Summer School
Thomas Balkenhol
The future of cinema lies in the past – learning to shoot a film by studying the masters
The course is an intensive and ‘hands-on’ camera and sound class for emerging cinematographers. The course will walk you through Turkish and international film history in order to study the fundamentals of cinematography. Students will develop scenes to shoot similar to certain film sequences in film history to learn photography and camerawork, lighting, sound on location, directing actors, editing, music and sound design.
Undoubtedly, each film student wants to complete his or her course with several films but, since filmmaking is teamwork, students will learn the ability to collaborate with other filmmakers.
a one page proposal for a documentary film one absolutely have to make in Turkey this year by a young student
on 12.July 10 o’clock at GİSAM
Lessonswill be on Tuesday 10 o'clock
First lessonwill be on 12 July
Summer school 2016
Thomas Balkenhol
Course Place : GİSAM
Course Description
The future of cinema lies in the past – learning to shoot a film by studying the masters
The course is an intensiveand ‘hands-on’ cameraandsoundclassforemergingcinematographers. ThecoursewillwalkyouthroughTurkishandinternational film historyin ordertostudythefundamentals of cinematography. Studentswilldevelopscenestoshootsimilartocertain film sequences in film historytolearnphotographyandcamerawork, lighting, sound on location, directingactors, editing, musicandsounddesign.
Undoubtedly, each film studentwantstocomplete his or her coursewithseveralfilms but, since filmmaking is teamwork, studentswilllearntheabilitytocollaboratewithotherfilmmakers.
Thiscourse is a productionclassdesignedforstudentsinterested in exploringthetechniques of cameraandsound.
First goal is reflectioncinematographicmeans.
Nextgoal is tocreatestyle of soundandpicturefor a specialproject.
Finallytheywilllearntoshoottoeditandregistersoundfor a sounddesign.
Topics / Tentative Schedule
Materials/Instruments: gear available at GİSAM (cameras, editing systems, light, sound equipment
Required Textbook:MichealRabiger: Directing documentary;
Peter Ettedgui: Cinematography Screencraft
DzigaVertov: Sine-Göz
Pascal Bonitzer: BakışveSes; Kör Alan veDekadrajlar
Kris Malkievicz: Film Lighting
Blain Brown: SinemaveVideodaIşıklandırma
John Berger: GörmeBiçimleri
Thomas Balkenhol, Film KurgusununÜtopyasıveBugünü; Kurgucuitirafları (Yeni Film dergilerde)
DsigaVertov, The Man with the Movie Camera
Buster Keaton: The cameraman
Buster Keaton: Sherlock jr.
Wim Wenders: Lisbon Story
Francois Truffaut: La nuitamericaine
ÖzcanAlper: GelecekUzunSürer
Participation and teamwork40%
Quiz avaluation30%
Edited films sequences 30 %
12.July 10 o’clock: the three forms of film: fiction, documentary, experimantal – developing an idea for a film - self inventory
14 o’clock
screenplay examples and exercises
19 July:10 o’clock:
documentary film, the observing cinematography
Reflection on the point of view, along with Yutkeviç and DzigaVertow films
Portait - Reflection on Framing; exercises along with Ara Güler film
14 o’clock
Exercise: Look at the struggle between the wide land and the city (N.Hikmet) –
26 July: 10 o’clock:
viewing crucial scenes of Orson Wells “Citizen Kane”, discussing the depth of field
14 o’clock
handheld versus stable camera – camera movents
2 August 10 o’clock
themise en scene – desolving a scene
choosing and directing actors
14 o’clock
lighting exercises
9 August 10 o’clock
introduction to sound equipment– sound theory
14 o’clock
exercise: editing a sound design for Jorisİvens film “Rain
collecting the sounds of the city, the sounds of silence
16 August 10 o’clock
introduction to editing
14 o’clock
introduction to film music
exercise with different music for a scene
23 August
final exam