Explorations in College Algebra, 2nd Edition
Data File Information
DEFAULTS (Graph Link only) Resets the graphing calculator to standard settings and clears all TI-82 and unnamed TI-83/TI-83 Plus statistical lists.
USMEDAGE Median age of U.S. population from 1850-2050 (Ch.1, Sec. 1, Table 2.1; Ch. 5, ex.29;
Ch. 5, ex.50).
FEDDEBT Accumulated gross federal debt from 1945-1999 (Ch.1, Sec. 3 and ex.6; Ch.2, ex. 12 and
Ch.7, Sec.7).
PROJAGES Distribution of ages in the U.S. population in 1991 and projected for 2050 (Ch.1, ex.21)
(In Graph Link version, age ranges are replaced with lower bound (e.g., 10-14 is replaced by 10).).
MEDICAL Number of hospital beds, occupancy rate and personnel in community hospitals in the Northeast and Midwest (Ch.1, ex.23).
(In Graph Link version, data for Northeast is in lists 1-3, for Midwest data is in lists 4-6.)
USCHINA Age distribution of Chinese and U.S. populations (Ch.1, ex.25).
(In Graph Link version, age ranges are replaced with lower bound, e.g., 10-14 is replaced by 10.).
USPOP Population of the U.S. from 1790-2000 (Ch.2, Sec.1, Table 2.1; Ch.5, ex.29; Ch.7, ex.50)
KALAMA Mean height of Kalama children from 18 to 29 months (Ch.2, Table 2.22 and Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.13).
SMOKERS The percentage of all people 18 and over and of all men and women who smoke (Ch.2, Table 2.23; Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.15 ).
LIFEXPEC Life expectancy in the U.S. by race and sex (Ch.2, ex.7).
NEWPRINT Number of newspapers printed and published form 1915-1995 (Ch.2, ex.13).
ONAIRTV Number of on air TV stations from 1950-1995 (Ch.2, ex.13).
EMISSION National automobile emission estimates (Ch.2, ex.26).
POLLUTE National Automobile Emission Control Standards (Ch.2, ex.26).
(In Graph-Link version, the three n.r. data entries for NO2 emissions column in Excel file are not listed and pre-1968 standards are represented by the year 1967.)
EDUCOSTS Mean cost of tuition and fees for four year public and private colleges from 1984 to 1996 (Looking for Links, ex.11).
CALORIES Calories burned in one minute by a 154 lb. person walking at various speeds (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.14).
SKIJUMP The U.S. ski jump records set on the 90-meter jumping hill at Howelsen Hill, Steamboat Springs, Colorado (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.16).
NATIONSImportant statistics about 91 countries (Ch.2, ex.83; Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.17).
SHOTPUT Olympic shot put records from 1900-1996 (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.18).
FARMPOP Farm population 1880-1990 in thousands and as a percentage of total population (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.19).
MARATHON Winning times for women in the Boston Marathon 1972-2000 (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.21).
MENSMILE Record times for men in the Boston Marathon 1913-1993 (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.22).
LONGJUMP World records for women’s long jump 1954-1988 (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.24).
MOTORMotor vehicle registrations from 1945 to 1995(Extended Exploration: Looking for Links, ex.25).
FAM1000 (Excel file only) Data about 1000 individuals extracted from the March 1996 Current Population Survey, U.S. Census (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links).
FAM1000A Mean personal wages based on years of education for all individuals, for men and for women (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links).
FAM1000BMean personal total income based on years of education for all individuals, for men and women (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links).
FAM1000C Mean personal total income based on years of education for all men, for white men, and for nonwhite men (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links).
FAM1000D Mean personal total income based on years of education for all women, for white women and for nonwhite women (Extended Exploration: Looking for Links).
ECOLIGrowth of real E. coli for 24 twenty minute time periods (Ch. 5, Sec.1, ex.61).
(In Graph Link version, the six time periods 0-2, 19, 21 and 23 are not listed since n.a. data or no data is given in the Excel file.)
CELCOUNT White blood cell count of patient (Ch.5, Sec.5, ex.61).
(In Graph Link version, list 1 indicates days since Sept. 27.)
MEDICAREMedicare expenses from 1970 to 1997 (Ch.5, Sec.5).
WORLDPOPWorld population from 1800-2000 (Ch.5, ex.43).
REINDEER Population of a reindeer herd from 1911 to 1938 (Ch.5, ex.44).
USTRADE U.S. from 1960-1998 in 1 year intervals (Ch.5, ex.62)
ECOLIA Growth of E. coli bacteria in LB and SB cultures at 30 deg. C and 37 deg C. Concentrations are given in number of cells per millimeter of solution (Ch.5,Exploration “Devising a Model for the Growth of Bacteria” on the web).
ECOLIB Growth of E. coli bacteria in LB and SB cultures at 30 deg C and 37 deg C. Concentrations are given in Klett readings (Ch.5,Exploration “Devising a Model for the Growth of Bacteria” on the web).
CHILDSTA Data on the average height and weight of children from 3 months to 13 years (Ch.7, Sec.7).
INCLINE Motion of a cart pushed toward a motion detector at the top of an inclined plane (Ch.8, ex.50)
BOUNCE Rebound height of a bouncing racquetball vs. time (Ch.8, ex.56)
FREEFALL Distance fallen with respect to time for an object in free fall (Extended Exploration: The Mathematics of Motion).
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