The Dušan Nedelko Foundation : Application for Support
We provide financial support to programs that engage youth of 18 years or younger in outdoor learning activities based in Ontario.
We seek to have significant impact in the lives of as many youth as we can, through supporting their participation in safe, outdoor learning programs that provide life and leadership skill sets, a strong sense of accomplishment and connection with nature and outdoor pursuits that will guide ongoing healthy life choices and stewardship of the environment.
We seek partnerships with Canadian not-for-profit organizations who need support to develop, deliver or improve accessibility to under-served, disadvantaged or at-risk youth for such motivational programs.
Our annual awards currently range from $200 - $2 000 each. Organizations can demonstrate a need for assistance in some portion of the costs of developing and/or delivering a program by applying before either of our bi-annual spring or fall Equinox deadlines (upcoming: September 22, 2010, March 20, 2011).
We will not support administrative costs of delivering a program but will support program costs involved with improving accessibility (including financial), safety or quality of the program to disadvantaged youth.
We will review applications, respond to these within the month that follows our deadlines and award funds when they are required within the year that follows.
On an occasional, 'emergency' basis, where we can make a significant difference but the opportunity arises and passes between our regular funding terms, we may award an applicant up to $500 and within a minimum processing time of 3 weeks.
We also award tuition and other costs of participating in enabling outdoor programs or training to individual youth who demonstrate a need for financial assistance.
Organizations are welcome to contact us about linking individual youth who could benefit from their program with our financial assistance.
Please send all completed application, questions or comments through the contact information listed below:
Email /Fax / 1-877-510-DOUS (3687)
Snail Mail / The Dušan Nedelko Foundation c/o Dan Nedelko
34 Carmine Crescent
Cambridge, Ontario
N3C 3Z1
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The Dušan Nedelko Foundation : Application for Support
Organization Information
Organization NameAddress:
City or Town
Postal Code
Contact Name
Role in Organization
City or Town
Postal Code
Organization Type / Charitable Organization
Incorporated/Registered Not for Profit
Non-incorporated Not for Profit
Organization Mission
(What do you do?)
Program/Project Information
What is the name and a basic description of the program you are applying for support with?
What are the goals of this program?
Is this an existing or a new program for your organization?
Please provide a tentative project timeline, including preparation, dates the program runs and follow up steps.
Where (geographic locations) will different program portions take place?
How will youth be enabled by this program ? (what skills or understandings will be learned? what health benefits gained? How will youth be motivated to apply life and leadership skills after participation? How will they be connected with the natural environment and inspired to act as responsible stewards?)
How and when will you evaluate the program's impact and measure success?
How and when will you forward that information to the Dusan Nedelko Foundation?
Please provide a brief description on how you plan to communicate about this project with your membership, general public and community leaders.
Please provide a brief description of any media plans you have that are related to this project:
Describe any other important outcomes or results of this program you will be tracking and which we haven't asked about above:
Financial Information
Total organizational budget for this year:Percentage of your budget received from Government sources:
Percentage of your budget received from Corporate sources:
Percentage of budget received from private sources:
Percentage of budget received from other sources (please specify)
Have your traditional program funding sources changed recently or in relation to this funding application?Has your organization received support from the Dusan Nedelko Foundation in the past 2 years?
If “Yes” what was the amount and the date of receipt of funds?
What are optimal dates to receive funding by / that related program costs begin ?
*** if this date is before regular application deadlines of Spring & Fall equinox & the 1 month response time following them, please check this box indicating you are applying for short-term funding and write “short term funding” in the subject line of the email you send your complete application with.
Short term funding
(We will only consider short term funding for $500 or less and with a start / funding date that is minimally 3 weeks after the application has been received)
Is this a program cost you are interested in receiving annual support for if possible?
Please tell us in detail about what program costs the requested support will be invested in, how these have been calculated / where these will be directed and how generally they relate to overall program costs and funding partners.Note: We will not support administrative costs of delivering a program but will consider supporting program costs involved with improving accessibility, safety or quality of the program to disadvantaged youth including costs related to equipment, staffing & staff training, food, transportation and/or other costs related to reducing or eliminating participant fees.
You can use the following chart or send an attached project budget sheet of your own which includes minimally this information.
Item / Program portion.
/Total Cost $
/$ Portion Requested from DNF
/Income from other sources. (applicant's or other partners)
/In-kind Contributions (aproximate value of goods or services given freely)
/Name, email and phone # for person/company providing item.
/Name, email and phone # for other funders or in-kind contributors for an item.
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The Dušan Nedelko Foundation : Application for Support
Follow Up Communications
To support each others growth and ability to effectively achieve our missions and program goals in the future, we request that our partners povide additional information upon receiving funds and completing the program. Please consider and confirm if, how and when you will be able to provide the following should your application be approved:(check if you are able to provide, note date when it can be sent by and any important information on how it will be attained)
/Communication Type
A digital .jpeg file of a company / group logo (to be posted on our website and in reports to donors)1-3 images of program in progress / related equipment / environment / promotion along with assurances or copies of signed releases authorizing publication by any participants within the image and/or photographer. Global waivers such as camp or institutional umbrella waivers are acceptable.
a copy of any participant testimonials, program success tracking or reporting produced by your organization
A video of the participants yelling (with enthusiasm) “I’m in <Location>!!!”
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The Dušan Nedelko Foundation : Application for Support
FEEDBACK ACKNOWLEDGMENTBy completing this application, the undersigned agrees to provide project information to the Dušan Nedelko Foundation board as well as request feedback from participants and others involved in the project.
This feedback will only be used to further promote the effectiveness and the need for future donations and sponsorships and no names or photos of individuals will be used without specific permission.
Name (Please Print)
Please provide the following information depending upon your organization type.Check
/Incorporated Organizations
a copy of your organization's letter of incorporation or documents proving not-for-profit status, relevant business/charitable numbers and make up of your volunteer board of directorsa copy of a summary financial statement from the last 1-2 years
a copy of a summary financial statement from the last 1-2 years
Unincorporated Not-For-Profit Groups
Please complete Appendix A: Group Reference Form, completed by a person who knows of your group, the project you are requesting funds for and who is of reputable, trusted standing within your local community or professional field.Page 1 of 13
The Dušan Nedelko Foundation : Application for Support
Appendix B - Group Reference Form
Group / Applicant Name:Please describe how you believe youth will benefit from participating in the project this group is applying for financial support for:
Please describe what you know of the group's financial situation, their need for funds and their ability to responsibly manage donated finances:
Are there any relevant circumstances in your community or the populations involved in this project that we should be aware of prior to making our decision about awarding funds towards this project?
Please provide any additional information that you feel would assist our Awards Committee.
In what capacity and for how long have you known the applicant group / group contact:
Your Name
Your Occupation
Your Address
Daytime Phone
Evening Phone
I declare that the information provided is true and complete:
Signature / Date:
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