The Four OaksFlyer

The Four Oaks Neighborhood Association Newsletter October 2012


Check our web site for news, forms, documents, and so much more. It is important that each owner supplies their email so we can let you know when there is important information that concerns you. Either sign up on the website, or call Taylor Management, where your confidential information can be logged for this use only.

And sign up for voice shot for emergency messages only. Contact Kim



Take a walk, take a ride. The foliage is something to admire and cause your senses to explode with joy. There are so many beautiful back roads to explore only minutes away. Roll down your car windows, turn off the radio, and let yourself be enveloped by the wonder and solemnity of nature. It is good for your spirit, your stress level, and your soul. In our rush, rush, society, we drive with eyes fixed on the vehicle in front of us, the speedometer, and the time. A nice ride in silence takes a little discipline. It’s so easy to say, “OK, this is nice, what else could I be doing?” or, turning to that radio dial, MP3 player, or CD exchanger. Resist the temptation…take time to let your mind wander, body relax, and reap the gifts of a small journey. You will be so glad that you did!


Folks, we are aging…well not you or me, but the buildings! As Four Oaks becomes a more established community, time takes its toll on certain things that are important for us to take care of. It is really important that you maintain your most costly asset: your unit. This is especially true for those owners of “A” units, where you live above another unit. It is really important that you be aware of the condition of your water heater, and check all other water sources that if broken, will not only cause your unit damage, but can be devastating to the unit below you.

Source of potential problems are washing machines, dish washers, and refrigerators with ice makers. Winter snowbirds and those who vacation, please be sure that you set your thermostat no lower than 60 degrees to prevent frozen pipes, and by all means, everyone PLEASE keep your garage doors closed. “A” unit residents suffer greatly from the heat loss.

And most importantly, get to know your neighbor. You needn’t dine or tea or have cocktails together, but do exchange contact information should it be really necessary to reach each other. Please know that if there is an issue with a unit, we have no access other than to call for police supervision as we break down your door, try to find the problem, and make arrangements for a carpenter, locksmith, and whomever else is necessary to right an emergent situation – all at unit owner cost.

Valerie Whyte, Property Manager

Taylor Management Company

Somerset Office:

370 Campus Drive,

Somerset, NJ08873

P: 732-764-1001 Fx: 732-764-1005

Kim Cuoco, Administrator

Management Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

Emergency Call Information

Threat to life or property




Meetings 7:00PM

1st Wednesday of Each Month



Summer seemed eternal as warm temperatures came upon us so early. Remember perspiring in April, and deluge rains in May, then the searing, soaring, scorching temperatures of June and July. It’s been quite the year! It’s been a season of projects and improvements here at Four Oaks too. Here is a recap to name just a few:

Roof repair of units to include silicone application of all pipe boots, resetting of nail pops, replacement of vents where necessary.

Roof Washing has made our neighborhood roofs look brand new. Ugly black streaks now gone, the removal of algae will prolong the shingle life while keeping us spiffy!

Power Washing was necessary for selected units where siding color had become almost lime green. This was not an anticipated project, nor easy to do, being out of the norm for what has always and only been done only during the 5-year painting cycle. The Board will be planning to do this work in phases every year as an additional deferred maintenance project. It has become necessary due to changes in climate, growth of trees, and other environmental conditions.

Fido Stations – Just love your pooch, and now more than ever! These additions have been touted by pet walkers and owners alike. Our grounds are so much cleaner.

Tree Trimming was a huge concern for the skeptical, but look!...our trees have come back just beautifully and are now a manageable height that will help to keep gutters clean and shed more light onto our turf


It was not an easy call, but the decision to not use the sprinklers this year was one based on some important facts. First of all, the start-up and mid-season repairs are costly and though budgeted for, are becoming greater every single year. The design of our irrigation system pales in comparison to what the property’s real needs and topography demand. Some areas are saturated, as there are drainage issues unique to The Hills and to Four Oaks. There is run off from the mountain, shale and clay shelves, and erosion due to the natural grade of our once wooded land before areas were built up to allow for streets and buildings. Other areas of turf never get a drop of water, and the landscaping beds and trees were never in the plan for

adequate irrigation that comes from a very sophisticated and expensive system.

The soaring temperatures in July saw towns on water restriction rotations, and the water costs, as you consumers know, has increased. For these reasons, and in efforts to conserve, the irrigation was not turned on. As we move on, it will be incumbent upon us to make such decisions as we look for options to expand and make corrections to our system. Replacing it is out of the question due to expense. Please be assured that we have weighed the cost differential of running the system, and the need to replace shrubs, trees and turf that have been compromised due to the consistently hot and dry weather. A short ride to other communities where irrigation was used will show you that many of them lost specimens and have browned lawn areas. It’s just a fact of Mother Nature.

So, as time goes on, join the dialogue as we keep your wishes and wallets a large part of our concern and decisions.


You did it! Thanks for voting! The new board is happy to work together for every owner in Hills Village North, and they have been very busy in making changes that are community minded and fiscally sound. Please come out to participate at our friendly and informative meetings, working for you! Meetings are the 4th Monday over every month at 7PM. Four Oaks Representatives: Carol Gutschall, Tim Bradshaw.


As a part of our ongoing work to rejuvenate our community’s landscaping, work is planned for the autumn. Our spring walk through investigation allowed us to prepare a list of needs including shrub replacement, removal, and the next phase of the tree pruning which yes, will be a severe as that done last year on Oak Knoll. Again, just look at how those trees have flourished over the summer. The street looks neat, tidy, and there is more sun and air for lawns.

Another walk through will take place to identify any specimens that may have perished over the summer with plans to replace them as needed as well. By this time, Growing Concern should have removed any shrubs that are “deader than a door nail”. If they missed something at your unit, you can help by contacting Kim at Taylor Management, who will put in a work order for the landscapers to assess your concern and act upon where necessary.

In keeping with the Township’s wishes, we will be planting a mandatory 12 new trees, a few to be placed where determined by them, and others, just to keep the quota they have designated. We are held in good stead with BedminsterTownship, and we thank Growing Concern and the Township Engineer for working with us to be able to substitute other tree specimens than those planted by the developer, which caused damages to our pipes, lawns and walkways.

Our lawns will be slice-seeded, for which 10% is covered in our existing contract. Any additional areas that need attention will be taken care of by reseeding. Please be reminded that you are responsible for cleaning out your own landscaping beds, and taking in or removing empty planters over the winter.


Economics is a concern for all of us and the board continues to sharpen its pencil while preparing for the 2013 Budget. This is hard work that is scrutinized very closely by the board, which the over the years, has worked diligently by implementing real numbers, reasonable and intelligent decisions as to needs, and reliance on audits and reserve studies that show trends after careful analysis.

There are also unpredictable variables that must be considered in creating the budget whichare not based on real numbers such as some maintenance products that are oil based, and that includes trucking and gas costs too.

Four Oaks is blessedly sound, and according to the auditors, one of the best financially managed properties in their vast portfolio. Kudos! As the community ages, components that are the association’s responsibility require re-inspection, and their projected useful life updated accordingly in order to save up and reserve monies for their eventual replacement. The Four Oaks Capital Reserve Study is updated every few years in order to keep abreast with true conditions and projected costs. The Capital Reserve budget is adjusted accordingly. This determination is a marriage of engineering and math. Many an association has made the mistake of not funding their reserves, causing special assessments year after year. Others, just can’t seem to save enough due to the financial burdens that their communities experience for any number of reasons from delinquent homeowner accounts, poor planning, and foreclosures. This is a sad reality of our time, and one that Four Oaks has begun to contend with.

The 2013 budget will be approved shortly, and the ownership is encouraged to attend the November meeting in order to learn, question and understand. The board does the work, but YOU are the Association. Please come to the meeting. No question is foolish and all will be answered. That’s what we are here for!




The drainage project that is necessary on Artillery Park Road behind the buildings on Oak Knoll is a difficult one, which we are not rushing into given the specifications done by our engineer and bids and recommendations received from a field of excellent contractors. A work in progress, we want to give the professionals the time to interact to be certain that the project is done not by what is determined just on paper, but in the field. Our range of costs is something that we also need expert advice in determining what is best to resolve the condition while not breaking the bank.

The board will be meeting with their choice of qualified competitors to discuss the options and the concerns and requests of the contracting companies with respect to refining the specifications in concert with Falcon Engineering. Presently, we do not know when it will be feasible to do this huge project, but we will remain diligent in choosing the correct solution and getting it done.


Time to clean out gardens, cut back and thin perennials, pull out

dead annuals, remove summer lawn decorations, store planters,

pots and hoses. These items may not be stored in your landscaping

bed or stacked on your balcony. If stored on patios, storage must

be done so as to keep a neat appearance behind the units. Summer

planters and decorations must be removed by October 15th. If the

weather is kind, of course wait until it’s cold. If you have autumn

plantings, thanks for adding to the beautification of Four Oaks.

Please store patio furniture neatly and close umbrellas.

Checkthe furnace and change the filter.

Cover the air conditioner. Ice can warp the blades.

Replace batteries in CO2 and Smoke Detectors.

Replace exterior fixtures with 60 watt or less bulbs. (fire hazard)


Temperatures start to dip, and these furry creatures look for the comfort of your warm home. Please do not encourage them in any way. Remember there is only one birdfeeder per unit allowed. As much as we love the gentle birds fluttering about, the seed that falls is a call to dinner for mice and rats. Garages are a warmer place for these furry menaces, and a virtual foyer into your unit. So keep your garage door closed at all times when not in immediate use. Thanks!


All fire wood must be stored 6 inches away from the building. It should be stored in a ring type container, or shape that keeps it directly off of the ground. Vermin, including wood rats and termites love to nest in stacks of firewood. Complying will keep them out of your units.


MUST REMAIN CLOSED AT ALL TIMES WHEN NOT IN IMMEDIATE USE. SAVE ENERGY. Open doors cause cold air to make the floor above it cold too. Not a good or neighborly thing to do! No quick trips to the store or errands to run. Please close the door in the moon and the sun!


Four Oaks is nestled in the Hills and its location is one that is home for hundreds of years to natural wildlife. When setting out your trash for pickup, please be certain that it is in heavy-duty garbage cans for outdoor use. Models with secure lids offer the best deterrent to animals, which seek the contents, and create a mess by tearing into plastic bags. Animals carry diseases, and can infiltrate your unit, causing damage and distress.

There is nothing more unsightly than driving through a community where trash is strewn and blown about the property. And the clean up detail for you as an owner is no prize to contend with either! Please be certain that when putting out your trash, it is NOT in paper grocery bags or thin plastic waste bags. Your cooperation will keep us vermin free. The investment in a proper can and one for overflow, if necessary, will be well worth it. Please be sure to take your cans inside the same day as pick up. Thanks!


There are things in the works, which are not yet settled. So go to the website to see what’s planned for your enjoyment and recreation:

Meet and Greet – The Master Association is planning an event where everyone form all six Hills Village North Neighborhood Associations can come out to meet and chat with your newly elected board members, and with each other. This kick-off event is a good casual way to get involved and get to know others. It could be a springboard for other recreational opportunities too.

Holiday Decoration Contest–Last year, this new event was an enjoyable occasion to award prizes. So many units had lovely decorations, wreaths, and holiday cheer that uniquely make Four Oaks so attractive to potential buyers and for our residents and guests to enjoy. Just remember that when the time comes, to abide by the set up and take down rules.

Please remember that decorations may be installed no earlier than Thanksgiving Day and must be removed no later than January 14. Decorations are to be limited to one's own unit: (A) units:deckarea, walkway & entry door, shrubbery adjacent to walkway. (B), (C) & (D)units: entryway and door, patios, shrubbery adjacent to patio or walkway. Outdoor holiday lights should not be installed if the electrical cords interfere with the common walkway path or lawns. If walkways are shared, all owners must agree before any decorations are installed. Under no circumstances are any decorations to be mounted on or attached to the vinyl siding of the building. If you are in violation, repairs for any damages caused will be at owner responsibility. Christmas trees must be stripped of all lights and decorations. Trees are to be placed outside your unit on trash pickup days.