The Ending of The Great Gatsby –Surprising, but Appropriate
Para 1 : a) name of text and author
b) brief description of what the text is about
c/d) explain why the text is suitable for the question and what you will
be doing in the rest of your essay
e.g In regard to the title itself, “The Great Gatsby” has connotationsof success. The use of “Great” suggests magnificence andsomeone who will succeed rather than fail.When we initially begin to read the novel, our perception is that one of the major themes is the American Dream. This
again suggests success, perhaps portrayed by a happy ending.
However, as the novel progresses, it is clear that the predominant theme rather than being The American Dream, isactually the death of the American Dream. This therefore makes the ending appropriate. In addition, the ending isfurther made appropriate because it successfully illustratestwo more of the recurring themes – the shallowness of the
American Upper Classes and the folly of trying to repeat the past.
Para 2 : Indeed, the ending of the novel illustrates perfectly one of the recurring themes – the Shallowness of the American Upper Classes and the moral decadence of American Society. This theme is portrayed in a number of ways:-
Para 3 : The ending of the novel also successfully conveys what is
perhaps the major theme of the novel – the Death of the American Dream. The American Dream is based on the belief that anything is possible as long as you strive to succeed. Gatsby epitomises the purest characteristic of the American Dream – everlasting hope. His hope is that through wealth and power, he can acquire happiness in the form of Daisy. However, by the end of the novel, it is clear through Gatsby’s failure that Fitzgerald is questioning the idea of America as a place where all things are possible if only one tries hard enough. This is clearly shown by the fact that Gatsby fails in his pursuit of Daisy and ultimately of the Dream itself.
Gatsby’s fails –why? 1. He is a criminal
2. He can never gain acceptance into the American Aristocracy
3. His new identity is an act
Indeed, this is conveyed in a number of ways in the final chapter:-
i) through the idea of Corruption –evidence needed
ii) through the symbolism of Deceptive Appearances – evidence needed
ii)through the portrayal of the disintegration of the dream
-evidence needed
Para 4 : The final chapter also effectively conveys the folly of attempting to repeat the past. Nick has already pointed out to Gatsby earlier in the novel, “You can’t repeat the past”, to which Gatsby responds, “Can’t repeat the past?’ he cried incredulously. ‘Why of course you can!’ Throughout the novel Gatsby has tried to recreate his past with Daisy, even to the extent of buying a house like the one Daisy used to live in right across the bay from where she lives now. His desire is symbolised in Chapter One by Gatsby reaching out across the bay to the green light. However, events in the novel prove that you can’t repeat the past:-
This is clearly reiterated by the very final paragraph, “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Here Fitzgerald focuses on the struggle of human beings to achieve their goals. They are drawn back by the current as they struggle to reach the green light. While they continue to hope, “tomorrow we will run faster, stretch our arms out further”, they in their battle against the current, expend all their energies in pursuit of a goal that moves even further away.
Para 5 : Moreover, the ending of the novel is also effective as the reader’s
perceptionsof the characters are reinforced. As the novel progresses, Gatsby is portrayed as isolated and the reader feels
increasingly sympathetic towards him. This is reinforced by
the final chapter:-
Indeed, it is clear from the final chapter that the reader’s initial perception of the self interest which governs the lives of Tom, Daisy and Jordan is also to be confirmed :-
However, one character who does gain some credit in the mind of the reader is the narrator, Nick. Although he does not approve of Gatsby’s criminal dealings, he is admiring of his perseverance in the pursuit of his dream and this too is clearly reflected in the final chapter:-
Para 6 : Conclusion