The Education Committee of the DSAHRC Is Pleased to Announce the Reading Tutorial Program

The Education Committee of the DSAHRC Is Pleased to Announce the Reading Tutorial Program

Down Syndrome Aim High Resource Center

(A Division of Center for Disability Services)

2018 WinterReading Tutorial Program

Reading Checklist

Student Name: ______Age:______

Please check what corresponds to the student’s reading level. This will give the tutors an idea of how to plan for the student and does not reflect whether or not the individual will be able to participate in the Reading Tutorial Program.

Enjoys being read to and has expressed an interest in favorite books

Able to sit and listen to stories being read to him/her and takes an interest in the illustrations for approximately _____minutes

Pretends to read by holding the book correctly, turns the pages and makes reference to the story from memory and from the pictures

Recognizes his/her own name

Knows some letters of the alphabet. If so, knows approximately_____letters

Knows the sounds of the alphabet (for example, knows what the letter “B” sound is.) If so, knows approximately _____letter sounds

Knows some sight words. If so, knows approximately______sight words

When prompted recalls events in the story

Enjoys participating in songs, chimes, chants, poems and storybook times

Chimes in on familiar or predictable stories

Able to read some environmental print that he/she is exposed to: (for example: stop signs, McDonald’s signs etc.)

Has fun with words and provides rhymes both real and nonsense type. (for example: right rhymes with tight, fight and 'grite'.) The child selects rhyming words and makes up rhyming words

Able to read easy pattern books. (An easy pattern book is a picture book with predictable patterns, such as: I saw a cat sitting on a hat. I saw a frog sitting on a log, etc.)

Uses finger pointing to identify many words and or follow along while reading

Able to re-tell the main parts of the story - beginning, middle and ending

Has favorite stories which include: ______


Able to make relevant predictions about a story. (Why he/she thinks an event happened, what might happen next, how the story might end , etc.)

Uses word patterns and contextual clues to comprehend and decode text

Beginning to read or already reading chapter books

Able to read for extended periods of times - approximately 15-35 minutes silently

Becoming much more fluent when reading aloud and usually demonstrates confidence while reading

Self corrects by using a variety of context clues, decoding and word structure clues. (When something doesn't make sense, the child will back up and re-read the passage to ensure meaning.)

Able to summarize and re-tell stories, describing the 5 W's (what happened.....why did it happen....where did it happen....when it happened....and who was involved

If you know, please state what independent reading level the student is at currently: ______

If you know, please state the student’s independent comprehension level (what he/she reads and understands all by him/herself): ______

If you know, please state the student’s oral reading accuracy level: ______

If applicable, what type of Reading Instruction does the student receive at school?

Guided Reading

Phonics only

Balanced approach to literacy

Other: ______

How many minutes can the student stay engaged in reading instruction before needing a break? ______

How does the student communicate?

Signs only

Signs and some spoken language

Spoken language as his/her primary mode of communication

Special accommodations and/or learning style:

If the student has a Behavior Plan to assist with his/her learning, please forward that information to us so we can make an appropriate student/tutor match.

If the student has an IEP, please feel free to share with the tutor.

Any additional information we should know about the student that will assist the Reading Specialist in providing a successful tutorial experience (attach additional pages if needed)


Parent.1.Reading Checklist.2018 Winter Page 1 of 3

DSAHRC*22 Corporate Woods Blvd.,. * 5th Floor * Albany, NY * 12211 * (518) 738-0020 * fax (518) 738-0021 * *