The Essence of Layering Flavors in Paulette’s Red Kitchen

First Layer - Vegetable Aromatics

Up to 2 c total








Sweet Pepper

Ratio of onion to other veggies = ¾ c to 1¼ c other veggies

The suggested amounts of the other ingredients listed below are based on 2 cups of veggies.

Second Layer – Herbs and Spices

Suggested spice choices and amounts:

1-2 whole Star Anise

1-2 sticks Cinnamon

1-2 t ground Cumin

1-3 t ground Paprika

½-2 t ground Coriander

1/8-1/4 t ground Cardamom

½ t ground Smokey or Semi-Sharp or Hot Paprika

½ ground Lemon Grass

Suggested chopped fresh herb choices (use ½ amount if using dried):

1 t Rosemary

1 T Thyme or Lemon Thyme

2 t Oregano

1 T Basil

1-2 whole Bay Leaves

1 t Dill

1 t Savory

1-3 T Parsley

Third Layer – Flavor Enhancers

Some of the flavor enhancers are:

Up to ½ c pitted Olives

1-2 T Tomato Paste

½-1 c Tomato Sauce

½ oz dried Mushrooms reconstituted in ½ c water

2-6 oz fresh Mushrooms

1 t grated Ginger Root

½ t Anchovies, smashed or Anchovy paste

1 T minced Garlic

1 T finely chopped Hot Pepper or Chili Pepper

½ oz dried Chili Pepper reconstituted in ¼ c water or wine

1-2 T robust Vinegar, Red Wine or Balsamic

1-2 T Honey

1-2 T Brown Sugar

1-3 T fresh Orange, Lemon or Lime Juice and zest of ½

Fourth Layer – Liquids

1 ½ - 3 c Broth

1-2 c Dry Red or White Wine

1 ½ c Beer

1 –1 ½ c canned Tomatoes and Juice

1 – 3 T Soy Sauce or Fish Sauce

1 c Mushroom soaking liquid

1-2 c Apple Cider

½ - 1 c Rice Wine

½ c Vermouth, Sherry, Brandy, Tequila, etc

Salt and Pepper to taste.

Given all the flavors and combinations it is best to salt and pepper at the end of the process when most of the cooking is complete and an essence of the flavors is present. Salting too early can alter the flavors for some of the ingredients and can dramatically increase with a reduction of the liquids.


If the outcome desired was oregano flavored chicken, then using other spices and/or herbs to accent that will increase the oregano flavor available in the chicken. Basil or Thyme are two herbs (added in lesser amounts than the oregano) that can create nice backgrounds for the oregano to shine. Spices that could create this backdrop are paprika or cumin. So even if a simpler flavor is desired, the layering of the flavors will increase the foods taste and attractiveness.

For a quick sauté of thin veal cutlets in a Veal Marsala style, one would sauté your choice of the onion family first in butter and/or olive oil, a light dash of nutmeg would be added and then the mushrooms, the veal and then the Marsala wine.

For oven baked Salmon, saluting slightly onions and leeks just until they sweat and layering that on an oiled pan, then placing the salmon on top the onions and rubbing the salmon with a mixture of the spices (a specific mix is available in the recipes from the Paprika show) like cinnamon, cumin, coriander, cardamom, paprika, etc. Bake the salmon as desired and in the last 10 minutes add 1-2 T of liquid to steam the salmon resulting in an enhancement of the spices, added moisture to the salmon and the creation of onions in a slight sauce to be served with the salmon. Sour cream can also be added to the sauce to booster the flavors.

Use of Ratios

The ratio or amount of one ingredient compared and contrasted with another ingredient is an easy way to ‘gauge’ how not to overpower a dish. The ratio will also vary according to the method you use. If you are braising a large roast, then the maximum amount would most likely be needed to flavor the dish and the liquid amount may even need to be doubled depending upon the size of your pan and/or your preference for length of time. A Crock Pot would require less liquid than an oven-roasting pan to at times product the same result. As you review some of Paulette’s Red Kitchen recipes, keep these ideas in mind and see all the variety of ways these ideas of layering is used.

Combinations Suggested in Different Ethic Flavors – just to name a few

Country / Aromatic Veggies / Herb, Spices / Enhancers
Asia / Onions, Celery, Carrot, Scallions / Cilantro, Basil / Soy Sauce, Garlic, Hoisin Sauce, Sesame Oil, Chiles, Ginger, Rice Vinegar, Miso
Caribbean Islands / Onion, Sweet Pepper, Scallions / Cinnamon, Allspice, Nutmeg, Thyme, Vanilla Bean, / Chiles, Tamarind, Lime Juice, Tomatoes, Raisins, Oranges, Garlic, Curry Paste
France / Onions, Leeks, Carrots, Celery, Shallots / Thyme, Bay, Saffron / Orange zest, Tomatoes, Garlic, Mustard
Greece / Onions / Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary, Paprika / Garlic, Yogurt, Tomatoes, Lemon, Olives
India / Onions, Celery / Cardamom, Cumin, Cloves, Cinnamon, / Curry Leaves, Chiles, Ginger, Shrimp paste, Sesame Seeds
Italy / Onions, Fennel, Sweet Pepper / Parsley, Bay, Sage, Oregano, Basil, Thyme / Garlic, Tomatoes, Anchovy, Olives, Hot Pepper
Mexico / Onions / Cinnamon, Aniseed, Almonds, Thyme, Oregano / Garlic, Tomatoes, Chiles, Cactus
Morocco / Onions, Scallions / Saffron, Oregano, Paprika, Parsley, / Garlic, Tomatoes, Raisins, Honey
Puerto Rico / Onions / Cilantro, Annatto, Cumin, Saffron / Garlic, Cherry Peppers
Spain / Onions, Shallots / Parsley, Thyme, Saffron, Bay, Paprika / Chiles, Tomatoes, Garlic
Thailand / Shallots, Scallions / Galangal, Lemongrass, Thai Basil / Kaffir Lime Leaves, Curry Pastes, Chiles, Garlic, Fish Sauce Shrimp Paste