The Elizabeth Anabo BRICC Awards
Nomination Form
Please include in your application this completed cover page and enclose a narrative answering all the questions in the nomination narrative section. The narrative should be no longer than two to three pages. Return the nomination form and the narrative to Silicon Valley Community Foundation by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 1, 2010. You may also include photographs, news clippings or other items that give a clear picture of your neighborhood group and its uniqueness. Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like these to be returned. Please do not fax nomination forms; electronic submissions are acceptable.
1.Name of your neighborhood group
2.Name of contact person
Contact Address City
Zip Phone (work) (home)
3.a) When was your group formed (month & year)?
b) Why did your group form originally?
4.Has the original goal of the group changed? YES NO
- If answered “YES,” indicate new goals:
6.Approximately how many households are in your neighborhood?
7. a) How many people are considered “members” of the group?
b) What is your definition of a “member?“
c) How many persons are currently considered leaders of the group?
d) What is your definition of a “leader?”
8.How much money did your group spend last year?
- What was the source of these funds?
The Elizabeth Anabo BRICC Awards
Nomination Narrative
Using two to three pages, please answer the following questions in the order listed. Please retype the question above your answer. Use type size 11 point or larger.
- Describe the activities or actions taken by your group in the last one to two years to increase the sense of community in your neighborhood.Please list the activities in order by date with the oldest listed first.
- Describe the accomplishment(s) in the last one to two years your group is most proud of and the issues these addressed.Describe any changes that occurred in the neighborhood as a result of your neighborhood group.
- Describe your neighborhood’s efforts and successes with involving a diverse group of people (gender, economic levels and ethnicities) in your neighborhood. Please be specific.
- What kind of assistance has your neighborhood group or members of your neighborhood group received from other organizations (such as United Neighborhoods of Santa Clara County, City of San José or Silicon Valley Community Foundation)?
- What makes your neighborhood association unique or distinct from other community groups?
The Elizabeth Anabo BRICC Awards
Selection Criteria
Criteria: The review panel will use the following criteria to select award recipients. Group efforts are recognized rather than individual efforts.
Group efforts rather than individual efforts.
The core group mobilizes broad citizen participation across ethnic, age and gender groups, owners, tenants, business owners and institutions.
Inspire neighbors to take action.
Their work addresses significant issues in their community.
Creative use of available resources and creative leverage of additional resources.
Provide opportunities for neighbors to take greater control of and responsibility for what takes place in their neighborhood.
Nomination forms must be received by 5 p.m.onMonday, March 1, 2010. Please email the application or send toDavid Burnce, donor engagement coordinator, Silicon Valley Community Foundation,2440 West El Camino Real, Suite 300, Mountain View, CA 94040-1498. Email submission is preferred.Send nomination form as a Word document attachment.
For questions, please contact David Burnceat the e-mail address above.