Speaking and Listening Curriculum
The following people served on the Speaking and Listening
Curriculum Review Committee in 2006:
Jennifer Budette
Bryan Dufresne
Dana Tuffelmire
Lone Rock-
Kaylin Ray
Amy Reed
Echo Allison
Kelly Benson
Kevin Conwell
Kathleen Dent
Vivian Fagerstrom
Char Harmon
Donna Huseby
Janice Muller-Kohn
Vicky Mahon
Jane Mason
Roger Sparks
Jean Steele
Teri Vore
Carolyn White
Joanne Puccinnelli
Connor Warner
Linda Weston
Frank White
David Jamison
Don Johnston
Amber Lynch
Tracy Montague
Ernie Jean
Duby Santee
In July 2006, the committee met with the Ravalli Curriculum Consortium for twenty hours of concentrated Listening and Speaking curriculum development. The committee reviewed current practices, student achievement data, current research, and existing Listening and Speakning curriculum from each district, curriculum guides from other states, the National Standards, and the Montana Standards. The curriculum guide which follows is the culmination of this work.
Gratitude and appreciation are extended to the individual committee members for their hard work and dedication.
Oral communication is the bridge to the future. It provides the basis of language development, thinking, gathering information, and shaping how we see ourselves and how others see us. While talking and hearing are natural skills, speaking and listening require instruction. Studies show that over 80% of communication is spent in speaking and listening lending credence to the belief that teacher these skills is not just desirable, but critical. In the family and community, increasing attention is being paid to the need for well-developed oral language. In the family and community increasing attention is being paid to the need for well-developed oral language. In the workplace, employers report that a good oral communication skill is the number one factor they consider in hiring and retaining employees. In the United States, the very survival of democracy depends on the testing of ideas through deliberation and debate. It is the responsibility of education to ensure that students are prepared for their roles as family members, workers and citizens through oral communication instruction.
Oral communication includes speaking and listening. The National communication Association defines speaking as “the uniquely human act or process of transmitting and exchanging information, ideas, and emotions using oral language” while listening is “the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages.”
Indicate what students should know, understand, and be able to do in a specific content area.
Define the expectations for students’ knowledge, skills and abilities along a developmental continuum focused at three points-at the end of grade 4, the end of grade 8 and grade 12.
Skills and knowledge
Define the expectations for student’s knowledge, skills and abilities at each level, K-12
The skills and knowledge objectives are referenced to the standard, objective and benchmark. If the skill addresses more that one benchmark, it is separated by a comma, For example: 1.1.2, 3 references standard 1, object 1, benchmarks 2 and 3.
This document was created by dedicated individuals from the following schools: Victor, Stevensville, Lone Rock, Hamilton, and Darby. MontanaState standards and Benchmarks were targeted when listing skills and knowledge for each grade level. However, it is understood that areas of study have been addressed at different grade levels from school to school.
VictorSchool Position Statement
Writing is one of the most successful components for success beyond the academic world. It is the result of a continuous process which begins with the youngest students and continues until they finish school. Good writing skills are valued in higher education, in the market place, for life enrichment, and in government.
Good writing is not a one time assignment, but a process which begins at the youngest level and continues through the twelfth grade. Because frequent writing assignments and frequent individual attention from the teacher are essential to the writing classroom, teachers with a significant writing component in their curriculum need increased time for assessment of writing.
Writing is a shared responsibility of all teachers at all levels in all curriculum areas. Therefore, all staff needs development for writing across the curriculum. We need to adopt, k-12, a comprehensive writing curriculum, such as Six-Trait writing. Writing in all areas should emphasize grade level appropriate conventions such as spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Additionally, legible handwriting should be required across curriculum. We need to invest in materials to make sure that we have continuity Kindergarten through twelfth grade in our writing program.
Victor Implementation Plan
6 Year
ADOPTION / District Approval –Board Adoption –Dist. level Review, Revise, Compile and Bind
Post Web Site
Staff Orientation
Staff Development
Review & Adopt Materials / Present to School
Make and Distribute Copies at Staff Meeting
Needs Survey
Attend Book fair / Administration/Committee
Committee Representative
Committee Representative
Committee / Fall
January-March / Board Approval
Copies Made and Distributed
Attendance Adoption of Materials
IMPLEMENTATION / Implement Curriculum and Materials
Staff Development / Teach Curriculum
Workshop, Publishers, Etc. / All Staff
Committee/Administration / On Going
On Going / Participation List
Participation List
IMPLEMENTATION / Review Curriculum
Begin List and Curriculum Adjustments / Use Curriculum Guide as Educational tool
Staff Survey and Committee / Committee Representative
Committee Representative / Spring
Spring / Written Repot to Principal
MONITOR / Monitor Implementation
Develop List of curriculum need / Survey
Staff Survey and Committee / Committee Representative
Committee Representative / Winter
Spring / Survey Results
Written List
Comprehensive List Curriculum Needs / Staff Survey and Committee / Committee Representative / Spring / Written List
REVIEW/REVISE / Evaluate Curriculum / Compare YRBS Results / Curriculum Committee / Winter / Have Data for Spring Curriculum Meeting
Speaking and Listening – Kindergarten
Standard / Benchmark / Skills & Knowledge- Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the communication process.
Recognize the important role of speaking and listening in daily life.
Identify oneself in various roles in the communication process and recognize the shared communication responsibilities of the speaker and the listener. / 1.1.1
Identify characteristics of audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Determine the purposes for listening such as: to get information, to solve problems, to enjoy and appreciate language.
Understand how language differs in different environments (ex: playground vs. classroom)
- Students distinguish among and use appropriate types of speaking and listening for a variety of purposes.
Recognize the techniques of listening in a variety of situations (e.g., focusing attention, reflecting, interpreting, analyzing, and responding to messages).
Demonstrate appropriate speaking and listening behaviors in communicating with peers and others in formal and informal classroom situations.
Speak and listen effectively for a range of purposes (e.g., reading aloud and listening to oral readings, sharing and listening to personal experiences, presenting and listening to oral reports, clearly giving and understanding directions and instructions).
Identify and appropriately use different types of presentations (e.g., storytelling, narrative, description).
Identify and use different types of listening appropriate to the listening situation (e.g., casual, appreciative, attentive). / 2.1.1,5
Develop an understanding of the difference between a question and a comment and learning how and when to respond with each.
Speak and listen effectively for purposes of enjoyment, following directions, comprehension, and sequencing.
Choose vocabulary that communicates messages clearly and precisely.
Explore and use language to communicate with a variety of audiences and for different purposes including problem solving, explaining, constructing relationships, and expressing courtesies.
Generate topics and develop ideas.
Plan and deliver presentations providing facts and details to make a point clearly. (e.g., sharing projects, ideas, and stories)
- Students apply a range of skills and strategies to speaking and listening.
Communicate in a focused and organized manner.
Select and use appropriate verbal language to convey intended meaning.
Identify and begin to use appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance presentations and manage communication anxiety.
Monitor understanding by identifying and using strategies (e.g., asking relevant questions and restating information).
Distinguish new from familiar material, significant from insignificant information, fact from opinion, and fantasy from reality.
Draw connections between one’s experiences, information, and insights, and experiences communicated by others.
Identify characteristics of enjoyable listening experiences by examining rhythm in music and visualization of images.
Identify, anticipate and manage barriers to listening. / 3.1.1,3
Speak clearly and audibly in complete, coherent sentences.
Respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions.
Understand and follow one-and two-step oral directions.
Identify the difference between fantasy and reality when listening to stories.
Recognize and express ideas and draw connections between self and others.
Participate in rhymes, songs, and rhythms of language.
- Students identify, analyze, and evaluate the impacts of effective speaking and evaluative listening.
Identify the characteristics of effective speaking and listening.
Reflect on one’s effectiveness as speaker and as listener, and set personal goals.
Show respect for the feelings and values of others when speaking and listening. / 4.1.1,2
Identify and use appropriate social skills of audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Identify and use effective speaking skills such as volume, rate, enunciation, posture, eye contact, and gestures.
Listen to each other, interact and respond appropriately.
Speaking and Listening – Grade 1
Standard / Benchmark / Skills & Knowledge- Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the communication process.
Recognize the important role of speaking and listening in daily life.
Identify oneself in various roles in the communication process and recognize the shared communication responsibilities of the speaker and the listener. / 1.1.1
Identify characteristics of audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Determine the purposes for listening such as: to get information, to solve problems, to enjoy and appreciate language.
Understand how language differs in different environments (e.g., playground vs. classroom)
- Students distinguish among and use appropriate types of speaking and listening for a variety of purposes.
Recognize the techniques of listening in a variety of situations (e.g., focusing attention, reflecting, interpreting, analyzing, and responding to messages).
Demonstrate appropriate speaking and listening behaviors in communicating with peers and others in formal and informal classroom situations.
Speak and listen effectively for a range of purposes (e.g., reading aloud and listening to oral readings, sharing and listening to personal experiences, presenting and listening to oral reports, clearly giving and understanding directions and instructions).
Identify and appropriately use different types of presentations (e.g., storytelling, narrative, description).
Identify and use different types of listening appropriate to the listening situation (e.g., casual, appreciative, attentive). / 2.1.1,5
Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between a question and a comment by responding appropriately with each.
Share and respond to ideas, information, opinions, and questions.
Choose vocabulary that communicates messages clearly and precisely.
Explore and use language to communicate with a variety of audiences and for different purposes including problem solving, explaining, constructing relationships, and expressing courtesies.
Generate topics and develop ideas
Plan and deliver presentations providing facts and details to make a point clearly. (e.g., sharing projects, ideas, and stories)
- Students apply a range of skills and strategies to speaking and listening.
Communicate in a focused and organized manner.
Select and use appropriate verbal language to convey intended meaning.
Identify and begin to use appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance presentations and manage communication anxiety.
Monitor understanding by identifying and using strategies (e.g., asking relevant questions and restating information).
Distinguish new from familiar material, significant from insignificant information, fact from opinion, and fantasy from reality.
Draw connections between one’s experiences, information, and insights, and experiences communicated by others.
Identify characteristics of enjoyable listening experiences by examining rhythm in music and visualization of images.
Identify, anticipate and manage barriers to listening. / 3.1.1,2,3
Speak clearly using grammatically correct sentences.
Respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions.
Stay on topic when speaking using a logical sequence.
Give, restate, and follow simple two-step oral directions.
Ask questions for clarification and understanding.
Tell or retell stories demonstrating an understanding of story events by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how questions.
Identify the difference between fantasy and reality, explore fact from opinion, and begin to differentiate new from familiar material.
Relate an important life event or personal experience in a simple sequence.
Recite and create rhymes, songs, and rhythms of language.
Demonstrate the ability to manage listening barriers by ignoring, moving, or utilizing other strategies to minimize distractions.
- Students identify, analyze, and evaluate the impacts of effective speaking and evaluative listening.
Identify the characteristics of effective speaking and listening.
Reflect on one’s effectiveness as speaker and as listener, and set personal goals.
Show respect for the feelings and values of others when speaking and listening. / 4.1.1,2
Use and evaluate appropriate social skills of audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Use and evaluate effective speaking skills such as volume, rate, enunciation, posture, eye contact, and gestures.
Listen to each other while engaging in substantial conversations.
Speaking and Listening – Grade 2
Standard / Benchmark / Skills & Knowledge- Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the communication process.
Recognize the important role of speaking and listening in daily life.
Identify oneself in various roles in the communication process and recognize the shared communication responsibilities of the speaker and the listener. / 1.1.1
Understand the importance of the characteristics of appropriate audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Determine the purposes for listening such as: to get information, to solve problems, to enjoy and appreciate language.
Understand how language differs in different environments (e.g., playground vs. classroom)
- Students distinguish among and use appropriate types of speaking and listening for a variety of purposes.
Recognize the techniques of listening in a variety of situations (e.g., focusing attention, reflecting, interpreting, analyzing, and responding to messages).
Demonstrate appropriate speaking and listening behaviors in communicating with peers and others in formal and informal classroom situations.
Speak and listen effectively for a range of purposes (e.g., reading aloud and listening to oral readings, sharing and listening to personal experiences, presenting and listening to oral reports, clearly giving and understanding directions and instructions).
Identify and appropriately use different types of presentations (e.g., storytelling, narrative, description).
Identify and use different types of listening appropriate to the listening situation (e.g., casual, appreciative, attentive). / 2.1.1,2,3,4,
Explore and use language to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes including questions and answers, discussions, and social interactions.
Recognize and apply the elements of good listening in a variety of situations (e.g. Focusing attention, reflecting, interpreting, analyzing, and responding to messages.)
Choose vocabulary that communicates messages clearly and precisely.
Plan and deliver presentations providing facts and details to make a point clearly (e.g., sharing projects, ideas, and stories) while maintaining appropriate tone of voice.
- Students apply a range of skills and strategies to speaking and listening.
Communicate in a focused and organized manner.
Select and use appropriate verbal language to convey intended meaning.
Identify and begin to use appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills to enhance presentations and manage communication anxiety.
Monitor understanding by identifying and using strategies (e.g., asking relevant questions and restating information).
Distinguish new from familiar material, significant from insignificant information, fact from opinion, and fantasy from reality.
Draw connections between one’s experiences, information, and insights, and experiences communicated by others.
Identify characteristics of enjoyable listening experiences by examining rhythm in music and visualization of images.
Identify, anticipate and manage barriers to listening. / 3.1.1,2,3
Speak clearly using grammatically correct sentences.
Respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions.
Use effective vocabulary and logical organization to relate or summarize ideas, events, and other information.
Understand, restate, and follow multi-step directions.
Ask appropriate questions for clarification and understanding.
Tell or retell stories demonstrating an understanding of story elements such as characters, setting, and plot.
Identify the difference between fantasy and reality, recognize facts and opinions, and differentiate new from familiar material.
Relate an important life event or personal experience in sequence.
Memorize, recite and create rhymes, songs, and rhythms of language.
Demonstrate the ability to manage listening barriers by ignoring, moving, or utilizing other strategies to minimize distractions.
- Students identify, analyze, and evaluate the impacts of effective speaking and evaluative listening.
Identify the characteristics of effective speaking and listening.
Reflect on one’s effectiveness as speaker and as listener, and set personal goals.
Show respect for the feelings and values of others when speaking and listening. / 4.1.1,2
Use and evaluate appropriate social skills of audience behaviors such as maintaining eye contact, using appropriate facial expressions, posture, and gestures in small and large group settings.
Use and evaluate effective speaking skills such as volume, rate, enunciation, posture, eye contact, and gestures.
Engage in substantive conversations with interchanges building on prior responses by adding a connected idea.
Speaking and Listening – Grade 3