The Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award 2014-2015

RELAN Awards: The annual Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award honors an educator who exemplifies the ideals of St. John Baptist de La Salle, Patron of Christian Teachers of Youth. The award is sponsored by the Regional Officeof theChristian Brothers Conference, in the name of all Lasallians of the Region of North America. It is presented at the annual Huether Lasallian Conference.

The 2014 Awards: The District of Eastern North America will recognizeonly three individuals.

Theme: The Huether Conference will be held 20-22 November 2014 in Chicago, IL. Generally, nominees reflect the theme of the Huether Conference. The theme is “Lasallian Mission: Word, Witness, and Invitation”. While this guideline is not absolute, preference will be given to nominees who fall within this guideline.

Selection: The three recipients of the Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award for the District of Eastern North America will be selected by the Mission Executive Council at its 15-16September 2014 meeting. Therefore the deadline to submit a nominee is earlyin the academic year--12 September 2014. Recipients will be notified in early/mid-October and subsequently will be announced on the website. Please note that the ministries of the three recipients will be responsible for all costs associated with attending the Huether Lasallian Conference. A chief administrator also should be in attendance in support of the awardee.

Criteria for Submitting a Nomination:

  1. The nominee must be an educator in a Lasallian ministry for at least five years.
  1. The nominee must work with the educational community to foster Gospel values in the lives of faculty, staff and students.
  1. The nominee must see the Lasallian ministry as a place of educational excellence that shares in the teaching mission of the Catholic Church.

The Required Materials: If you choose to nominate someone for the award please forward the following to Alan Weyland, Executive Director for Mission and Ministryno later than 12September2014.

Two letters of recommendation, one from the President or Principal and one from a faculty or staff member. One may be fairly brief, but the second should be a narrative by someone who knows the recipient well and who can write about how he/she has lived the qualities of a Lasallian educator, as visualized bySaint John Baptist de La Salle, and carried out in the heritage of the Brothers of the Christian Schools for more than three centuries. The writer should give evidence of the recipient’s effort to grow in qualities such as: excellence as an educator; personal faith and integrity; zeal to develop Gospel values in the students; personal concern for each individual student in their care; desire to build community within the local educational ministry; and concern for those who are disadvantaged or marginalized by society and for promoting social justice.

A copy of a curriculum vitae, including years of experience, educational background, activities in the Lasallian educational ministry, honors received/publications/ professional activities, etc….

A photo, preferably color and of high quality to be used in print publication

N.B. The District will provide recognitiononly for local nominees whose nomination materials are submitted to the District.

Again, please submit the above materialsno later than 12September 2014.

The Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award 2014-2015

Our nominee for the 2014-15 Distinguished Lasallian Educator Award is




Checklist of required materials:

two letters of recommendation (one must be substantive)

a copy of a curriculum vitae

a photo (high quality to be used in print publication)

Please send electronicallythe above materials no later than 12 September 2014toAlan Weyland, Executive Director for Mission and Ministry . You will receive a confirmation that the materials have been received.