 / Experiment on going
Crude glycerol, glycerol, glucose as feedstock for DHA production by Schizochytrium / 11/30/10 / Experiment on going
CO2 absorption with alkali lake, and algae culture / 12/10/10 / in develop
Invention disclosure and Patent
Patent application on CO2 delivery system / 11/30/10
Crude glycerol, glycerol, glucose as feedstock for DHA production by Schizochytrium / 11/30
Screen of high bicarbonate and high pH tolerant algae species / 12/30
  • Updated project status report


Project Title:
Algae grown in aquaculture effluent for use as an Omega-3 fatty acid feed additive
Project Sponsor: ARC
Start Date: / Project End Date: / Today’s Date: 9/30/2010
WSU Budget and Project numbers:
Project manager within BBE: Zhanyou Chi
Project Deliverables:
Raw Data, Reports; Monthly, Quarterly, Annual & Final. Papers; Submitted, Printed.
(insert rows as needed)
Due Date:
Other Requirements: (insert rows as needed)
Data Collected, Reports written, Papers Published, Student Graduated:
(Insert rows as needed) / Completed Date: / Hard and electronic copy on file with PI:
Yes/ No
Observations, Comments, Notes: / Date:
  • Updated member accomplishment summary

Name: Zhanyou Chi

Date updated: 9/30/2010

Item / Title / Date completed
Paper published / Chi, Z., Pyle D., Wen Z., et al., Production of docosahexaenoic acid from biodiesel-derived crude glycerol by microalgal fermentation. Process Biochemistry, 2007, 42:1537-1545 / 11/2006
Chi Z., Hu B., Liu Y., et al., Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato Using an Algae Culture Process. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2007, 137: 805-815 / 12/2006
Hu B, Liu Y, Chi Z, Chen S, biological hydrogen production via bacteria immobilized in calcium alginate gel beads, Biological Engineering.2008, 1 (1): 25-37
Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen. Study of a two-stage growth of DHA producing marine algae Schizochytriumlimacinum SR21 with shifting dissolved oxygen level, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2009) 81:1141–1148 / 7/28/08
Project tasks / High density culture of DHA producing algae Schizochytrium
CO2 absorption for algae culture
Proposals / Seagrant, Co-production of DHA and Carotenoids by high-density culture of marine algae Schizochytrium / 04/26/2006
BIOAgprogram of CSANR, Production of DHA Rich Algae biomass as Cattle Feed Supplement to Enhance Milk Quality / 07/21/2006
USDA-SBIR, Co-production of Carotenoids and DHA by high-density culture of marine algae Schizochytriumusing crude glycerin from biodiesel waste / 09/01/2006
UI/WSU Aquaculture Initiative, Growing PUFA-enriched algae (Omega-3 fatty acids) from aquaculture nutrient discharge
and using it as a fish feed ingredient (collaborate with Tony) / 11/06/2006
NSF-SBIR, Development of a Two-Stage Culture Process for Production of Omega 3 Rich Algae from Biodiesel Waste Glycerol for Use as an Aquaculture Fish Feed Supplement / 12/04/2006
WSPC, Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato / 12/15/2006
NOAA-SBIR, Waste water using to produce DHA / 1/17/07
US-Pakistan cooperation fund, Transfer EPA biosynthesis related genes to algae Schizochytriumsp to improve EPA production / 6/30/07
BioAg , Production of DHA Rich Algae biomass as Cattle Feed Supplement to Enhance Milk Quality / 7/30/07
Emerging research issues for Washington agriculture, Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from biodiesel waste glycerol and Cull Potato / 9/30/07
WA department of ecology, Biohydrogen and biodiesel co-production with treatment of high solid food waste / 10/5/07
dairy commission, Feeding DHA-Rich Algae Biomass to Dairy Cow to Enhance Milk Quality / 10/15/07
NOAA-preproposal, production of PUFA-enriched marine algae (Schizochytrium) grown in marine aquaculture effluent for use as an Omega-3 fatty acid feed additive / 10/18/07
DARPA / 2/19/08
Boeing, Integrated algae production system for biofuel feedstock based on utilization of wastewater resources / 4/3/08
Life Science Discovery Fund, Enhancing prevention of heart disease and cancer using nutraceuticals derived from Washington Agriculture / 4/16/08
NSF-SBIR-phase II, a continuous three-stage culture process for heterotrophic microalgae / 7/31/08
NSF-Interagency Opportunities in Metabolic Engineering, Molecular regulating mechanism of dissolved oxygen effect on lipid synthesis in oleaginous microorganisms / 10/22/08
Life Science Discovery Fund, Enhancing prevention of heart disease and cancer using nutraceuticals derived from Washington Agriculture / 4/15/09
UI/WSU Aquaculture Initiative, Growing PUFA-enriched algae (Omega-3 fatty acids) from aquaculture nutrient discharge
and using it as a fish feed ingredient / 2/16/09
NSF : Molecular regulating mechanism of dissolved oxygen effect on fatty acid synthesis in oleaginous microorganisms / 9/16/09
Proposal: Integrated System for Wastewater Treatment, H2 Production, and Biodiesel Production / 11/16/09
Project report / WTC phase I report,Development of Omega 3 Rich Algae from Biodiesel Waste for Use as an Animal Feed Supplement / 11/01/2006
Potato commission annual report / 01/10/2007
Annual report of NSF SBIR / 1/15/08
Annual report of BioAg / 6/30/07
Potato commission annual report / 1/15/08
WSDE quarterly report / 3/31/2008
BioAg annual report / 8/25/2008
WSDE quarterly report / 6/30/2008
WSDE quarterly report / 9/30/2008
Boeing project quarterly report / 7/30/2008
Boeing project quarterly report / 10/31/08
Department of Ecology Final report / 6/30/2009
Presentations / 28th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Production of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids from Cull Potato Using an Algae Culture Process, Poster / 5/2006
Chi Z., Chen S., DHA production from high biomass concentration culture of Schizochytriumsp. with a shift strategy, Poster presentation at The World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing, 2007, Orlando, FL / 3/23/07
High cell density culture of Schizochytrium to produce DHA with a “Shift” strategy, 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2006, Nashville, TN / 5/3/07
Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Chenlin Li, Zhimin Li, Bo Hu, Shulin Chen, Oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus culture for biodiesel feedstock with wastewater from dark fermentative hydrogen production, 30th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, 2007, New Orleans, LA / 5/1/08
Zhanyou Chi, Yan Liu, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Study of a two- stage culture of DHA producing marine algae Schizochytriumlimacinum SR21 with shifting dissolved oxygen level, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2008,Philadelphia, PA
Chen, S., Chi, Frear, Co-Production of Lipid and High Value Products in biodiesel production , 2008 Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy, September 10-12, 2008, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Zhanyou Chi, Yubin Zheng, Anping Jiang, Shulin Chen,
Integrated Process of Food Waste and Wastewater Treatment for Biodiesel Feedstock Production, ASABE Bioenergy Engineering, October 11-14, 2009, Bellevue, WA
Zhanyou Chi,Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, High density culture of Aurantiochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production with crude glycerol from biodiesel industry as feedstock, 2010 World Congresson Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, June 27-30, 2010,National Harbor, Washington, D.C.(Oral presentation)
Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Fed batch two-stage culture of Aurantiochytriumlimacinum SR21 for DHA production,2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting from June 20 to 23, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania(Oral presentation)
developed / Fatty acid methyl ester preparation and GC analysis / 5/1/2006
Invention disclosure / Zhanyou Chi, Zhiyou Wen, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Heterotrophic algae high cell density production method and systems, US Patent, Application number 12/132,131
Zhanyou Chi, Craig Frear, Shulin Chen, Tianxi Zhang, Ben Lucker, Integrated Algae System for Production of Biofuel Feedstock, US Patent, Application number 61/084,708 / 7/30/2008
Integrated Algae System for Production of Biofuel Feedstock / 7/31/09
New ideals proposed / Growing PUFA-enriched algae from aquaculture nutrient discharge and using it as a fish feed ingredient
Magnetic method for phototrophic algae harvesting
Coproduction of cellulase in the algae or yeast culture process
Co-production of carotenoids and oil with yeast culture
Molecular regulating mechanism of dissolved oxygen effect on lipid synthesis in oleaginous microorganisms
Summary of
Significant results and new knowledge
generated / Discovery of Schizochytrium’s two-stage growth and shift strategy
High biomass concentration production of algae more than 100 g/L
Oleaginous yeast culture for biodiesel feedstock with wastewater from dark fermentative hydrogen production
Award received
Compliments and recognition received
Other contributions