April’s Homework Calendar

The following activities are repeated every week:

Every night: Read 5-10 minutes and write books on reading log located in Students Agenda page 17.

Mondays: Write Word Wall Words (WWW) three times each

Tuesdays: Write Word Wall Words (WWW) in abc order.

Check the binder for extra handouts or projects for your child to complete during the month.

WWW for the week / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Comments
Week April 10-14
1. him
3. were
4. old
5. them / Write 3 things you did for Spring Break.
Home-Link 3-15 / List 2 rules you have at home. Explain why you need these rules.
Home-Link 4-2 / Draw a picture of the weather outside and write a sentence about your picture.
Home-Link 4-5 / Early Dismissal: 11:30 / Early Dismissal:
Field Trip April 11
Pick up your child @ 3:45
April 13 @ 11:30
PTA Meeting April 27th
Progress Reports Issued: April 28
May Dates:
DRA Testing
PTA Meeting: May 18 @ 6:00
Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony: May 26th 8:30
Week of April 24-28
1. put
2. over
3. just
4. how
5. every / Draw a plant and label all of its parts. Make a list of all the things a plant needs to live.
Home-Link 6-3 / Draw a clock to showing the time you go to bed and write a sentence about the time you go to bed.
Home-Link 6-14 / Put the following words in ABC order: soil, rock, animal, plant, measure, and water.
Home-Link 7-4 / No Homework
Week of May1-5
1. from
2. any
3. know
4. ask
5. take / Go outside. Write 3 things that you observed.
Home-Link 7-7 / Go outside. Write 3 things that you hear.
Home-Link 7-9 / List 3 living and 3 non-living things.
Home-Link 7-14 / What was your favorite part in the book you read tonight? Draw a picture and write about it.
Week of May 8-12
1. pink
2. say
3. her
4. came / Put these words in ABC order
Explain how all these things are the same/different. / Write the four Seasons and draw a picture to go with each season / What is your favorite season? Draw a picture and write a sentence about it. / Look through your favorite book. Use tally marks to record how many periods, question marks, and exclamation points you find.
Last week for homework