ESS 122 Tutorial Projects
The Film Theme is “Corporate Environment Compliance”
Here is an example of the type of film I am looking for:
All imagery must correspond to the same Creative Commons Share Alike as for the Manifesto. You need to make your own graphics using a program like Power Point, Images need to have been registered under Creative Commons to allow re-use.
To make the film I recommend that you use Power Point slides and save into Images as per the Manifesto instructions. You may take you own photos or prepare your own videos using your smart phones and include them.
The final production of the film it is recommended that you use Window Movie Maker which is free to use.
The Film will be accompanied by a digital story with full attribution as per the example shown below above:
Final Submission
The final date for submission will be 3 November for Presentation at 12h00 and needs to be published on a CD and the RUBRIC in this document is to be hard printed and completed with your names and student numbers. The Story Board needs to be hard printed.Storyboard Rubric
Categories and Criteria / Inadequate / Inadequate / Average / Good / ExcellentFormat
/10 / No sectioning is evident. Content is random and all over the place. / Sections are not clearly defined. Content is scattered and not in proper order. / A few sections are defined. Some are in the correct order; some content is out of place.. / Most of the sections are defined. The sections are in the correct order; some content is out of place. / All sections are clearly defined. The sections are in the correct order and contain the proper content.
Creative Commons Referencing
/10 / Creative Commons Referencing not done. / Creative Commons Referencing adequately done. / Creative Commons Referencing adequately done. / Creative Commons Referencing adequately done. / Creative Commons Referencing adequately done.
/40 / Content is inaccurate or lacking in completeness. Pictures are not related to written content. / Less than 40% of the content is accurate or complete. Some pictures are supportive, others are not. / Only about 60% of the content is accurate or complete. Pictures are somewhat supportive. / Content is mostly accurate. Most pictures support written content. / Content is accurate. All pictures support written content.
/20 / Board is lacking in communication. Difficult to follow and does not inform. / Board does not effectively communicate the local environmental case study. Not easy to follow. Not very informative / Board somewhat communicates the local environmental case study. Not easy to follow, but still informative. / Board effectively the local environmental case study. Fairly easy to follow and informative. / Board very effectively communicates the local environmental case study. Easy to follow and informative.
/20 / Lack of effort is visible. Missing many elements. Information and pictures are incomplete or missing altogether. / Some effort can be seen. Several missing elements. Information and pictures are incomplete. / Effort is visible. A few areas are missing some elements. Information and pictures are basic. / Effort is clearly visible. Information and pictures go well together. / A wow product. Effort is clearly visible. Lots of information and well designed picture.
Worked Story Board (Example of what needs to submitted)
McDonalds the place to make you go MMMMMM! (Available on the Qarbon Qampus Channel )
Directed and acted / Makhpiya ShannacappoMain story / ―My digital story about becoming fat on fast food‖. This is the first part of my investigation into Fast Food and
possible connections to the global obesity pandemic. This episode sets the scenes about my own personal health
issues and where I got into bad habits of eating fast food. It defines obesity and describes how documentaries and
law suits have increased the exposure on the fast food industry and its targeted marketing at.
Production company / A Qarbon Qampus Production.
Filmed / On location in Second Life
Production Date / October 2013
Key-words / Key Words: Body Mass Index (BMI), Creative Commons, Digital Storytelling, Fat Head, Fast Food, Health,
McDonalds, Obesity, Ronald McDonald, Super Size Me
Film distribution / Creative Commons:
/ Share Alike
/ No Commercial Use
/ No Derivative Works
/ Provide Attribution
Image accreditation / Doug:
Peter Nijenhuis
Cerato Xornal
Percy Tak
Chiva Congelado
Jonas Söderström
Harris County Public Library
Mandy Jansen
Ken Colwell
Delfin Vassallo
Susan Sermoneta
Philippe Leroyer
Mark Mathosian
Images from posters for Super Size Me and Fat Head are used under Fair Use as there is no alternative license
Music Credits and / Composer: Le Gros Mass
Accreditation / Album: Taste too (2009)
Songs: Fast Food & Plane
Share Alike
No Commercial Use
No Derivative Works
Provide Attribution
Opening Video Credit /
Licence: Standard Videvo
Additional Notifications / Apologies to my Finnish friends for murdering your fine language
... I love you all!!!
Digital Storytelling – McDonalds that make you go MMMMMM!
Part 1 Finnish Fatballs (parody of Swedish meatballs)
Estimated time 5 minutes (Work on 5 -8 seconds per slide)
Time / Content / Proposed Image to find
1-14 / Title and opening credits. / Will do this at the end.
14-21 / Greetings from Lapland my name is Makhpiya Shannacappo. / My Face and a map of Lapland
21-28 / In Finish it sounds like this ―terveisia Lapista nimeni on Makhpiya Shannacappo‖… / Write it out in Finnish!
… but everyone calls me Makhy to make me sound more Finnish! / Me holding a Finnish flag
By birth I am a New World Indian or as we call it a First Nation. / Another shot of me looking
I was orphaned at an early age and raised by Swedish foster parents who returned back to / Map of Sweden
Sweden when I was in my late teens.
I am proud that my real father was a community leader who hunted and fished in the Northwest / Proud Indian Chief
Territory of Canada.
My Foster father was originally a Sami – those are the indigenous reindeer herders living in / Sami Herder with Reindeer
northern Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Not surprisingly I embarked on an academic career examining the modernisation of traditional / A university building or degree
societies. / certificate
Currently I lecture in Tourism at the University of Lapland at Rovaniemi. / Finland Map
Northern most McDonalds
As a researcher I have travelled the world from Southeast Asia to South America. / McDonalds Golden Arches in
the tropics
What fascinates me is the take-over of the world by corporations. / Coke Cola and McDonalds logos
Time / Content / Proposed Image to find
Is there anywhere in the world you cannot buy a can of Coke Cola or munch on a Mac burger? / Fast food meal on a tray
Being single and having no family I have spent most of my time researching and giving lectures / Me on scales
and paying too little attention to my diet and health.
I have also spent several sabbatical years in the USA at the University of Missouri at St Louis. / Picture of St Louis
So I am really aware about the growing obesity pandemic. In my country we are consuming more / Other big fat People
fast food and getting fat and…
there is even a McDonalds in my own town and it is the most northerly McDonalds in the world… / Tourists at a McDonald with
rubbish around the store
and the first Starbucks opened in Helsinki last year. Did you know the Finns are the largest coffee / Photo of Starbucks in Helsinki
drinkers in the world?
How can indigenous cultures and cuisines survive in the world of McDonalds, KFC‘s and Pizza / Photo of northern most McD
Huts I wonder?
This is why I am now researching the loss of cultural identity under globalisation and its impacts / Photo of a Starbucks
on the tourism industry…
and also admit I have enjoyed a good few Big Macs and cans of Coke in my time. / Me asking a question??
So I have also been thinking about how fast food and McDonald hamburgers and fries have / Seeing a Doctor
affected me?
Earlier this year I visited my doctor for a check-up. I actually go back home to Gottenborg for / Me in an unflattering position for
these annual check-ups and I have had the same doctor since my teens. / my annual check up
I known I am overweight but my long-time doctor friend, was really concerned this time at my / Me being weighed at the
obesity and that I am now pre-diabetic. / doctors
Obesity is defined from your BMI or Body Mass Index. This is calculated from your height and / Formula for BMI
My BMI is 40 which is classified as Obese Class II (or severely obese). I am 1.71 m in height and / Another photo of fat me
weigh 118 kg.
On each visit my doctor took photos of me. He pulled out his file to show me these and how I / Composite image of my weight
have gained weight since 1975. / gain
Laughing and you can out those groovy haircuts of the 80s and 90‘s / Composite image of my weight
I now need to lose 50 kg (the size of a small person) to not be over-weight. / Image of me and a slight
And simply to lose the label of being obese requires a loss of 30 kg that is the weight of my / Image of me and my German
German Shepherd dog! / Shepherd dog
Can I blame the Big Mac for making me fat? I can clearly remember when McDonalds arrived in / Sepia Image of a Canadian
Canada and the first of my many McD meals. / McDonalds ….
Americans are suing the giant multi-nationals for ―making‖ them fat. / McDonalds in the dock or
This is partly based on how the company has targeted children in their marketing campaigns. / Children eat Burgers and Fries
In 1979 McDonalds introduced its first Happy Meal which came with a cheap plastic toy. / A photo of a Happy Meal
This was marketing that the breakfast cereal manufactures like Kellogg‘s had earlier pioneered to / Kelloggs breakfast cereal and
sell more of their products. / toys inside
McDonald‘s is now the world‘s largest toy distributor!!! One-fifth of all McD meals include a toy. / McDonald toys
They also introduced a clown called Ronald who encourages kids to nag their parents to take / Introducing Ronald McDonald
them to the nearest McDs but …. / the clown
in Sweden there is no Ronald McDonald to prevent this type of subversive marketing to children / A Banned sign for Ronald the
The final piece of the marketing to children is the play centre at many McDonalds. / McDonalds Play Centre
Of course McDonalds would argue that often the only safe place to play in poor neighbourhoods is / McDonalds in a scruffy low
the building with the golden arches. / income setting
When people started to file law suits at McDonalds it opened up opportunities for the corporation / Picture of Lawyers
to be publically examined.
In 2004 Morgan Spurlock‘s film ―Super Size Me‖ hit the main cinema screens and was a wakeup / Poster for film Super Size me
call for many people. And even more Americans are consulting their lawyers.
A month of eating nothing but McDonald meals resulted in Morgan gaining more than 11 kg a 13% / Graph of weight gain by Morgan
increase in his body mass. / Spurlock
This controversial documentary got refuted with other films that re-examined fast food such as / Poster for film Fathead
―Fat Head‖ by Tom Naughton.
Eating at McDonalds and other fast food outlets, but limiting the amount of high-sugar sodas and / Graph of weight loss by Tom
high-fat fries Tom lost weight and improved his blood chemistry. / Naughton
McDonalds and other fast food outlets responded introducing more healthy options like salad bars. / Healthy salads at a McDonalds
In my next video I will investigate the McDonalds Empire, its Corporate Social Responsibility using / Me on a board writing
the triple bottom line auditing. / Corporate Social Responsibility
Until then I will say bye or as we say it here in the north ―hei hei!‖ pronounced HAY HAY / Final shot of me saying ―hei hei‖
in a text balloon.
Now provided full credits .. Including people who helped you and if it was filmed on location like in
Second Life. You can provide credits to Creative Commons pictures here.
Your Assignment will not be considered submitted until it is loaded in You Tube under the Qarbon Qampus channel and there are no copy-right infringements.
Each film will be formally marked using the attached Film Rubric. It is important that the films have a proper digitally prepared introduction, narration, music, credits and all material used is free from copy-right restrictions so it is shareable with attribution (but without modification and no commercial rights) and it is published on the Qarbon Qampus YouTube Channel without any notices of ownership disputes. Together with the film students need to prepare a formal digital story board as presented in the example provided “McDonalds the place to make you go MMMMMM!” as a guideline.
Category / 10-8 Points / 7 ½-6 Points / 5½-4 Points / 3½-1 Points1. Purpose of / Establishes a purpose early on and / Establishes a purpose early on and / There are a few lapses in focus, but the / It is difficult to figure out the
maintains focus for most of the / purpose of the
film / maintains a clear focus throughout. / purpose is fairly clear.
presentation. / presentation.
The point of view is well developed and / The point of view is stated but does not / The point of view is stated but no attempt is
connect with each part of the story, / The point of view is only hinted
2. Point of View / contributes to the overall meaning of the / made to connect it to the overall meaning of
although an attempt is made to connect it / at, or is difficult to discern.
story. / the story.
to the overall meaning of the story.
3. Relevant / A meaningful relevant question is asked / A dramatic question is asked but not / A dramatic question is hinted at but not / Little or no attempt is made to
and answered within the context of the / clearly answered within the context of the / clearly established within the context of the / pose a dramatic question or
story. / story. / story. / answer it.
Contents create a distinct atmosphere / Contents create an atmosphere or tone
or tone that matches different parts of / An attempt was made to use contents to / Little or no attempt to use
4. Choice of / that matches some parts of the story.
the story. The images may / create an atmosphere/tone but it needed / contents to create an
Content / The images may communicate
communicate symbolism and/or / more work. Image choice is logical. / appropriate atmosphere/tone.
symbolism and/or metaphors.
5. Clarity of / Voice quality is clear and consistently / Voice quality is clear and consistently / Voice quality is clear and consistently / Voice quality needs more
audible throughout the majority (85-95%) / audible through some (70-84%)of the
Voice / audible throughout the presentation. / attention.
of the presentation. / presentation.
The pace (rhythm and voice / Occasionally speaks too fast or too / Tries to use pacing (rhythm and voice / No attempt to match the pace
6. Pacing of / slowly for the story line. The pacing / punctuation), but it is often noticeable that
punctuation) fits the story line and helps / of the storytelling to the story
Narrative / (rhythm and voice punctuation) is / the pacing does not fit the story line.
the audience really "get into" the story. / line or the audience.
relatively engaging for the audience. / Audience is not consistently engaged.
7. Meaningful / Music stirs a rich emotional response / Music stirs a rich emotional response / Music is ok, and not distracting, but it does / Music is distracting,
that somewhat matches the story line.
Audio / that matches the story line well. Images / not add much to the story. Not coordinated / inappropriate, OR was not
Images mostly coordinated with the
Soundtrack / coordinated with the music. / with images. / used.
Images create a distinct atmosphere or / Images create an atmosphere or tone / An attempt was made to use images to / Little or no attempt to use
8. Quality of / tone that matches different parts of the / that matches some parts of the story.
create an atmosphere/tone but it needed / images to create an
Images / story. The images may communicate / The images may communicate
more work. Image choice is logical. / appropriate atmosphere/tone.
symbolism and/or metaphors. / symbolism and/or metaphors.
9. Economy of / The story is told with exactly the right / The story composition is typically good, / The story seems to need more editing. It is / The story needs extensive
amount of detail throughout. It does not / though it seems to drag somewhat OR
narrative (Story) / noticeably too long or too short in more than / editing. It is too long or too
seem too short nor does it seem too / need slightly more detail in one or two
Detail / one section. / short to be interesting.
long / sections.
10. Grammar / Grammar and usage were correct (for / Grammar and usage were typically / Grammar and usage were typically correct / Repeated errors in grammar
and Language / the dialect chosen) and contributed to / correct (for the dialect chosen) and errors / and usage distracted greatly
but errors detracted from story
Usage / clarity, style and character development. / did not detract from the story. / from the story.