Make A Bug

Family Project

Due Friday, April 21st or before


In honor of learning about Earth Day, please use natural and/or recyclable materials to create the insect of your choice.

Your bug should:

*have 6 legs and 3 body parts (technically spiders are bugs, they

have 8 legs and 2 body parts)

*be smaller than a shoebox

*be made primarily of natural or recyclable materials. Examples:

egg cartons, newspaper, wire hanger, plastic/cardboard containers, soda/juice bottles, lids, string, yarn, ribbon, sticks, leaves, rocks, and so on. Other materials can be used to complete the project. Be creative

*be made mostly by the student with help from the family

*be in the classroom no later than next Friday, April 21st.

Students will be encouraged to share what they learn about their insects with the class.

Surprise me with your creativity.

Learn about insects.

Have fun with your family.