The DOs and DON’Ts of DISPUTES
- DO submit ANIs using the Billing Name and Address as shown on the payphone bill.
- DO submit a complete ANI including the CORRECT AREA CODE.
- DO send your dispute resolution material to the NPC by the 10th day of the 2nd month of each quarter to resolve your disputes.
- DO submit letters from LECs or CLECs on their company letterhead (signed and dated by the LEC or CLEC representative) in order to resolve Error 12s. Request that the LEC or CLEC supply installand disconnect dates on all ANIs that are in dispute in order to resolve Error 12s. (If the LEC or CLEC supplies a list of ANIs or a spreadsheet, the list should be in ANI order.)
- DO contact your LEC/CLEC about preparing and submitting an additional LEC Report file to the NPC Website for the Claim Year/Quarter that your ANIs are in Error 12 dispute. (This will resolve the Error 12 issue only.)
- DO ask your LEC or CLEC to submit ALL ANIs which are listed under a master billing arrangement. LECs or CLECs who submit ONLY master billing numbers are creating Error 12s.
- DO send only March, June, September or December bills for quarters in dispute to resolve Error 13s & 14s.
- DO contact your LEC/CLEC to resolve Error 14s by using the NPC on-line dispute resolution process. The LEC/CLECs have been notified regarding the instructions for this process.
- DO include PSP ID number, Customer Billing Name and Address, and call back phone and fax numbers on all correspondence.
- DO prepare electronic files for making specific claims “invalid”. When you have claimed an ANI in error and that claim is in dispute and cannot be resolved for payment, you may send us an electronic file instructing us to make that claim “invalid”. (Example: you claimed ANIs for quarters prior to the actual install date or after the disconnect quarter). Your dispute resolution file should be in the normal PSP claim format, with complete header information. (The files must contain an Aggregator header, whenever required.) This file should contain only the disputed claim ANIs that you wish to make “invalid” for that quarter. Create a separate file for each quarter you want to resolve. These files must be submitted by the PSP or Aggregator via E-mail attachments. Label the files “Companyname_ID_Qtr/Yr_Invalid”; submit a separate file for each quarter you want to make the ANIs invalid. You may submit dispute resolution files for the 6 quarters prior to the current processing quarter.
- DO make sure that all documentation submitted is complete and legible.
- DO NOT submit RESIDENCE or other NON-COIN lines.
- DO NOT add comments or additional notes to original LEC or CLEC letters. Please attach any comments or pertinent information regarding your disputes on a separate piece of paper.
- DO NOT submit the physical location of a phone.
- DO NOT submit the same ANI under more than one ID for the same claim quarter.
- DO NOTsubmit LEC letters or bills to resolve Multiple LEC issues. The LEC/CLEC that reported incorrectly is the LEC/CLEC that should submit a Multiple LEC Report. They must submit their MLEC file electronically on the NPC Website per the instructions provided to them for the open claim quarters.
National Payphone Clearinghouse
Room 121-1090, 221 East 4th St., Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: 513-397-6260, Fax: 513-721-COIN(2646), E-mail:
Dos_And_Donts_Of_Disputes.doc - Revised September 1, 2010