Due Thursday 12/8/2016

The entirety of this assignment is to be produced on the left side of your notebook:

1)  Read pages 140 to 151 and take your own notes. There is no minimum or maximum, this is for your benefit.

2)  When answering these questions please start by labeling them with the corresponding letter. Really focus on these ideas/ words and answer these questions using complete sentences:

a)  Draw an anatomical heart (tracing is fine) and then label the 4 major chambers, the 4 different valves, the aorta, and then color the pieces of the heart that is carrying deoxygenated blood (blue) and heavily oxygenated blood (red). Last, somehow show the direction of blood flow throughout the heart.

b)  What is the myocardium? What causes it to be different thicknesses throughout the heart? How is the mycocardium different than skeletal muscle(list at least 3)?

c)  What is the "SA"? What makes it so unique? What is the "AV"? What is its main job/function? What are the Purkinje Fibers and what is their function?

d)  What three systems have extrinsic control of the heart? What effect would each system have on the heart (be specific for each)?

e)  What is an ECG and what is it used for? How is an ECG usually conducted (what are the steps involved)? Draw a graphic illustration of an ECG and explain the P,Q,R,S,T.

f)  What is the difference between bradycardia and tachycardia? What are some symptoms of each? What is a heart murmur and what is a cause? Explain what is meant by the cardiac cycle.

g)  What is SV mean and what is the average? What does EDV and ESV mean and what are the average amounts in a healthy adult? What is the different between SV and cardiac output?

3)  Write me a short summary ( 4-5 sentences minimum) of what you read and what you understand. If you have any questions or topics that are still misleading, please write them here for us to discuss later.