Present the All-Ireland 60x30Intervarsities at Kilkenny Venues on

Friday14th-Sunday16thOctober 2016

The following grades are on offer:

Entry Fees as follows:€40 per player

ICHA Membership:€10 per player

(Membership is required for insurance reasons, to allow players to compete using Irish Handball Council governed facilities)

Entries must be completed and returned by 5pmFriday7thOctober 2016either by post or email.

Tournament registration takes place in Talbot’s Inch Handball Club, Kilkenny @ 5pm on Friday October 14th. All players are required to be present in advance of this time to register. If one of your players is unable to be present at this time, please notify us in the entry form and we will try to accommodate if fixtures allow.

Make Cheques payable to

The Irish Collegiate Handball Association

Postal Address

ICHA, c/o John Walsh, 217 Griffith Avenue, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.

Email Address

Please read the terms and conditions carefully

Terms and Conditions

  1. Each team must consist of four players from the same educational institution. Teams may also include substitutes.
  2. Teams may consist of male and female players.
  3. Ladies Doubles pairings must consist of two players from the same educational institution.
  4. Teams/Ladies Doubles must play in the grade of their highest ranked player.
  5. All players are asked to present their student ID card at registration to verifytheir attendance of a specific educational institution. Failure to do so may result in refusal ofentry to the competition.
  6. For insurance reasons, all players must be registered as a member of the ICHA. Registration is €10 and covers a player for the entire academic year. This can be paid at any time during the year, but participation is not allowed until registration is received.
  7. Registration of players will take place on Friday 14thOctober at Talbots’ Inch Handball Club @ 5pm.Compulsory attendance of all players at registration is required.Those who do not register will not be eligible to play in the event.Start time to be confirmed.
  8. Entry must be paid prior to the event (at registration). No exceptions. No player will be allowed to compete unless appropriate fees have been paid.
  9. All players must maintain the terms outlined in the ICHA’s Code of Conduct.


All players must be graded according to the following format:

A Player:Any player who played in a Men’s B Quarter Final at the ICHA All-Ireland 40x20 & 60x30 Singles Intervarsities 2015/2016, or higher. Also includes any player who has competed at Senior, Intermediate or Junior level. Also any Minor who has won a provincial final.

B Player:Any player who played in a Men’s C Quarter Final at the ICHA All-Ireland 40x20 & 60x30 Singles Intervarsities 2015/2016, or higher. Also includes any player who has competed at Junior B level or competed at an underage level.

C Player: Any player who has taken up the sport for the first time in the previous 6 months or does not qualify under the requirements for an A or B player.

Club captains should list their players in this entry from based on their grading, with strongest players at the top to beginners at the bottom. Seeding’s will be compiled by the ICHA seedings committee based on this and previous performances.

The Tournament Committee reserve the right to alter players grades if there is doubt as to his/her eligibility

Please tick box

Payment with formSum: €______

The Irish Handball council, An Comhairle Ard-Oideachas Liathróid Láimhe na hÉireann and all constituent clubs do not accept liability for any injuries that may occur during the running of this tournament.

I hereby agree to the terms and conditions

Signed: ______Date:______

ICHA All-Ireland 60x30 Intervarsities Kilkenny2016