Title Summary

Relating to

The Felbridge Nursery (“the Nursery”) and Halidon (“Halidon”)

Crawley Down Road(also known as Felbridge Road)

Felbridge East Grinstead West Sussex RH19 2PS

(the Nursery and Halidon are together referred to as “the Property”)

NOTE: This summary is provided for your assistance in the tender process. The buyer will need to rely upon the advice obtained from his solicitor with regard to the title to the Property and will not be entitled to rely upon this summary.

Registered Titles

The Property is registered at the Land Registry with freehold title absolute. The Nursery is registered under title number WSX170974 and Halidon under title number WSX170975.

Extent of Property Sold

The measured survey included in the tender documentation shows the extent of the property to be sold. Tenders are invited for the purchase of the Property or the Nursery alone.

If the buyer agrees to buy Halidon the whole of that property (title WSX170975) is included in the sale. If the buyer is only acquiring the Nursery part of the land in Title WSX170974 to the west of Halidon will be retained.

The measured survey which is included in the tender documents shows the extent of the Nursery to be sold. It should be noted that this does not include the whole of the land registered under title WSX170974 in the vicinity of Hoadlye. The boundary with Hoadlye will be amended with part of the access to Hoadlye (to the west of the Property) fronting Felbridge Road being transferred to the owner of Hoadlye. Additionally, the whole of the hedge which forms the eastern boundary of Hoadlye will be transferred to the owners thereof.

It should also be noted that there are no boundary structures delineating the western part of the Nursery where it comprises ancient woodland near Hophurst Hill. There are also no boundary structures indicating the position of the boundary of the Nursery to the south of the drainage ditch in the vicinity of Thicket Cottage.

Rights Benefiting the Property

The Property has the benefit of service easements in respect of existing service media serving the Property situate in under or over the adjoining properties known as Hoadlye and Minstrels (to the east of the Property). It is anticipated that services for the new development will not pass in under or over either Halidon or Minstrels.

There are believed to be prescriptive rights only for services and access over the track which divides the Nursery and gives access to Thicket Cottage. It is anticipated that the services and access to the parts of the Nursery to the east and west of this track will be directly from Felbridge Road and that service and access rights over this track will not be required.

Rights over the Property

Hoadlye and Minstrels have service easements in respect of existing service media, including in the case of Halidon a septic tank, situate in under or over the Property with the owner of the Property having the right to alter the route of such service media and to connect the said properties to mains drainage.

Hoadlye has a right of access over the driveway to Hoadlye,which access is situate on the Nursery.

In the event that the buyer does not acquire Halidon rights for services and access will be excepted and reserved over the Nursery.