
CLASS: ______

The Depression & New Deal


Use your notes and text to answer the following.

______: President blamed for the Great Depression

______: General who broke up the Bonus Army March

______: President who expanded government to combat the Depression

______: First Lady who supported the New Deal and Human Rights

______: First woman appointed to a Cabinet post; Secretary of Labor

______: Educator in charge of African American affairs for the New Deal

______: FDR friend and Progressive in charge of the FERA

______: Economist in the Agriculture Dept.; part of the “Brain Trust”

______: Critic of FDR and admirer of Adolf Hitler

______: Critic of FDR who wanted massive redistribution of wealth

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)

Federal Housing Administration (FHA)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

National Recovery Administration (NRA)

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

______: Regulated the Stock Market; controlled margin buying

______: Developed business codes including a minimum wage

______: Paid farmers to NOT grow crops in order to increase prices and wages

______: Insured private bank accounts against loss if the bank failed

______: Improved housing standards; made loans for buying a home

______: Provided jobs & improved standard of living in rural Tennessee

______: Provided jobs for young unmarried men; set up like the Army

The Great Depression began on “Black Tuesday” ______29, 1929, when there were massive sales of stock in the market. This Great ______occurred because of buying stocks on credit or ______buying and because of ______in the market. When the market crashed, businesses failed and ______failed as well.

Many people ran to their bank to withdraw their accounts before their bank closed. This was called a ______. The government first tried to adjust interest rates and then passed the ______- ______Tariff which was the highest in U.S. history. This caused other nations to raise their tariffs and ultimately everyone was hurt. The president, ______seemed unconcerned and did too little, too late. He passed the ______Finance Corporation and the ______Act to help people stay in their homes and farms. He also began work projects like the ______

Dam and the ______Building in New York.

______easily won the 1932 election and promised America a ______. He spoke to the American people over the radio in a calming voice about the nation and his plans to combat the depression. These radio talks were known as ______. He tried to restore confidence in American banks by closing them down for 4 days and inspecting them. The Glass-Steagall Act then created the FDIC which ______private bank accounts. Other programs were aimed at getting people back to work. His friend, ______ran the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. This organization put money into the Civilian Works Administration to employ people. Roosevelt’s favorite agency was the ______which offered jobs, food, and medical care to unmarried young men. It was set up like the ______. The National Recovery Administration set up business codes and established a ______. Most of this government expansion was done during his first ______days in office.

The Second New Deal was even more bold in that it offered more ______and more business regulations. The Works Progress Administration also employed young people. ______encouraged loans for companies to offer electricity to poor areas. The ultimate goal was to stimulate buying electric appliances and products. Roosevelt also took the nation off the ______in an attempt to devalue the dollar. He hoped this would raise prices and incomes. The ______was also passed to help labor unions. ______and collective bargaining became legal. The Social Security Act then provided financial support for people like the ______and handicapped.

Some people believed the New Deal went too far and that it was a move toward ______.

Even the Supreme Court declared some programs unconstitutional because they made Roosevelt a law maker rather than a law enforcer. ______were less likely to get a job, especially if they were married. ______were also less likely to work and some were even ______to their country of origin. FDR’s worst critics were men like ______, a Catholic Priest, who eventually even praised Adolf Hitler. ______also criticized FDR and wanted massive ______

of wealth. One of Roosevelt’s biggest mistakes was when he threatened to appoint more justices to the Supreme Court so they would vote in favor of his plans. This was known as ______

______and was very unpopular with the people who believed he was becoming too powerful and ignoring the Constitution.

Bonus Army –Hooverville -

GDP –Lynching -

Dow Jones Industrial Average – Business Cycle -

Dust Bowl –Tariff -