The Friends of Brocks Hill Country Park

The Friends of Brocks Hill Country Park is an activeindependent Friends Group to Brocks Hill Country Park (Oadby and Wigston Borough Council), a sustained and successful Millennium Project.

The aim of the Friends is to improve the Park and Visitor Centre. Objectives are: to promote the health and well-being of all area residents; to involve local people; to carry out and promote environmental and practical conservation, to educate, encourage and support the local population in environmental practice working with statutory and non-statutory agencies; and to promote community recreation and play areas.

The Friends was formed in late 2010. Since that time they have arranged events including Bird, Bees and Butterfly Days, a Healthy Living Day and Food Fayre Days, Talks and Walks, and have successfully applied for Grants. They have helped to raise funds for future activities and projects.

There are further plans for talks on subjects of interest and for short guided walks.

If you would like to be become a member of The Friends and be involved in part or all of these activities:

The Friends of Brocks Hill Country Park – Membership Application

(Dec 2016 – Nov 2017)

Title [Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other]:…………………………………………






Telephone Number:………………………

E-mail Address:………………………

Annual Membership Subscription: Individual £4.00, Joint or Family £6.00.

Please make Cheques payable to ‘Friends of Brocks Hill Country Park’.

Membership Year runs from beginning of December to end of November.

[Your personal data will only be used for the purpose for which you have entrusted the data to us. Furthermore, personal data will not be passed on to third parties.]


Principles of Volunteering:

-Volunteer’s time and effort is given free and unconditionally,

-Group Members should not receive any personal benefit or profit,

-The Organisation must be run in properly controlled manner

Members of The Friends Committee are individually jointly responsible for actions involved in the running The Friends Group and vote on important issues at Committee.

Some of The Friends may join just to give support or only be involved in attending Talks, Guided Walks, etc and not be involved in Committee Meetings or organising Events.

For communications of the Friends with the Oadby & Wigston Borough Council, Press, Grant Organisations, etc, these must be via the Friends appointed Management Committee [Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, etc – elected and voted into position at the Annual General Meeting].

Contact for Membership subscriptions:

Mike Bates


The Friends of Brocks Hill Country Park