The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hunterdon County


The FourthAnnual Hunterdon County St. Patrick’s Day Parade

March 12, 2017 3:00 PM – Town of Clinton

Marching Group Request Form

The Friendly Sons of St Patrick of Hunterdon County is a 501c3 charitable organization of Irish-American

heritage, intent on promoting, embracing and enjoying Irish-American culture. We promote

camaraderie amongst our members, and support for our Hunterdon County community, through a

variety of social and fund-raising events. The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hunterdon County

hasdonated more than $150,000 to those in need. March 12, 2017 we will sponsor the 4th St Patrick’s Day

Parade in Hunterdon County.

Groups requesting to march in the parade must abide by a code of conduct and meet criteria set forth

by the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick. Groups and individuals are also invited to become sponsors (see

the sponsorship form at for details on sponsorships).

The purpose of the parade is to highlight Irish American culture. Groups should indicate how their

participation will contribute to that purpose. Floats should have a visual theme that reflects Irish

American culture. High consideration will be given to groups that focus on Irish sports, food, music, art,

dance, literature, and history.

A Code of Conduct expected by the Parade includes but is not limited to:

  • no disruptive noise such as air horns and sirens;
  • amplified music must be at appropriate levels;
  • no tossing beads or candy in the street; no alcohol on the parade route;
  • no derogatory behavior while on parade;
  • no political campaigning in the parade

The Parade Committee will use its discretion to accept or reject requests from groups seeking to march

in the parade.

Please complete the form on page 2 and return it to:

Friendly Sons of St Patrick, PO Box 83, Annandale, NJ 08801

Or email it to

Questions about this form can be directed to :

Richard Hall or 201-207-5645 or

Bernie Gallagher 732-241-7973 or

Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hunterdon County is a New Jersey Registered Non-Profit Corporation

Federal Tax ID# 26–2287642

State of NJ Non-Profit Corporation Identification Number: 0400223641

also on Facebook

The Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hunterdon County


The Original Hunterdon County St. Patrick’s Day Parade

March 12, 2017 3:00 PM – Town of Clinton

Marching Group Request Form

Please be sure you have read page 1 of this form. Copies of this form may be found at :

and on our Facebook page.

Contact Person Name ______

Organization Name (if needed for listings)______

How many in your group ______

Contact phone______Email______

Cell phone for the day of the event for emergency updates______

Mailing address, City, State Zip______

Please indicate how your group will contribute to the purpose of this parade:______



Questions about this form can be directed to :

Richard Hall or 201-207-5645 or

Bernie Gallagher 732-241-7973 or

Mail this form to:

Friendly Sons of St Patrick

PO Box 83 Annandale, NJ 08801

Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick of Hunterdon County is a New Jersey Registered Non-Profit Corporation

Federal Tax ID# 26–2287642

State of NJ Non-Profit Corporation Identification Number: 0400223641

also on Facebook