The Gardens of Owings Mills Condominium Association

Minutes of the Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Location – Carriage House Conference Room

July 13, 2017

Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

Present and representing Condo I: Colleen Palmer,Donna DaRoja, Lori Edmonds, Pam Biddle

Condo II: Donna DaRoja, Michelle Saywell

Condo III: Donna DaRoja, Michelle Saywell

Tidewater Management wasnot represented.

The JuneMeeting minutes were approved by all boards.

Homeowner/Board comments

12010A: Homeowner mentioned that bulk trash is piling up.

11917F:Thank you forthe emergency response. 2nd light towards storage lockers needs a new ballast.

Unit J left a toilet in the dumpster corral,

11923E:Compliments on the landscaping.

12003J: Can themeter rooms be locked? Unit A is vacant.

11903D: Parking lot is full of holes. When will it be replaced? Probably next year.

11908H:Hallway timer needs to be adjusted.There’s a bird nest in the outside light. Building awning needs

Replacing. Unit K has a window A/C unit. Unit L is vacant. Unit I has no A/C.

12005A: 12003 awning is torn. Would we consider putting a bench outside each building. Who takes out tied

up trash left in the hallway?

11903F: When are the county dumpsters coming? Advised this Saturday.

11902G: What is being done about the common area carpet? Advised being shampooed on Tuesday.

11914G:There are roaches in the building, coming from unit F. Advised that the son has been notified.

11914C: Carpet needs cleaning. Also having roach issues. Common area needs exterminating. Homeowner

Will paint the laundry room if association provides the paint. Board agreed.

11914A: Unit failed the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) inspection. Roach infestation throughout is noted.

11912E: Front door glass is cracked and needs replacing. Thank you for addressing thedog issue in unit I.


11919G: New tenant has limited mobility and needs 2 railings inside building. Owner will get prices and

pay for the installation.

11921 I: Is the grass cut weekly? Not necessarily. There are bare patches in the lawn. 11921 wallpack is out.

Any update on the pool?

12011 E: Having roach issues. Coming from unit I.

11923 G: The bush on the left (when exiting the building) needs to be cut back more.

11923C: National Night Out is August 1st and is being held in the 11913-11923 parking lot.

12006H: Having roach issues. Believe it is coming from unit L.

11915 : Hanging light is out.

Management Report.

Operations Report

Executive Session

  • Board 3 voted to assess the carpet cleaning cost to the owner of the unit responsible
  • 11903 roof issue-Voted to check into referring the matter to a contract attorney
  • Unanimous vote to have vehicles towed if not moved when the parking lots are to be paved.

8:35 PMMeeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held September 14, 2017in the Carriage House at 7PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Donna DaRoja, Secretary, Gardens I