NOVEMBER 12, 2014 @ 6 pm at 7665 MANSTON Drive CS, CO 80920
I. Roll Call of Elected Directors.
II. Owner’s Comments.
- Zeno Nolet, Property Manager 7675 Chancellor – topics mailing address, waiver of late fee and erosion (e-mailed)
III. Approval of Minutes of Preceding Meeting.
- October 2014 approved through email 3-0
IV. Treasurer's Report.
V. Committee Reports.
A. Architectural Committee.
i. Open requests.
- 7560 Chancellor. Fence request; waiting to hear from owner. Owner built fence and work is complete.
- 7570 Chancellor. Fence request to connect to neighbor’s on both sides. Board approved 3-0 through email.
- 4695 Pascal. Request to paint home; waiting on owner for final notification. No request made as stated by owner.
- 7765 Manston. Fence request. Approved by board through email vote 4-0. Work has not started.
B. Welcome / Social Committee.
C. Website Committee.
VI. Reports of Manager.
A. Management Punch List. (e-mailed)
B. Tenant Roster. (e-mailed)
C. E-Mail List.
VII. Open Business.
A. Consent Agenda.
i. Mulch tree rings along entry way and up Austin Bluffs.
- Board approved 3-0 to get a bid for placing tree rings with mulch around the tree
along Austin Bluffs. Board approved 3-0 to have the work completed, but will vote again to approve the company to receive the contract. Jerry Gromko working the bids.
ii. Front Entrance rock wall repair.
- Work is not completed and payment has not been made. Hired a company to repair front entrance wall for $275.00, and the top row of rock is not mortared in accordance with contract. Will have Haley Realty contact company to complete work. Final inspection to be done by board. Board has already received the insurance reimbursement. Work completed November 10, 2014.
iii. Cost of Sprinkler Repair.
- Board discussed that some repair costs seem high, especially for new sprinkler
heads. Board will have Haley Realty investigate actual costs, and Ron Hoard will discuss matter with Emerald isle as part of their request for a new contract for 2015. Ron Hoard met with Emerald Isle regarding new 2015 contract proposal on October 8th. EI repaired 60 sprinkler heads for a total cost of $1888.00. Board will have Haley Realty set another meeting with EI management to discuss high cost of repairs and to locate all sprinkler heads. A further discussion with EI on sprinkler damage responsibility will take place during second meeting.
B. Landscape Proposal for front entrance.
– working; will review in Nov/Dec time frame. Jerry Gromko will begin work on 3 bids, each with 3 levels of improvement to front entrance. Owners will be receiving a survey regarding this topic.
C. HOA Dead Trees.
– not discussed; will review in Nov/Dec time frame
D. Fargo/Chancellor Hillside water drainage and erosion legal opinion.
- waiting on lawyer’s formal opinion. Expenses approved by board 9/17/14.
- received the lawyer opinion in early November 2014.
E. Open Owner Issues.
i. 7755 Manston requests fine removal.
– board is seeking another proposed solution for this owner. Owner is aware of and has approved the new proposal.
- need to discuss Haley Realty’s concern
F. Ownership and maintenance responsibility of the land along Austin bluffs
– Lawyer researching. Expenses approved by board 9/17/14.
VI. New Business
A. Audit.
– Audit is needed this year. Board approved 3-0 to begin audit now and not wait until December 2014. Another vote will be required to agree upon a cost, based on 3 estimates. The decision was made due to board members turn-over.
- Need to discuss Haley realty’s concern
B. Contractor correspondence.
– Emerald Isle requesting new landscape contract for 2015. Board will ask Haley realty to set up a 2nd meeting with Board president to discuss sprinkler repair and damage responsibility.
C. Board Correspondence.
D. By-laws change proposed by owner. (emailed)
- Owners approved to accept a change to the HOA rules regarding Article 7 (See annual meeting notes for full details). Board has a proposed change to Article 22f of the HOA rules. Board agreed to review this change through email.
E. Jacobson Brakes noise on Austin Bluffs hill.
- An owner has complained about the noise coming from Woodmen Road by trucks equipped with Jacobson Brakes (air brakes). The air brakes are very loud and causing at least one owner some concern. Ron Hoard will contact our community’s city council member to see what recourse our neighborhood has. Although this is a civil matter, the board will attempt to determine the way ahead and try to get the city to post “No air brake” signs along Woodmen Road.
F. Fence Staining
- Discussion on possible new rules. This issue will be reviewed this winter.
G. Back yard landscaping policy changes.
- This issue will be discussed this winter.
H. House Painting.
- Discussion on rules for house painting.
I. Owner’s Survey.
- Need to discuss
XI. Time and Place of Next Meeting: TBD.
XII. Adjournment:
Managed By: Haley Realty, Inc., 109 E. Fontanero, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, 719-634-3785