January10, 2011

The City Council of the City of Renville, Minnesota met in regular session on January10, 2011at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall.

Mayor Janette Wertish called the meeting to order. The Pledge of Allegiance was given. City Council members present were Raye McKim, Randy Johnson,Shane Wohlman, DennisUlrichandAl Rohlik. City Administrator Paul McLaughlin was also present.

The Oath of Office was administered to the following elected officials: Council member Raye McKim, Shane Wohlman, Dennis Ulrich and Randy Johnson.

A motion was made byAl Rohlikand seconded byRaye McKimto approve the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made byShane Wohlman and seconded by Al Rohlikto approve the December 30, 2010 regular meeting minutes. The motion carried unanimously.

The following General Fund bills were presented for payment:

Paid Chk# 028156POSTOFFICE1/3/2011$156.24Sewer Bills Postage

Paid Chk# 028157ICMA1/3/2010$50.00ICMA-Sunvold, Nathan

Paid Chk# 028158AFLAC1/11/2011$202.66Insurance

Paid Chk# 028159ANDERSON LARSON HANSON &1/11/2011$1,401.50Attorney Fees

Paid Chk# 028160CENTURYLINK1/11/2011$698.58Fire Dept. Telephone

Paid Chk# 028161CHRIS KNIGHT EXCAVATING & 1/11/2011$520.00Snow removal

Paid Chk# 028162COMMUNITY ELECTRIC1/11/2011$1,307.97RepairCommunity Center Refrigerator

Paid Chk# 028163FARMERS CO-OP OIL CO1/11/2011$3,894.05Street Dept. Gas

Paid Chk# 028164GENERAL FUND1/11/2011$900.00Water Bookkeeping

Paid Chk# 028165GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL, INC1/11/2011$2.90Sewer Contractual

Paid Chk# 028166GREAT PLAINS NATURAL GAS1/11/2011$3,164.98Fire Dept. Gas

Paid Chk# 028167JEFF SLAGTER BLADING1/11/2011$75.003-Mowing Around City Edges

Paid Chk# 028168K1001/11/2011$190.00City Marketing/Development

Paid Chk# 028169LANG'S AUTOMOTIVE CENTER, 1/11/2011$829.30Street Repairs

Paid Chk# 028170LMC INSURANCE TRUST1/11/2011$11,682.254th QtrMunicipality Insurance

Paid Chk# 028171MINNESOTA DEPT. OF HEALTH1/11/2011$150.00Maintenance Permit for 3 wells

Paid Chk# 028172MN NCPERS LIFE INSURANCE1/11/2011$112.00Insurance

Paid Chk# 028173MVTL LABORATORIES, INC.1/11/2011$327.50Water Testing

Paid Chk# 028174NORTH STAR PUMP SERVICE1/11/2011$720.16Waste Water Plant Lift Station

Paid Chk# 028175NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC.1/11/2011$1,650.00Continuing Disclosure Report

Paid Chk# 028176NORTHLAND TRUST 1/11/2011$39,543.75Principal Pmt GO Improvement Bond

Paid Chk# 028177REDWOODCOUNTY1/11/2011$99.85Police Dept. Internet

Paid Chk# 028178RENCO PUBLISHING, INC.1/11/2011$143.24Publishing

Paid Chk# 028179RENVILLE HARDWARE & 1/11/2011$424.09Sewer Supplies

Paid Chk# 028180RENVILLE SALES, INC.1/11/2011$20.20Street Vehicle Repair

Paid Chk# 028181SCHMOLL'S WELDING INC.1/11/2011$1,394.71Street Tail Gate Repair

Paid Chk# 028182SCHROEDER, GARY1/11/2011$431.25Street Dept. Maintenance

Paid Chk# 028183STAYE RENTAL1/11/2011$600.00PoliceDept.Building Rent

Paid Chk# 028184SW/WC SERVICE 1/11/2011$8,718.00Medical Insurance

Paid Chk# 028185WERTISH AUTOAND TRUCK 1/11/2011$323.90Fire Dept Repairs

Paid Chk# 028186XCEL ENERGY1/11/2011$2,687.33Fire Dept. Electric

Total Checks$82,421.41

A motion was made by DennisUlrichand seconded byAl Rohlikto approve the General Fund bills for payment as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Public WorksCommittee report was given by Dennis Ulrich.

- Shane Wohlman, Dennis Ulrich and Paul McLaughlin met with Rembrandt regarding the 2011 wastewater discharge permit. They have not come to an agreement but are on their way with expressing the numbers on phosphorous. There has been some progress made and will continue to meet with Rembrandt. The next meeting will be January 26.

A motion was made byAl Rohlik and seconded by Raye McKimto approve the Public Works Committee report. The motion carried unanimously.

City Administrator, Paul McLaughlin informed the Council that they needed to nominate someone for Vice President. Dennis Ulrich was nominatedand the council voted through a white ballot vote. Mayor, Janette Wertishcalledfor other nominations three times and hearing none the nominations were closed.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Shane Wohlman to accept the ballots and appoint Dennis Ulrich as City Council Vice President. The motion carried unanimously.

City Administrator report was given by Paul McLaughlin.

- Talked about the community center’s floors. Ad Hoc committee will need to meet to discuss further what to do with the floors. The flooring that had been discussed earlier with the rubber material that would go into the joist will not work.

- Bonnema Survey should have a new plat drawn up on Renville Estates for the next council meeting.

- East Ridge TIF #2.1 decertification showed an overpayment from Larry Jacobswith Renville County Auditors office. City clerk, TeresaZetah will cut a check of approximately $5500 to refund the overpayment back to the CountyAuditors office.

- The Wastewater Treatment Plant is two-thirds complete and the city is just waiting for some electrical work to be completed. The work has been stopped until April and hopefully will be completed by the end of September 2011.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Dennis Ulrich to approve the city clerk to pay Renville County Auditors office for the over payment on the East Ridge Court TIF 2.1 final payment. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Al Rohlik and seconded by Shane Wohlman to approve the City Administrator’s report. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Al Rohlik to approve the Financials. The motion carried unanimously.

A motion was made by Dennis Ulrich and seconded by Shane Wohlman to approve resolution #01-11 Appointments and Depositories for 2011. The motion carried unanimously.

Mayor, Janette Wertish presented her list of Committee Appointments for City Council confirmation. Wertish recommended that Mike Schroeder on the Public Works/Buildings/Infrastructure Committee be taken off and replaced with Ron Walz. Randy Johnson and Sandy Wohlman be added to the Ad Hoc Committee and Al Rohlik be moved to the EDA Committee. The EDA Committee will also include the addition of Randy Johnson and Todd Ekert but Bart Estum should be removed. Human Resources will show Dennis Ulrich replacing Al Rohlik. The reason for the changes was to allow Al Rohlik to work with EDA and Dennis Ulrich to work with Human Resources. The council agreed with the changes.

A motion was made by Raye McKim and seconded by Dennis Ulrich to approve resolution #02-11 Committees for 2011 with approved changes. The motion carried unanimously.

Mayor Janette Wertish reflected on 2010 with a loss that the city has had, the reduction of local government aid and that our committees are dedicated to learning more and more about our city government. The council reviewed all of the city’s ordinances and updated them with changes to improve how some are enforced. The city has a brand new sewer project in progress and has a few more streets to repair and upgrade. Looking ahead to 2011, our community center will be one of the projects to improve and upgrade. The EDA Committee will be working with new businesses that come before them, will be helping to support the efforts of the Renville Events Committee as they promote Renville with the fun events at the Sugar Beet Days Celebration this year and will be working with the Renville County HRA/EDA to sponsor a group to participate in the Blandin Leadership Training class.

Mayor, Janette Wertish stated that she was implementing a general beautification program in our city. Wertish is proposing a new committee that will hopefully consist of young residents plus two council members. This committee will include clean up and beautification of residential areas as well as business areas as defined by the committee. The City of Renville 2011 survey and questionnaireseeking input from our residents regarding our city is set to go out in the mail soon. The data comprised from the survey will be used to make the wisest decisions regarding services and improvements to Renville.

Raye McKim and other council members welcomed Randy Johnson to the Council.

A motion was made byAl Rohlikandseconded byRandy Johnsonto adjourn. The motion carried unanimously at7:37p.m.


Teresa Zetah, City Clerk/Treasurer