The Foundation for a Sustainable Society, Inc. is accepting application for the position of
Remedial Management Officer
(Unit: Development Services)
Reports to Assistant Director for Development Services; and, coordinates with area managers, project officers, development services officer, finance manager, finance staff and administrative staff on matters relating to the basic function of this position. The Development Services Officer participates in collegial planning, appraisal, technical and learning sessions of the Development Services Unit.
The position is a staff function under the AD for Development Services and serves as technical and advisory support on the management of development portfolio investments. It is expected that with this basic function, the position will help facilitate and harmonize development intervention packages as these are applied in the social enterprise and development work of FSSI.
The technical function of the position lies in the consolidation of the information system in relation to the detection and management of problem accounts; and implementing effective and practical approaches in the collection and recovery of assets from delinquent accounts.
- Planning, Policy and Systems Development
- Provide technical and expert inputs in the design and policy formulation of guidelines governing remedial accounts management;
- Provide technical and expert inputs on the appropriate and proper booking of the ROPAs and collections from delinquent accounts;
- Provide technical and expert inputs in the development of appropriate information system for the development services that shall generate timely and essential information for detection of problem accounts, tracking the progress of remedial action, and other remedial management indicators for management action and analysis; and,
- Provide technical and expert inputs on developing policies and system governing due diligence, documentation and compliances; risk assessment and management (appraisal, mitigation, safeguards and contingencies); and other finance and fiduciary arrangements appropriate to and consistent with the Foundation’s strategic plan.
- System Administration and Management
- Formulate preventive measures to minimize delinquency of project accounts by providing technical and expert inputs on the appraisal and risk assessment of project applications, that includes additional vetting on applications (as maybe required or instructed), and communicate these for consideration of the approving bodies;
- Recommend and implement monitoring processes to detect when accounts begin to deteriorate and to classify problem accounts before they become hardcore delinquent;
- Assess, review, recommend and implement collection strategies to manage the recovery of assets from delinquent accounts; and,
- Provide technical and expert inputs on project accounts under litigation.
- Monitoring and Progress Reporting
- Re-validates legal compliances and monitors the operational and financial performance of selected development portfolio accounts that have been listed for close monitoring;
- Monitors the legal, operational and financial compliances of development portfolio accounts that are classified under remedial management; and,
- Prepares periodic remedial management report that covers compliances of development portfolio accounts listed for close monitoring and classified under remedial management.
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Facilitates the updating of risk classification of all development portfolio investments and ensures sufficiency of the computed allowance for losses;
- Provides technical inputs on the assessment of risk management of the development portfolio as a whole and on selected project accounts; and,
- Participates in periodic and annual assessment and planning of the Development Services Unit.
- Performs other related functions as may be assigned.
Education:Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Finance, Accounting, Economics or Management
Experience:With at least five (5) years’ experience in remedial accounts management and collection, credit operation, compliance monitoring, PDIME (project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation), community development projects, and environmental protection projects.
- Technical Competencies
- Credit Management– knowledge of credit operation from application, appraisal, credit investigation, approval, documentation, fund release, and collection
- Remedial Management and Collection– knowledge in early detection of delinquency, implementation of recovery processes and monitoring of compliances
- Risk Analysis – ability to assess risks in the different stages of project cycle
- Business Analysis– ability to assess business performance across a variety of industries and services
- Financial Analysis – ability to assess financial performance and capacity
- PDIME – project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills
- Benefit-Cost Analysis – ability to assess alternatives in terms of financial, behavioral and strategic advantages and disadvantages
- Basic knowledge on environmental management and protection
- Basic knowledge on social enterprises
- Organizational Competencies
- PLOC skills – Planning, leading, organizing and controlling skills
- Partnership Building and Networking Skills – establishing relationships and networks across a broad range of people and groups
- Interpersonal Competencies
- Negotiation Skills – securing “win-win” agreements while successfully representing a special interest in decision
- Feedback Skills – communicating information, opinions, observations, and conclusions so that they are understood and can be acted upon.
- Intellectual Competencies
- Self-starting Skills – ability to tap resources and see opportunities
- Data reduction Skills – scanning, synthesizing and drawing conclusions from data
- Versatility – recognizing, exploring and using a broad range of ideas and practices, thinking logically and creatively
- Observing Skills – recognizing objectively what is happening in or across situations
- Visioning Skills – projecting trends and visualizing possible and probable futures and their implications
- Research Skills – selecting, developing, and applying research methodologies
- Documents Management – systematic filing, retrieval and maintenance of records/ documents
- ICT Competencies
- Basic computer and networking skills (LAN, email, internet)
- Proficiency in the use of MS Office and similar software (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Writing Skills – preparing written reports that follow generally accepted styles
- Presentation Skills – preparing reports through oral and computer-aided presentation
Interested applicants may send their letter of intent, curriculum vitae, latest 2x2 picture, and transcript of records to:
The Human Resources and Administrative Manager
Foundation for a Sustainable Society, Inc.
46-E Eugenio Lopez Street corner Samar Avenue
South Triangle, Quezon City
Applications must be received not later than 07 August 2017.
We will respond only to shortlisted candidates.