The Gleanings-IX




Renal Colic: Cantharis

“One of the best remedies; it relieves the patient by lessening the local irritation and thus let nature to get rid of stone, with less suffering to the patient. Other remedies for renal calculi colic are: Nux.v., Lyc., Bell., Berb.” (CMM p.191)

Nephralgia and Renal Colic from Passage of Stone: Arg.N.

“Little attention is paid on the action of Arg.n. on kidneys. Nephralgia from the congestion of kidneys, or from passage of calculi. The face is of a rather dark hue and has a dried up look. There is dull aching across the small of back and also over the region of the bladder. The urine burns while passing and the urethra feels as if swollen. There issudden urging to urinate. The urine is dark and contains blood, or, else, a deposit of renal epithelium and uric acid. It is especially useful when Cantharis, which it resembles, fails.

NITRIC ACID is to be thought of for urinary calculi when the urine contains oxalic acid, and when that substance is the principal ingredient of the stone.” (CMM P. 610)

Renal Colic: Tabacum & Nux.v.

A characteristic difference between Tab., and Nux.v. is well brought out in their respective application to renal colic. In Nux. There is pain down the right ureter into the genitals and leg, nausea and vomiting; in Tabacum, pains down the ureter, with deathly sickness and cold sweat. (CMM p.182)

Agonizing Colic from Passage of Renal Calculi: Arnica

Agonizing pain in back and hips from passage of calculi: piercing pain as if knives were plunged into renal region. Violent tenesmus of bladder, chilly and inclined to vomiting.

(Lilienthal, p. 110)

Renal Colic with Sensation of Passing Calculus: Med. & Brucea

Renal colic with Nausea and Vomiting: Ipomea

Intense soreness over left kidney, with paroxysms of pain along the ureters as well as in the back; always accompanied with nausea and vomiting.[Same symptoms with nausea but in right kidney: OCIMUM CAN.] After the attack red urine with brickdust sediments, or discharge of large quantities of blood with the urine. Thick turbid, purulent urine, depositing a white albuminous sediment; urine saffron color; with an intolerable smell of musk. (Lilienthal, 111)

Right renal Colic with Deathly Nausea: Tabacum

Violent pain along ureters. < right; cold sweat, pale face; fainting, great exhaustion.(ibid.)

Acute Nephritis, Following Eruptive Diseases: Ferr.iod.


Renal colic with Brick dust gravel, Phosphatic Deposits: Thlasp.B.P.

Contracted Kidneys,when Mercurial Origin: Kali Iod.


Chronic Nephritis:Anonis Spinosa

Pain in Ureters: with Uric Acid Diathesis: Ocimum

Chronic Nephritis Connected with Renal Calculus: Onosmodium


[“A clinical syndrome due to the renal failure, resulting from either disease of the kidneys themselves, or from disorders elsewhere in the body which induces kidney dysfunction, and which results in gross biochemical disturbance in the body, including retention of urea and other nitrogenous substances in the blood. Depending on the case, it may or may not be reversible. The fully developed syndrome is characterized by nausea,vomiting,headache, hiccough, weakness, dimness of vision, convulsions and coma.”]

Uremia:Amon. Carb.

“The symptoms which I am going to give you are not only characteristic of Am.c. in uremia, but also in any other disease in which this remedy may be indicated. We may find them present in Scarlatina with decomposition of the blood; and also in heart disease. The symptoms indicating this drug are: somnolence or drowsiness with rattling of large bubbles in the lungs, grasping at flocks, bluish and purplish hue of the lipsfrom lack of oxygen in the blood, and brownish color to the tongue. This is a picture of blood-poisoning from the presence of Carbolic Acid. This may be in uraemia , or it may be in catarrh of the lungs, or in any other disease, in which there is deficient oxygenation. The nearest analogues here are Antimonium Tart.,Carbo Veg., and Arsenicum.”(CMM 659)

Uraemia with Complete Anuria:Pic. Acid

Uremia: Urt.U.

Dose:Mother Tinc.

Uremia with Acute Atrophy of Brain and Medulla: Phosphorus

Blood urea and Renal Failure: Polytrichum Juniper.

Uremic Poisoning: with Dropsy from Suppression of Urine: Dig.

Same in Bright’s Disease.(Kent, P.470)


Bright’s Disease: Merc.Cor.

Almost a specific. (MAU)

Bright’s Disease with Disturbance of vision: Kalm.

Also during pregnancy. (Kent)

Nephritis with threatening Uremia: Eal Serum

Bright’s Disease: Solid.V

Organopathic Remedyof kidney diseases, edematous feet.


Enuresis, Nocturnal Incontinence: Physalis

Poly urea, gravel, uric acid and foul urine. Sudden inability to hold urine in females.


Nocturnal Enuresis: Coca; Verbscum.

Dose: 5 drops t.d.

Enuresis Diurna and Nocturna:Equisetum Hy.

Enuresis, Oliguria, Albuminuria with Cardiac Troubles: Eel Serum

Nocturnal Enuresis, with Profound Sleep: Kreosot.

Enuresis Nocturna:Coca, Verbascum

Enuresis: Uran.N.

Enuresis, Constant Dribbling: Mullein Oil, (Verbascum)

Incontinence from Atony of the Muscular Coats of the meatus: Hep.S.

When the urine is voided it passes slowly_it drops almost perpendiculously from the meatus urinarious, instead of being ejected with some force. It takes the patient some time to empty the bladder. If with this trouble of the bladder you find wetting of the bed at night, Heper is the remedy. It is however not often indicated in this condition. In this vesical paresis one should compare Caust.,Con., Gels.,Kali Phos., Op.,and Sep.(CMM)

Senile Incontinence: Rhus Arom.

Enuresis due to vesical atony. Constant dribbling. Urine pale and albuminous. Diabetes with large quantities of low specific gravity urine. (Boericke)

Cystitis, Chronic: Thlaspi B. Past

Dysurea, spasmodic retention of urine.

Chronic Cystitis: Alumina

Chronic cystitis, as well as in the semi paralytic condition of the bladder, like Aloe., Nux.v., and Staph., the patient has to strain hard at stool in order to urinate. There is also very feeble flow, and much difficulty in voiding urine. (CMM)

Polyurea, Urates increased, Phosphates Decreased: Thymol.

Polyurea with Fever:Tub.

Irritable Bladder with Congestion of Uterus: Mitchella

Frequent urging to urinate. Cervix uteri dark red, swollen. Dysmenorrhea. (Boericke)

Irritable Bladder from Pressure of Uterus: Eryng. Aq. & Solidago v.

Pain after Lithotomy: Staphis.

Vesical Troubles after Operation: Populus Tremuloides

And during pregnancy. Cystitis. Catarrh of the bladder of old people. With enlarged prostate. Severe tenesmus. Scalding urine contains pus and mucus. (Boericke)

Paralytic Atony of Bowels and Bladder after Laprotomy: Opium

Also Acon. and Arn.

Retention of Urine, Post-Operative: Caust.

Too Frequent Scalding Urine, Day and Night: Eryng. Aquat.

Even incontinence in bed.

Unable to Retain Urine without Pain:Uran.N.

Diuresis, Promotion of, in Dropsical Conditions: Genesta

Mother Tinct. Frontal headache and vertigo, better open air and eating. (Boericke)

Dribbling of Urine, Day and Night:Damiana

Incontinence of old age.


Stranguary , Smarting, Burning along Urethra in voiding Urine: Vesicaria

Stranguary and Retention after Excessive use of Tobacco:Op.


Excessive Urates in Urine:Kali Carb.

Kali-c causes great exhaustion in the muscular system; and it is infrequently in this kind of exhaustion that urates are excessive in the urine.

CAUSTICUM: This condition of urine, loaded with urates, with utter exhaustion, is also found under other remedies. Perhaps the best agent is Causticum.Unlessother symptoms of the case bring out some other remedy, Caust. would be the best candidate on the strong urate sumptom, having heavy deposits in the urine.

SENNA: still another remedy for this symptom is Senna. It is one of the best remedies in the Materia Medica for simple exhaustion with excess of nitrogenous waste. (CMM p.737)

Oxaluria, Phosphaturia, Acetonuria, with increased Sp.Gravity: Senna


[Diabetes is among those diseases which are ‘treatable’ but not ‘curable’. Such diseases are mostly genetic diseases. Whatever argument contrary to this there may be, I believe that diabetes (both: type one or type two) is a geneticdisease, and ipso facto incurable.

In my over forty years’ practice, the cases that I can boast of as ‘cured’ were in fact rudimentary, i.e. threshold cases; just the beginning, when the life-style change and careful medication gives you a semblance of having been ‘cured’.

We can ward off, but cannot cure, diabetes at the very outset of symptoms, by wise instructions as to modes of living, and careful selection of remedies.

For me there is not much difference between a hereditary and a genetic disease. It is only genes that uphold the heredity, I think. And in heredity we have witnessed very small structural anomalies, as, for example, a bleb of proud flesh near the concha of the ear, or the structure of the toes, vis-à-vis the whole foot, are ‘copied’ in many children.

A child is born in the form, so to say, of a chequered tapestry, which unfolds itself as the child grows in years. All the programmed flowers, leaves and branches on the tapestry go on appearing, one after the other, as the years roll on.

Homeopathic literature is replete with ‘diabetic cure’ medicines. And these are mentioned under the rubrics for the ‘urine sugar’ or ‘glycosuria’, as the blood tests were not in vogue, in the beginning of homeopathy.

But let the search go on. I’ve mentioned many remedies for glycosuria. Let’s find more. May we be able some day to find a pathologic or homeopathic similimum for glycosuria or diabetes. MAU]

Glycosuria with Hepatic Complications:Kali brom., kali mur., Kali P.

Glycosuria with Phthisis and Gouty Diathesis: Phos.

Glycosuria with Pulmonary Complications: Calc.P., Phos.

Diabetes Insipdus: Eup.Perp., Uran.N.

Diabetes Insipidus: Low Sp. Gr. Urine: Rhus Arom.

Incontinence of urine; constant dribbling; enuresis day and night. Dose: M.T. half tea-spoon.

Diabetes: Frequent Urging to Urinate, with Copious Urine: Tarax.

Diabetes Mellitus: Glycerinum

Diabetes with Catarrh of Chest, leading to Phthisis: Inula

Palliative in tubercular laryngitis. (Boericke)

Diabetes with Copious Sweat:Ammon. Acet.

Profuse saccharinic urine. Patient is bathed in sweat.

Glycosuria with Motor Paralysis: Curare

Diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes with Large Quantity of Urine of Low Specific Gravity: Rhus Arom., Ph.Ac., Acet. Acid.

Diabetes in Thin Persons:Acet. Acid

With great thirst and debility: large quantities of pale urine. Indicated in pale, lean persons, with lax flabby muscles. Wasting and bebility. Face pale, waxen, emaciated. Eyes sunken, surrounded by dark rings. Disposition to diarrhea, worse morning. Tympanitis, ascites, with gastric symptoms. Edema of feet and legs with emaciation of the limbs. Night sweats. Dose: not to be repeated too often. (Boericke)

Diabetes with Scanty Urine:Cupr. Ars.

Acetones in urine; and cramps.

Diabetes in a Sugar Loving, Tremulous, Worn-out Patient: Kali Phos.

Hungry, emaciated and debilitated patient. (Boericke)

Diabetes with Impotency: Coca, Uran. N.

Diabetes in a Person with History of Allergic Diseases: Thyroid.

Bile and Sugar in Urine: Chionanthus.

Glycosuria: Natrum Salicylate

A Real Picture of Diabetic Personality: Uran. N.



Enlarged Prostate: Digitalis

“I do not know what I would do without Dig. in this complaint.” (Kent)

Enlarged Prostate:Senec. Aur.

Lascivious dreams with involuntary emissions. Dragging sensation in the testes.

Enlarged Prostate: also Prostatitis: Polytrichum Junip., Pop. Trem.

Senile Hypertrophy of Prostate: Ferr.Pic.

Prostatic Troubles:Causticum

“If I would have one remedy for the prostate it would be Caustium.” (T.K. Moor)