The Gilbert Hart Student-Athlete Scholarship

“A student-athlete is a student first and an athlete second.”

Award Description: The Gilbert Hart Student-Athlete Scholarship will be funded the first year by the generous donations given to the Hart family from the community in honor of Gilbert Hart. The scholarship, in the amount of $2,000, will be awarded to a varsity softball player planning to attend a four year college or university. The scholarship is to be used for tuition and books and will be given directly to the student.

Background information: Gilbert Hart was a teacher at Hortonville High School between 1989 and 2011, and he was the head varsity softball coach for a number of years.Coach Hart had a very successful coaching career including the school’s first ever softball state championship. He was renowned for his work ethic, strong morals, and fair treatment of his students and players. He always emphasized to his players that “A student-athlete is a student first and an athlete second.” He taught his players that they should be leaders on and off the field, and they should be exemplary students.

Criteria for application:

1. Applicant must be a member of the Hortonville High School varsity softball team.

2. Applicant must be accepted at and plan to attend a four year college or university.

3. Applicant must have a high school GPA of at least 3.0. (Verified by Counseling Office)

Selection process: During the course of the softball season, the head coach(es) of the Hortonville High School varsity softball team will make the final decision to whom the scholarship is awarded. The recipient should be the player that best personifies the following qualities in both their academic and athletic efforts: strong work ethic, compelling leadership skills, exemplary moral character, and greater financial need. When making the decision, the coach(es) should keep the following advice from Coach Hart in mind, “A student-athlete is a student first and an athlete second.” The nominee should demonstrate the above qualities beyond the dugout and the field, extending into the classroom. The head coach(es) are strongly encouraged to reach out to the faculty for advice and insight into the academic performance of the players to aid in the decision.

Application process: Please provide the following information and submit this form to the Counseling Office by April 13, 2018.

Name: Click here to enter text.

Number of years playing on varsity softball team: Click here to enter text.

Honors and Awards in softball received: Click here to enter text.

Cumulative Grade Point Average: Click here to enter text.

4-Year College or University accepted at and attending: Click here to enter text.

GPA verified by: ______