The Egypt Game: Character Playing CardName:
You will be creating a playing card for a character of your choice from The Egypt Game.
Think of what a playing card looks like (a mirror image) and the information we know about our characters. This should guide the creation of your card.
Characters to choose from:
The ProfessorMarshall
Criteria---You will be assessed on the following:
Visual Component:
You will be illustrating your playing card, paying attention to detail, and ensuring accuracy (according to the details of the novel) while drawing your character. To go above and beyond, you should use an alternate material to represent your character in a unique way.
Written Component:
You will be writing a profile of your character, which you will submit on the back of your playing card. You are required to use direct evidence (use direct quotations from the novel) to support your writing. The following questions must be answered in full and complete sentences in paragraph format:
-What is the physical description of your character?
-What are their personality traits (ex. Shy, timid, bossy)?
-What are their likes and dislikes?
-What is their role in the Egypt Game and why (ex. They are a leader because they are outspoken. They have been assigned the role of pharaoh because…)?
-How do readers see this character develop throughout the novel (in relation to the themes and in relation to other characters)?
You will need to pay close attention to spelling and grammar!
Assessment Rubric:
Criteria / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Written Component / Every question was answered in detail in full and complete sentences. You used appropriate direct quotations. You went above and beyond in providing information for your profile. / Almost every question was answered. You may have missed a question, or could have provided more detail. Nice work using direct quotations. Your sentences are complete. Great work! / You missed several questions, or you are lacking detail. Although you attempted to use direct quotations, you did not select appropriate quotes. Not all of your sentences are complete. / Either the written component is incomplete, or you are missing huge sections of information. You did not use direct quotes from the novel. You need to put more effort forth next time.
Conventions / You have no spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. It is apparent you took time to edit carefully. / You have a few errors, but the readability of your work has not been affected. Great job with editing. / You have several errors that have affected the readability of your work slightly. / You have numerous errors that significantly affect readability. Edit your work carefully.
Visual Component / Your playing card is vibrantly coloured, polished, detailed, and it accurately depicts your character. You have used an alternate material in a unique way. You went above and beyond. / Your playing card looks great. You accurately depicted a character, and used colour. However, you could have paid more attention to detail. You used an alternate material. Great work! / Although the effort is apparent, your playing card required more effort. Either you did not use colour, or you needed to pay closer attention to detail. You have not used an alternate material. / Your playing card is incomplete. You have not used colour and have not paid any attention to detail. You did not use an alternate material. You need to put forth more effort next time.