The E.M.H.A. Executive shall consist of the following members:
- President
- Vice President
- Past President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Equipment Manager
- Ice Scheduler
- N.O.H.A. Representative (only required if EMHA is icing rep teams)
- Awards and Publicity Coordinator
- Ways and Means Coordinator
- Coaches Coordinator
- Trainers Coordinator
- Tournament Coordinator
Each member of the EMHA Executive has a specific role however is expected to assist others when required or requested. The following job descriptions are guidelines only and may be amended as required.
- Shall be the signing authority for the Association.
- Chair all General, Special, and Executive Meetings.
- Be ex officio member of all committees.
- Exercise general supervision over all affairs of the E.M.H.A. to ensure that it operates within the scope of the constitution.
- Has the right to call Special General Executive Meetings.
- Is able to vote only in the case of a tie.
- Has the right to call a Special General Meeting if requested by a simple majority (50% + 1) of the Executive.
- Is able to suspend, until dealt with by the Disciplinary Committeeand the Executive, any player, coach, manager, team or club official for conduct deemed unacceptable by any NOHA, OHF, or Hockey Canada policy, abusive language to any of the officials, or for conduct unbecoming a member of the Association.
- Is able to impose such suspensions in respect to any incident which may occur in practice, regular season games, exhibition games, as well as any activity operated by the E.M.H.A. Such suspension must be brought before the Executive and the Disciplinary Committee within forty-eight (48) hours and shall remain in effect until dealt with by the Disciplinary Committee and the Executive.
- In cases requiring immediate action, is able to independently make a decision with at least one officer. However at the next meeting, is responsible for referral of such a decision to the Executive along with rationale. (To be revised as per constitution amendment submission should such said amendment be carried)
Vice President
- In the temporary absence of the President have all the abilities and perform all duties of the President. Should this be required the Vice would only be eligible to vote on any motion put forth in case of a tie as they would be acting in capacity of the President.
- To assist the President in all matters concerning the E.M.H.A.
- Is responsible to ensure that E.M.H.A. has a Disciplinary Committee in place and that the Disciplinary Committee is educated in any and all NOHA Policies pertaining to Harassment and Abuse and Complaint Reporting.
- Assist the President and the Disciplinary Committeewith all disciplinary actions.
- Is responsible for the collection of delinquent payments/ fees.
Past President
- Participate in the meetings anddeliberation of the E.M.H.A. with full voting capabilities.
- Act in an advisory capacity.
- If any Past President accepts a different position on the Executive they would only be entitled to one vote.
- Draft and Send out meeting agendas to all Executive members prior to scheduled meetings.
- Maintain an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings; produce minutes to be sent out by email as soon as possible following any EMHA executive meeting.
- Forward a list of Executive members to the Town of Espanola. Notify the Town of Espanola of any changes to this list.
- Receive, reply to, and file all correspondence of the E.M.H.A. and notify the President and other Executive members of these matters.
- Assist other EMHA executive members with administrative functions and correspondence.
- Be responsible for ensuring all players, coaches, and team bench staff are entered into the HCR system.
- Ensure all players and coaches are on an approved roster and liaison with team managers to ensure teams submit their team roster in a timely manner for approval.
- Be responsible for tracking completion of the mandatory Respect in Sport Parent program ensuring that all registered players have a minimum of one parent/guardian who has completed said program.
- Keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements of the E.M.H.A.
- Deposit all finance in a chartered financial institution.
- Prepare a financial written report for all executive, general and annual meetings.
- Arrange an annual audit of the E.M.H.A. financial transactions if requested by the Executive.
- Arrange and be responsible for all lottery licenses for the E.M.H.A.
Equipment Manager
- Shall take a full inventory of all E.M.H.A. equipment prior to the season commencing and shall record this, providing a copy to the Secretary, for future reference.
- Shall be responsible for the distribution, maintenance, and collection (following the season) of all E.M.H.A. equipment and shall make recommendations for replacement of equipment when necessary.
- Shall be responsible for the purchasing of required equipment once approval has been received via a carried motion at an E.M.H.A. Executive meeting.
- Shall work with the Ways and Means Coordinator in regards to any sponsorships required for the purchase of new jerseys/equipment.
- Shall be responsible for the reorder of jerseys through such programs as Tim Horton’s Timbits Hockey program and McDonald’s AtoMc Hockey program.
- Shall be responsible for organizing Eagles Gear sales and for dealing directly with suppliers and E.M.H.A families to ensure orders are filled correctly.
- Shall be responsible for orderly maintenance of the equipment within the E.M.H.A lock-up/ storage area.
Ice Scheduler
- Shall be responsible for the acquisition, distribution and recording of ice time for E.M.H.A. teams.
- Shall provide timely communication to team managers/ coaches/referee managerregarding ice times and changes of same.
- Provide communication to the Treasurer regarding costs of ice rentals and changes in bookings.
- Provide billing to E.M.H.A teams for additional ice rentals outside of those arranged by the E.M.H.A.
N.O.H.A. Representative
- Shall oversee the activities of the E.M.H.A. rep teams.
- Shall be the E.M.H.A. representative to the District Association and to the N.O.H.A.
- Any N.O.H.A. team expense(s) shall be required to have the approval from the N.O.H.A. Representative and the Treasurer of the E.M.H.A. prior to the expenditure(s) being incurred.
- All monies are to be used for team operating expenses only unless otherwise approved by the Executive.
- Shall sit on the committee for any N.O.H.A tournament hosted by E.M.H.A.
Awards and Publicity Coordinator
- Shall be responsible for the publicity of all E.M.H.A. events and activities, including posters, website, flyers, bulletin board, etc.
- Shall be responsible for the displays in the Espanola Recreational Complex and the maintenance and control of all E.M.H.A. trophies.
- Shall be responsible for scheduling of EMHA team and individual pictures
- Shall be responsible for the E.M.H.A. season-end banquet and for recommending to the Executive any awards to be given at same (e.g. Coach of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, etc.)
Ways and Means Coordinator
- Shall be responsible for recommending to the Executive all fund-raising projects of the E.M.H.A. These opportunities will be discussed and voted upon at an E.M.H.A. Executive meeting.
- Shall attend all Association fundraisers whenever possible. If unable to attend shall make arrangements with another E.M.H.A. Executive member to attend in their place.
- E.M.H.A. team(s) shall first be bring any ideas they may have for fundraising activities to the Ways and Means Director using the E.M.H.A Fundraiser Request Form.
- Ensure that all E.M.H.A. teams adhere to the fundraising policy.
- Contact community businesses to request donations and sponsorships.
Coaches Coordinator
- Shall oversee the activities of the E.M.H.A. house league teams with the related league(s).
- Shall be the E.M.H.A. representative to the affiliated house league(s).
- Shall sit on the committee of any house league tournament hosted by E.M.H.A.
- Shall call and chair house league coaches meeting to exchange information and ideas.
- Shall provide information and services to coaches, i.e. books, videos, etc.
- Shall arrange for coaching clinics and arrange through N.O.H.A. courses for coaching levels as required by the E.M.H.A.
- Supervise and assist with the allotment of players to the various teams and with the balancing of teams, if necessary.
- Be the first point of contact for disciplinary issues and complaints reporting these immediately to the Executive so a decision can be made as to how to proceed.
Trainers Coordinator
- Shall call and chair house league trainers meeting to exchange information and ideas.
- Shall provide information and services to trainers, i.e. books, videos, etc.
- Shall arrange for trainers clinics and arrange through N.O.H.A. courses for coaching levels as required by the E.M.H.A.
- Shall take inventory of all E.M.H.A trainers’ bags including first aid kits and ensure they are sufficiently stocked at the beginning of the season and throughout the season if replenishment is needed.
- Shall be responsible for the collection of all E.M.H.A. trainers’ bags at the conclusion of the season.
Referee Manager
***The Referee Manager will not be part of the Executive but will be available to provide advice to the Executive when asked. ***
The Association members shall elect a person to fill the role of Referee Manager at the E.M.H.A. AGM. If one is not elected the executive may appoint a member into the position.
- Be responsible for the scheduling of referees and game officials for the E.M.H.A.
- Shall refer to the Executive any matter which requires an Executive decision.
- Shall set-up through District Referee in Chief a refresher clinic for carded officials and level clinics as required to ensure an adequate number of officials are available.
- Shall attempt to have a minimum of two evaluations performed of all officials (referees, linesman, score keeper) per season; one prior to December 31 and the second prior to commencement of playoffs.
- Shall meet with Executive prior to the commencement of the season to discuss succession planning for the next year.