Workshop Eastern Enlargement and the Patterns of Decision-Making in the EU

When: 19th December 2011, 2.00 – 6.20 p.m.

When: Jinonice building, room 3014

Organiser: Institute of Political Studies, FSS CU

Discussion Make Your Own Media! - The Participatory Media Organisation

Guest: Dr. Nico Carpentier, assistant professor working at the Communication Studies Department of VUB - Free University of Brussels.

When: 1st December 2011 - at 5pm.

Where: Hollar building, room 215

Organiser: Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, FSS CU

International Conference Municipal Amalgamation and Its Political Aspects

When: 25thNovember 2011.

Where: Jinonice building

Organiser: Institute of Political Studies, FSS CU

International Conference Strategic & Geopolitical Issues in the Contemporary World

When: 18th November 2011

Where: Jinonice building

Organiser: Institute of Political Studies, FSS CU

7th Prague security conference:EU, NATO, and Russia 20 years after. And what now?

When:11thNovember 2011

Where: National Technical Library, Technická 6, Prague

Organiser: Centre for Social and Economic Strategies, FSS CU

Discussion When the music stops… Some observations on the actual economic crisis

Guest: prof. Olivier Clarin, Laval University, Canada

When: 3rd November 2011

Where: Hollar building

Organiser: Institute of Sociological Studies, FSS CU

Debate Egypt, Revolution and Media

Guests: Egyptian journalists

When: 31seOctober 2011, 5.00 p.m.

Where: Hollar building, room 212

Organiser: Faculty of Social Sciences, CharlesUniversity in Prague

Discussion American Position in Arab-Israel Conflict

When: 26. October 2011

Where: Jinonice building

Organiser: Institute of Political Studies FSS CU

Seminar: CzechRepublic vs. Great Britain: Intercultural differences in marcomm and PR

When: 24. October 2011

Where: Hollar building

Organiser: Institute of Communication Studies, FSS CU

Panel Discussion: Down to Earth: Economics, Politics, and Reality

Guests: Dmitry Shemetilo, BlackFish Capital/Factor Capital, London, Vladimír Benáček, IES FSS CU, David Marek, ARX Partners, Pratur, Michael Rostock-Poplar, CEO, Venture Investors, Pratur, John Vax, CFA, MT Thaller, Managing Principal, Prague

When: 6th October 2011

Where: Opletalova street, room 314

Organiser: Institute of Economic Studies, FSS CU

International Symposium: Paul Felix Lazarsfeld – His Methodological Inspirations and Networking Activities in the Field of Social Research

When: 25-27thSeptember 2011

Where: Jinonice building

Organiser: Institute of Sociological Studies, FSS CU

Workshop with the French photographer Patrick Chauvel

When: 26 – 30th September 2011

Where: Hollar building, room 215

Organiser: Institute of Communication Studies FSS CU

International workshop The Local Good Governance in Europe: a comparative study between CzechRepublic, Slovakia and France

When: 14th June 2011

Where: Jinonice buiding, room 1035.

Organiser: The Institute of Political Studies FSS CU

Discussion lecture: U.S. and Afghanistan: Critical Look at the Current Strategy.

Chair: Tomáš Weiss, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, guest: Lawrence J. Korb, Center for American Progress

When:7th June 2011, 3.00 p.m.

Where: Hollar building, room 215.

Organiser: Institute of International Studies FSS CU

International Conference Islam, Gender and Democratization in Indonesia

When: 24thMay 2011,10.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon

Where: Jinonice building, room 1031

Organiser: Faculty of Social Sciences, CharlesUniversity in Prague

Lecture: European Integration and Moldova: Challenges, Goals, Perspectives

Speaker: H.E. Mr. Iurie LEANCĂ, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova.

When: 16th May 2011, 5.00 - 6:45 p.m.

Where: Jinonice building, room 1031

Organiser: Faculty of Social Sciences, CharlesUniversity in Prague

Discussion U.S.-Czech Relations

Speakers: U.S. Ambassador to the CR Norman L. Eisen and Czech Ambassador to the U.S. Petr Gandalovič

When:12thMay, 2011, 11.00 a.m. – 12.00 noon

Where: Jinonice building, room1034

Organiser: Faculty of Social Sciences, CharlesUniversity in Prague

LectureEconomic Governance and Social Development in Europe

Speaker: H.E. Mr. Mircea Geoana, President of the Senate, Parliament of Romania

When: 6th May 2011, 12.00 noon- 1.45 p.m.

Where: Jinonice building, room 1036

Organiser: Faculty of Social Sciences, CharlesUniversity in Prague

Lecture The Shadow Partisans: Women in the French Resistence

Speaker: Lawrence J. Korb, Center for American Progress

Where: library of CEFRES (Štepánská 35, Prague 1, 5th floor)

When: 5th April 2011,3 p.m.

Organiser:Institute of International Studies, FSS CU

Panel debate:Revolutions in the Arab World: Opportunity for a Multilateral Reaction?

Guests: Prof. Zhimin CHEN, FudanUniversity, Shanghai, Prof. David CAMROUX, CERI – Science-Po, Paris, Dr. Mark ASPINWALL, University of Edinburgh, Dr. Lorenzo FIORAMONTI, University of Pretoria

When: 24th March 2011, 9.30-10.50 a.m.

Where: Jinonice building, room 1031

Organiser: Institute of International Studies FSS CU

International conference:The EU in the World: Conflict Resolution, Development, and Cooperation

When: 24th March 2011

Where: CharlesUniversity, Blue Hall, Ovocný trh 3, Prague

Organiser: Institute of International Studies FSS CU

DiscussionCzechs Lighting the Way: The Path to European Energy Security

Guest: : U.S. Ambassador to the CR Norman L. Eisen

When: 15th March 2011,5.00 p.m.

Where: Jinonice building, room 1036

Organiser: Institute of Political Studies FSS CU

Workshop: Interpretive Policy Analysis Workshop

When: 23. – 24th February 2011

Where: CESES and Karolinum, Ovocný trh 3, Prague

Organiser: Institute of International Studies FSS CU and CESES