Interoperability UNIT
European UNION rail system
Subsystem Rolling Stock
Reference: / IU-LOC&PAS-FinalRep / Document type: / Final ReportTSI LOC&PAS
Version : / 0 draft
Date : / 30/11/2012
Edited by / Reviewed by / Approved by
Name / Hubert LAVOGIEZ
Mikael AHO
Position / Project Officers / Head of Sector / Head of Unit
The following document has been produced by the European Railway Agency as final report of its recommendation for revising and merging the HS RST TSI and the CR LOC&PAS TSI, with scope extended to the whole European Union Rail System
PAGE 1 OF 42European Railway Agency
Subsystem Rolling Stock
Version / Date / Section number / Modification/description / Author0 / 30/112012 / Up-date of the preliminary report.
Inputs from WP meeting N°13 / H LAVOGIEZ
Table of Contents
1.1Background to the assignment
2.Referenced documents and abbreviations
2.1Referenced documents
3.Working parties
4.Working method
4.1Concerned RST
4.2Other applicable TSIs
4.3Stages of work
4.4ERA Extranet workspaces
4.5Split of technical subjects, and interface with other WPs
4.6Meeting organisation (WP, Common, Interface, particular to a technical topic)
4.7Time plan and current status of work
5.Analysis of main issues
5.1Open points in current TSIs
5.2 Running dynamic behaviour (WP DYN)
5.3HS system - performance
5.4Functions essential to safety – Link with RAC for technical systems
5.5Aerodynamic effects
5.6 Integration of 1520 mm system in TSIs
5.7Link with national rules – technical compatibility
5.8Interiors – Passive safety / Safe interiors
5.9Flange or rail lubrication
5.11Scope of the TSI
5.11.1Scope of Directive 2008/57/EC and scope of TSIs
5.11.2Types of rolling stock in the scope of the TSI
5.11.3Consequence of the scope extension on technical requirements
5.11.4Interface with other EU legislation
5.11.5Innovative solutions
5.12Interoperability Constituents
6.Economic evaluation
7.Conclusion from ERA
7.1Categorisation of RST according to its maximum speed
7.2Closure of open points
7.3Scope extension
7.4Time plan
7.5Subjects that would require additional studies in future work programme
1.1Background to the assignment
European Commission’s mandate addressed to the Agency in annex of the Commission Decision C(2010)2576 final of 29.4.2010 assigns the Agency with the task of revising the TSIs with the aim of extending their scope.
As required in the mandate, a work programme was produced by the Agency in July 2010 (§ 3.1 of the mandate), and a report on the complementary studies on “merging and splitting of TSIs” was issued as final report in February 2011 (§ 3.2 of the mandate).
Twoworking parties (WP) were established in December 2010 to revise the TSIs concerning RST: the WP “TSI LOC&PAS” and the WP “DYN”.
A subgroup dedicated to rolling stock operated on the ‘1520 mm track gauge’ system wasalso launched by the Agency in October 2011.
Working methods applied are described in § 2.3 of the mandate.
This report is the final report on “Locomotives and Passenger Rolling stock” TSI (HS, CR and extended scope), as required in § 3.2 of the mandate.
As recommended by the Agency in the report of the complementary study on the“merging-splitting of TSIs”, a unique TSI has been drafted, covering HS and CR rolling stock, and scope extension.Requirements applicable to RST are expressed according to a maximum speed criterion rather than according to a type of network or category of line.
The performance aspects (coupling, braking, traction) currently specified in the HS RST TSI are proposed to be kept for trainsets of speed >= 250 km/h; according to the Sector, they contribute to theharmonisation of high speed rolling stock.
Regarding functions essential to safety, the TSI specifies ‘severity level’ associated to ‘risk scenario’when deterministic requirements cannot be set up; conformity assessment is based on ‘risk acceptance criteria for technical systems’.
The analysis performed on the scope extension has not identified any new TSI requirement; specific cases have been collected, and are not significantly impacted by the scope extension.
In addition to rolling stock designed to be operated on the EU ‘1435 mm track gauge’ system, those for the ‘1524 mm track gauge’ and ‘1668 mm track gauge’ systems are covered in the section 4 of the TSI, with specific cases for particular requirements; those forthe ‘1520 mm track gauge’ system are also covered in the section 4 of the TSI,with some aspects still declared as open points, with justification given in section 5.6 of this report.Rolling stock designed to be operated on the ‘1000 mm track gauge’ and ‘1600 mm track gauge’ systems are not included in the scope of the TSI.
2.Referenced documents and abbreviations
2.1Referenced documents
Ref.Document Reference / Official Journal / Last Modification / Version[1]Commission Decision C(2010)2576 final of 29.4.2010 concerning a mandate to the European Railway Agency to develop and review Technical Specifications for Interoperability with a view to extending their scope to the whole rail system in the European Union / NA
[2]Directive 2008/57/EC Interoperability of the rail system
Directive 2008/57/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the interoperability of the rail system within the Community / L 191, 18.7.2008
[3]Corrigendum to Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004establishing a European railway agency (Agency Regulation)(Official Journal of the European Union L 164 of 30 April 2004) / L 220, Volume 47
21 .6.2004
[4]Regulation (EC) No 1335/2008 of the European Parliamentand of the Council of 16 December 2008amending Regulation (EC) No 881/2004 establishing a European Railway Agency (Agency Regulation) / L 354, Volume 51
[5]Directive 2004/49/EC Safety on the Community’s railways, amended by Directive 2008/110/EC
[6]Work Program of the Agency for implementing the Commission Decision C(2010)2576 concerning a Mandate to the European Railway Agency to Develop and Review Technical Specifications for Interoperability with a View to Extending Their Scope to the Whole Rail System in the European Union / NA / NA / NA
[7]HS RST TSI 2008/232/EC / OJ L 84, 26.03.2008, p.132
[8]CR LOC&PAS TSI 2011/291/EU / OJ L 139, 26.05.2011, p.1
ABBREVIATION /TERM / FULL TEXT / DEFINITIONAPS / Authorisation for placing in service
CCS / Control-Command and Signalling subsystem
CEN / European Committee for Standardization
CENELEC / European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
CR / Conventional rail system
ENE / Energy subsystem
ERA / The Agency / The European Railway Agency
ERTMS / European Rail Traffic Management System
ETCS / European Train Control System
HS / High speed rail system
IC / Interoperability Constituent
IEC / International Electro-technical Commission
INF / Infrastructure subsystem
ISP / Interchangeable Spare Part
IU / Interoperability Unit of the European Railway Agency
IA / Impact Assessment
LOC & PAS / Locomotives and Passenger Rolling Stock
Mandate 2010 / [1]Commission Decision C(2010)2576 final concerning a mandate to the European Railway Agency to develop and review Technical Specifications for Interoperability with a view to extending their scope to the whole rail system in the European Union
MS / EU and EFTA Member State
NA / Not Applicable
NoBo / Notified Body
NSA / National Safety Authority
RAC / Risk Acceptance Criteria
RB / Representative bodies from the railway sector referred to in Article 3 paragraph 2 of [3]Regulation (EC) 881/2004, as modified by [4]Regulation (EC) 1335/2008
RFS / Request for a standard issued by ERA to Standardisation bodies
RST / Rolling Stock
RST TSIs / For the purpose of the report, this term in plural refers to the following two TSIs: HS RST TSI and CR LOC&PAS TSI
RU / Railway Undertaking
Stakeholders / For the purpose of the report, stakeholders are all the bodies impacted by the study
TSI / Technical Specification for Interoperability
3.Working parties
Terms of reference:
The Working Party TSI LOC&PAS is in charge of the following subjects in relation to the HS RST TSI (2008) and the CR LOC&PAS TSI (2011):
-Closure of open points (see also working party DYN).
-Clarify possible inconsistencies between the HS RST TSI and CR LOC&PAS TSI, in order to allow the application of both TSIs to a RST without any ambiguity, and merge these 2 TSIs as decided following the complementary study launched by the Agency on this subject.
-Extend the scope of these TSIs.
Interfaces with other working parties:
The working party TSI LOC&PAS has interfaces with the working parties DYN, INF and ENE (these groups have been launched simultaneously).
It has also interfaces with working parties in charge of revising other TSIs (OPE, CCS, TAF/TAP, SRT, PRM, Noise), and with the working groups on cross-acceptance.
Subjects not in the scope of work:
The Agency has launched other working groups regarding the work related to the following subjects:
-Safety in railway tunnels (WP SRT).
-Accessibility for persons with reduced mobility (WP PRM).
-Noise (WP Noise).
-1520 system (dedicated subgroup)
These subjects are not in the scope of the working party TSI LOC&PAS.
Nevertheless, some of the specifications related to these subjects are included in the draft revised TSI LOC&PAS; these particular specifications have been drafted in the working group in charge, have been integrated by ERA in the draft TSI LOC&PAS, and have beenfinally reviewed in the WP TSI LOC&PAS.
Time plan and work load:
The global time plan is defined in the work programme[2] of the Agency: preliminary draft in May 2012 and final draft in November 2012.
It implies for the Working party TSI LOC&PAS:
-Work in 2011 and 2012.
-13 meetings planned, with possibly 2 days meetings.
Working party composition:
Representative body /Members /
CER / MANCINI, Giampaolo / KAVAN, Petr
ERFA / -
UIP / -
UIRR / -
NSA / Members / Deputies
NSA Austria / ENDLICHER, Karl Otto / HELNWEIN, Thomas
NSA Belgium / OPSOMER, Luc
NSA Denmark / RASMUSSEN, Thomas / MORTENSEN, Lars
NSA Spain / MONFORT TORMO, Enrique / BATANERO, Genaro
NSA Finland / SAVOLAINEN, Veikko
NSA France / BOURREL, Pascal
GODART, Antony / RENARD, Jean-Christophe
NSA Germany / KOSCHMIDER, Margarethe / GOLDBERG, Claus
NSA Hungary / ZOLTAN, Iványi
NSA Italy / ERCOLE, Andrea
NSA Luxembourg / MANGEN, Claude
NSA Norway / JOHANSEN, Kjell
NSA Poland / MROCZKO, Anita
NSA Romania / MITU, Daniel / ION, Alexandru
NSA Slovenia / SINKOVEC, Viktor
NSA Sweden / SOLLANDER, Stefan
NSA UK / CORK, Cliff / TURNER, Giles
Project Officers from ERA involved in the working party are listed below:
ERA Unit / Function / Name / CommentInteroperability – Project Officer / LAVOGIEZ, Hubert / Chairman
Interoperability - Project officer / AHO, Mikael / In charge of aspects in interface with INF
Interoperability - Project officer / DEFOSSEZ, Antoine / In charge of passenger related items (including SRT and PRM)
Economic Evaluation - Project Officer / GODWARD, Ernest / In charge of economic aspects
Cross-Acceptance / LUHN, Sascha / Observer
Calendar of meetings:
The calendar of meetings is the following:
N° / Date / N° / Date / N° / Date1 / 07 / 12 / 2010 / 6 / 21 & 22 / 09 / 2011 / 11 / 1011 / 07 / 2012
2 / 25 & 26 / 01 / 2011 / 7 / 29 & 30 / 11 / 2011 / 12 / 1819 / 09 / 2012
3 / 1617 / 03 / 2011 / 8 / 25 & 26 / 01 / 2012 / 13 / 08 / 11 / 2012
4 / 1718 / 05 / 2011 / 9 / 27 & 28 / 03 / 2012 / 14 / 30 / 01 / 2013
5 / 0607 / 07 / 2011 / 10 / 24 & 25 / 05 / 2012 / 15 / 11 / 04 / 2013
Terms of reference:
One important task is the closing of open points in the TSIs related to running dynamics, which are the main obstacle in the current situation for having an authorisation for placing in service (APS) of vehicles valid on all TSI conform EU networks.
This is a critical interface between infrastructure and rolling stock, which requires a common approach in order to be solved.
Therefore, the Agency has launched a dedicated working party of experts to cover this subject, and other issues related to the interfaces between the track and rolling stock, gathering experts from infrastructure and rolling stock sides.
The Working Party DYN is in charge of the following subjects:
-Ensure a common view and approach between infrastructure and rolling stock experts on the open points related to running dynamics in TSIs, and on possible technical solutions.
-Ensure that the proposed technical solutions are consistent with on-going developments within the railway sector (standards, research projects ...), and will be applicable by the railway sector (by means of normative documents applicable on a voluntary basis).
-Make clear proposals to the working parties in charge of INF and LOC&PAS regarding the corresponding TSI requirements, application guide, ...
Profile of the WP members:
Members of this WP shall have a technical expertise in the field of running dynamics, or control of track quality impacting the dynamic behaviour of rolling stock.
Interfaces with other working parties:
This working group DYN has interfaces with the working parties INF and LOC&PAS.
Time plan and work load:
The global time plan is defined in the work programme [2]of the Agency: preliminary draft in April 2012 and final draft in October 2012.
It implies for the Working party DYN:
-Work from December 2010 to February 2012.
-5 meetings planned.
Working party composition:
Representative body /Members /
ALE / -
CER / GAUTIER, Pierre-Etienne / STEPHANIDES. Johannes
CER / ZACHER, Manfred
EIM / LI, Martin
ERFA / -
ETF / -
UIP / -
UIRR / -
UNIFE / STRADTMANN, Hinnerk / AUER, Wolfgang
NSA / Members / Deputies
NSA Austria / ENDLICHER, Karl-Otto / HELNWEIN, Thomas
NSA Spain / Sánchez Ortiz, Pablo / del Río Alonso, Eduardo
NSA Finland / SANDELIN, Esko
NSA France / Bourrel, Pascal / HENON, Frederic
NSA Germany / Mattner, Lothar
NSA Italy / Tatarelli, Luigi / FANFANI, Angela
NSA Norway / Normann Ly, Jon
NSA UK / Eickhoff, Bridget
Project Officers from ERA involved in the working party are listed below:
ERA Unit / Function / Name / CommentInteroperability – Project Officer / AHO, Mikael / Chairman
Interoperability - Project officer / ARMS, Jan-Christian / Infrastructure expert
Interoperability - Project officer / SAWICKI, Maciej / Infrastructure expert
Economic Evaluation - Project Officer / SCHROEDER, Martin / In charge of economic aspects
Safety / COÏTO GONZALES, Esteban / Observer
Cross-Acceptance / LUHN, Sascha / Observer
Calendar of meetings:
The calendar of meetings is the following:
N° / Date1 / 10 / 02 / 2011
2 / 21 / 06 / 2011
3 / 15 / 09 / 2011
4 / 01 / 12 / 2011
5 / 31 / 01 / 2012
4.Working method
4.1Concerned RST
The mandate for revising the RST TSIs covers the following types of rolling stock (as definedin Annex I of the interoperability directive[2]:
-Self propelling thermal or electric trains
-Thermal or electric traction units (including locomotives)
-Passenger carriages
-Mobile railway infrastructure construction & maintenance equipment
These types of rolling stock are dealt with in the WP TSI LOC&PAS, for both HS and CR TEN systems, and for the extension to the European Union rail system, according to article 1 of the interoperability directive[2]; those specific to the TEN system are currently covered by the HS RST TSI (2008) and the CR LOC&PAS TSI (2011).
4.2Other applicable TSIs
At the date of issue of this report, the status of TSIs applicable to the concerned rolling stock is the following:
- RST sub-system: Noise Notified – In force
- Transverse TSIs: Access to People with Reduced Mobility Notified – In force
Safety in Railway TunnelsNotified – In force
- Other sub-systems: Operation Notified – In force
Control-Command and Signalling Notified – In force
Interfaces with the transverse TSIs are described in the clause 4.5 of this report.
Regarding interfaces with other sub-systems, the following TSIs are revisedfor both HS and CR TEN systems, and for the extension to the European union rail system,in parallel to the TSI LOC&PAS:
- Infrastructure (INF)
- Energy (ENE)
The common timeplan for revision makes it possible to deal with interfaces by a continuous contact between the ERA project officers in charge of the different TSIs, and when needed between concerned WPs.
4.3Stages of work
The Working Party TSI LOC&PAS is in charge of the following subjects in relation to the HS RST TSI and the CR LOC&PAS TSI:
First stage of work:
-Launch necessary work for the closure of open points (see also working party DYN).
-Clarify possible inconsistencies between the HS RST TSI and CR LOC&PAS TSI, in order to allow the application of both TSIs to a RST without any ambiguity, and to facilitate their merging.
Second stage of work:
-Extend the scope of these TSIs, with consideration of the extended scope, in consistency with the complementary study performed by the Agency on this subject.
Final stage of work:
-Prepare preliminary draft.
-Collect and analyse specific cases.
-Analyse comments received during the consultation phase.
-Prepare final draft.
4.4ERA Extranet workspaces
Two workspaces (TSI LOC&PAS, Dynamic behaviour) are available on the Extranet website of the Agency; these workspaces gather all working documents issued for the task of revising the rolling stock TSIs; they are accessible as member to participants to the WP, and as guest to all experts involved in other WPs organised by the Agency.
4.5Split of technical subjects, and interface with other WPs
Particular subjects related to the rolling stock subsystem are addressed in other WPs; the split of work between the different working parties is defined in order to have the best efficiency and consistency from a technical point of view.
Specifications related to these subjectsare drafted in the WP in charge; they may be included in the draft revised TSI LOC&PAS according to the conclusion of the study on the merging of TSIs at the stage of the final draft of the TSI LOC&PAS; this final draft has been presented to the WP TSI LOC&PAS for consistency and editorial aspects.
The technical scope of this WP is given in section 3.2 of this report.
The present report covers “rolling stock activities” of this WP in section 5.1.
-WP Noise:
The technical scope of this WP covers the current CR Noise TSI, the section “Exterior noise” of the current HS RST TSI, and the section “Interior noise” of the current HS RST TSI.
The dead line for the revision of the Noise TSI is not the same as for the revision of the LOC&PAS TSI; this gap will have to be managed by the ERA and the Commission (transitional situation for “noise” requirements of HS RST 2008 when it will be repealed by the revised TSI LOC&PAS).
The technical scope of this WP covers the current SRT TSI, the section 4.2.10 “Fire safety and evacuation” of the current CR LOC&PAS TSI, and the aspects of the current HS RST TSI referenced in the following clauses of the current SRT TSI: