The following workshops will be presented at the 9th DbI European

Conference on Deafblindness in Denmark in September 2017

Workshop Session 1: Tuesday September 5, 2017, at 12:00-12:45 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
1.1 / Titel: Deafblindness – Theory-of-mind, cognitive functioning and social network in Alström syndrome / X
Presenter: Hans-Erik Frölander
Workplace: The National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools, Sweden / Co-presenter: Claes Möller, Björn Lyxell
Chairperson: Marga Martens
Room: W2/Radiosalen
1.2 / Titel: Come on!
Meaningful rehabilitation for people with acquired deafblindness. / X
Presenter: Kirsten Washuus
Workplace: CFD, Denmark / Co-presenter: Else Marie Jensen
Chairperson: Trine Skov Uldall
Room: W3/Musiksalen
1.3 / Titel: My Journey to Independence : From Isolation to participation / X
Presenter: Linda Fistonich, Australia
(recorded presentation) / Co-presenter: Karen Wickham
Chairperson: Karin Moreau Andersen
Room: W1/Det lille Teater
1.4 / Titel: Camp Abilities: educational sports camps for children with sensory impairments / X
Presenter: Lauren Lieberman
Workplace: The College at Brockport, State Univesity of New York, USA / Co-presenter: Pam Haibach
Chairperson: Annet Eikelboom
Room: W5/Latinerstuen
1.5 / Titel: Never say never!
Optimizing senses and functions releases new learning. / X
Presenter: Line Hovland
Workplace: Eikholt national center for the deafblind, Norway / Chairperson: Bente Enggrav
Room: PL/Europahallen
1.6 / Titel: Adapted Physical Activity: from idea to reality - Unlocking potentials / X
Presenter: Mads Kopperholdt
Workplace: Centre for Deafblindness and Hearing Loss (CDH), Denmark / Co-presenter: Anders Martin Rundh
Chairperson: Lotte van de Weem
Room: W8/Albatrosstuen
1.7 / Titel: Dreaming about an accessible life / X
Presenter: Eric van Heuvelen
Workplace: Bartimeus Institute for the visually impaired, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Ilse Oosterhuis
Chairperson: Stan Munroe
Room: W6/Bondestuen
1.8 / Titel: When a party makes sense / X
Presenter: Louise Søndergaard
Workplace: Centre for Deafblindness and Hearing Loss (CDH), Denmark / Co-presenter: Martin Hedegaard
Chairperson: Dominique Spriet
Room: W4/Laugstuen

Workshops at the DbI 2017 Conference

Workshop Session 2: Tuesday September 5, 2017, at 14:15-15:00 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
2.1 / Titel: Threepart conversation - a multidisciplinary project from CDH / X
Presenter: Camilla Lolk Rønshøj
Workplace: Centre for Deafblindness and Hearing Loss (CDH), Denmark / Co-presenter: Tine Nørgaard Pedersen, Helle Buelund Selling
Chairperson: Berit Rönnåsen
Room: W2/Radiosalen
2.2 / Titel: To live with PHARC- a novel complex syndrome causing acquired deafblindness / X
Presenter: Inger Marie Storaas
Workplace: Statped, Norway / Co-presenter: Evabritt Andreassen
Chairperson: Patrizia Ceccarani
Room: W6/Bondestuen
2.3 / Titel: Friends from the wild: Developing relationships through ongoing outdoor activities. / X
Presenter: Joseph Gibson
Workplace: Deafblind Outdoors, Norway / Co-presenter: Sofia Kristoffersen Nystuen, Norway
Sunniva Joten Langsjøvold
Chairperson: Maria Creutz
Room: W3/Musiksalen
2.4 / Titel: CHARGE and working on social connectedness-
a big challenge / X
Presenter: Tanja Geck
Workplace: Deutsches Taubblindenwerk, Germany / Co-presenter: Sandra Runge-Fleischer, Deutsches Taubblindenwerk
Chairperson: Inge Mogensen
Room: PL/Europahallen
2.6 / Titel: Fun Chi: Adapting Tai Chi for Self-Regulation and Relaxation / X
Presenter: Sharon Barrey Grassick
Workplace: School of Special Educational Needs - Sensory, Australia / Chairperson: Ulrica Broddstedt
Room: W4/Laugstuen
2.9 / Titel: Aquired Deafblindness in Ethiopia and its Coping strategy: The Case of Three Women with Acquired Deafblindness / X
Presenter: Dr. Sewalem Tsega
Workplace: Addis ababa University Disability center and SNE Department, Ethiopia / Chairperson: Peter Simcock
Room: W5/Latinerstuen
Workshop Session 3: Wednesday September 6, 2017, at 11:00-11:45 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
3.1 / Titel: TMIC: a fine tool to create social connectedness. / X
Presenter: Damie van Vianen
Workplace: Kentalis Rafael, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Amanda Buijs
Chairperson: Bernadette van den Tillaart
Room: W5/Latinerstuen
3.2 / Titel: Arousal and interaction with people with deafblindness / X
Presenter: Henrik Okbøl
Workplace: Geelsgårdskolen, Denmark / Co-presenter: Tina Bendixen, Lone Rømer, Tanja Møller Christiansen
Chairperson: Shaun Gibbons
Room: W1/Det lille Teater
3.4 / Titel: Tactile sign language in communication with people with Congenital deafblindness. / X
Presenter: Bettina Kastrup Pedersen
Workplace: Centre for Deafblindness and Hearing Loss, Denmark / Chairperson: Kirsten Costain Schou
Room: PL/Europahallen
3.5 / Titel: Conducting psychotherapy with individuals who have acquired deafblindness / X
Presenter: Maj Volden
Workplace: The Norwegian National Unit for Mental Health and Deafness, OUS-HF, Norway / Chairperson: Hege Saltnes
Room: W2/Radiosalen
3.6 / Titel: The formation of the communicative partner image for the deafblind students / X
Presenter: Svetlana Zarechnova
Workplace: Children`s House for Deafblind, Russia / Chairperson: Ekatarina Sviridenkova
Room: W6/Bondestuen
3.7 / Titel: Positive Touch Access: Invitation to Touch Leads to Self-Actualization / X
Presenter: Susanne Morrow
Workplace: New York Deaf-Blind Collaborative, USA / Chairperson: Bernadette Kappen
Room: W4/Laugstuen
3.8 / Titel: ‘Life in resonance’, a personal exploration of communication through touch as a deafblind shiatsu therapist / X
Presenter: Femke Krijger
Workplace: own practice of shiatsu/Tao yoga therapy ’levensvonk’, The Netherlands / Chairperson: Lena Göransson
Room: W3/Musiksalen
Workshop Session 4: Wednesday September 6, 2017, at 12:00-12:45 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
4.1 / Titel: Narrativity and embodiment / X
Presenter: Myrra Smith
Workplace: Centre for Deafblindness and Hearing Loss (CDH), Denmark / Co-presenter: Dorte Lindberg
Chairperson: Tina Bendixen
Room: W6/Bondestuen
4.2 / Titel: Adventurous learning and declarative communication in a tactile multi-partner way / X
Presenter: Amanda Buijs
Workplace: Royal Dutch Kentalis, Rafaël school, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Lieke van Buuren
Chairperson: Lauren Lieberman
Room: W5/Latinerstuen
4.3 / Titel: Teaching Orientation and Mobility Skills to people with deafblindness who use tactile sign language / X
Presenter: Meredith Prain
Workplace: Senses Australia, Australia / Co-presenter: Bronwen Scott
Chairperson: Kaye Collard
Room: W3/Musiksalen
4.4 / Titel: The art of sight / X
Presenter: Sylvia van Doorn
Workplace: Royal Dutch Kentalis, Unit Deafblindness, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Ans van Gulick, Annet Eikelboom and Ans van den Ende
Chairperson: Tracey Veldhuis
Room: W2/Radiosalen
4.5 / Titel: Deafblindness, Self-Stimulation, and Availability for Learning / X
Presenter: David Brown
Workplace: Self-employed, USA / Chairperson: Henrik Okbøl
Room: PL/Europahallen
4.6 / Titel: The support needs of family members of persons with Usher type 2 / X
Presenter: Ilse van Zadelhoff
Workplace: Royal Dutch Kentalis, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Saskia Damen
Chairperson: Sonja van de Molengraft
Room: W4/Laugstuen
4.7 / Titel: Enhancing learning for a child with deafblindness by putting on the ‘cognitive glasses’: Assessment of learning through working memory / X
Presenter: Anne Schoone
Workplace: Royal Dutch Kentalis, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Monique Verberg
Chairperson: Pia Solholt
Room: W1/Det lille Teater
4.8 / Titel: Group training for communication of young adults with visual and hearing impairments / X
Presenter: Alina Khokhlova
Workplace: Yasenevo Center for Deafblind, Russia / Chairperson: Flemming Ask Larsen
Room: W8/Albatrosstuen
Workshop Session 5: Wednesday September 6, 2017, at 14:15-15:00 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
5.1 / Titel: From Sensory to Symbolic / X
Presenter: Basem AbdelGhaffar
Workplace: University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates / Chairperson: Kirsten Wolthuis
Room: W4/Laugstuen
5.2 / Titel: Sailing Sense - Sailing for people with deafblindness and multi-sensory impairment / X
Presenter: Miguel Olio
Workplace: Sailing Sense, Brazil / Chairperson: Joseph Gibson
Room: W8/Albatrosstuen
5.3 / Titel: The important role that touch has played in my life / X
Presenter: Vanessa Vlajkovic
Workplace: University Student, Australia / Chairperson: Anne Jalakas
Room: W1/Det lille Teater
5.4 / Titel: Affective sense of touch and movement in shaping closeness / X
Presenter: Ivana Macokatic
Workplace: Day-care Centre for Rehabilitation Mali dom-Zagreb, Croatia / Co-presenter: Ana Katusic
Chairperson: Trine Seljeseth
Room: W3/Musiksalen
5.5 / Titel: «What does language mean for me? » / X
Presenter: Annika Maria Johannessen
Workplace: Statped, Norway / Co-presenter: Olaug Grude Hobberstad
Chairperson: Diane Williams
Room: W2/Radiosalen
5.6 / Titel: Communicative engagement in multiparty conversations with persons with CDB / X
Presenter: M. Worm
Workplace: Bartiméus, The Netherlands / Chairperson: Troels Møller
Room: W6/Bondestuen
5.7 / Titel: Teaching Concepts to Children Using the BEST Elements of Dance / X
Presenter: Kristen Paul
Workplace: University of Utah, USA / Co-presenter: Brooke Barnhill
Catherine Nelson
Pamela Geber Handman
Chairperson: Marijke Bolwerk
Room: W5/Latinerstuen
5.8 / Titel: Research programme Communication and Deafblindness: Overview and new research / X
Presenter: Marleen Janssen
Workplace: University of Groningen, The Netherlands / Co-presenter: Saskia Damen
Chairperson: Saskia Damen
Room: PL/Europahallen
Workshop Session 6: Thursday September 7, 2017, at 14:15-15:00 / Acq. Db / Cong. Db / Both Cong. and Acq. Db
6.1 / Titel: From thoughts to language to reality - getting closer to social connectivity / X
Presenter: Sabine Brink and Ole Wøssner
Workplace: CFD - Døvblindehuset, Denmark / Co-presenter: Tanja Nyons
Litte Frehr
Chairperson: Susan Bruce
Room: PL/Europahallen
6.2 / Titel: Adult children of parents living with Usher syndrome: Experiences across the life span / X
Presenter: Karen Wickham
Workplace: Senses Australia, Australia / Chairperson: Mäde M. Müller
Room: W6/Bondestuen
6.3 / Titel: Autonomy support for students with congenital and acquired deafblindness: how can it be assessed and addressed? / X
Presenter: Ineke Haakma
Workplace: University of Groningen, The Netherlands / Chairperson: Frank Kat
Room: W1/Det lille Teater
6.4 / Titel: My isolation makes me fear that I'll forget how to communicate / X
Presenter: Rikke Norup Christiansen
Workplace: CFD Rådgivning, Denmark / Co-presenter: Karin Moreau Andersen and Malene Kure Strandkvist
Chairperson: Shelley Thomas-Sanderson
Room: W4/Laugstuen
6.5 / Titel: Come to shared knowledge in 1 day! / X
Presenter: Sonja van de Molengraft
Workplace: CRESAM, France / Co-presenter: Guillaume Ferron
Séverine Clément
Chairperson: Monika Estenberger
Room: W2/Radiosalen
6.6 / Titel: Trapped In Deafblindness – The Story of A Man with Acquired Deafblindness / X
Presenter: Anette Kjær
Workplace: CFD Councelling, Denmark / Co-presenter: Jette Mistegård Jørgensen
Chairperson: Vanessa Vlajkovic
Room: W3/Musiksalen
6.8 / Titel: Health and people with Usher syndrome, need for biopsychosocial approach / X
Presenter: Moa Wahlqvist
Workplace: Audiological research centre, University hospital of Örebro, Sweden / Chairperson: Catherine Nelson
Room: W8/Albatrosstuen
6.9 / Titel: A guide for supporting people living with deafblindness through their palliative journey / X
Presenter: Lorraine Simpson
Workplace: DeafBlind Ontario Services, Canada / Chairperson: Alana Roy
Room: W5/Latinerstuen

Workshops at the DbI 2017 Conference