Station A

The dependent variable in each graph below shows effectivenes of enzyme activity.

  1. This enzyme works most effectively at a pH of __2__
  1. This enzyme appears to work effectively at a pH of __2-4__
  1. Cells in the stomach produce pepsin, an enzyme that hydrolyzes proteins into polypeptides. Pepsin works best in a pH of 2. Which of these graphs most likely represents the activity of pepsin?

Station B

  1. Which molecule determines the primary conformation of a protein (or its sequence of amino acids)?

glucose adenosine triphosphate deoxyribonucleic acidoxygen

Identify the conformations of proteins shown.

9. At which conformation (level of structure) is the protein functional (or works)? ___Quarternary___

Station C

  1. What are these molecules?Amino Acids
  2. What are their functional groups?Amine (NH2) & Carboxyl (COOH)

Which correctly describe(s) these molecules? (Mark T for true and F for false)

  1. They are produced by ribosomes in all cells forming proteins which may function in transport or repair tissues.T
  1. They are monomers of proteins and are translated from mRNA in ribosomes. T
  1. They are synthesized by chloroplasts and store energy for consumers.F
  1. Their sequence or arrangement in a proteins is coded for by the DNA in a gene on a chromosomes. T
  1. They are used as a main source of cellular energy.F
  1. They are a source of Vitamins A, D, E, and K. F

Station D

Fill in the names of the organic macromolecules or biomolecules to correctly complete this concept map.

  1. What are the monomers for #18?Monosaccharides
  1. What are the monomers for #19?Fatty acids
  1. What are the monomers for #20?Amino Acids
  1. What are the monomers for #21?Nucleotides

Station E

  1. Identify this molecule. DNA
  1. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Nucleic Acids
  1. Where do you find this molecule in a cell?Nucleus
  1. Label 1-5 from the diagram

30-1Nitrogenous Bases bonded with hydrogen bonds

30-25 Carbon Sugar

30-3Phosphate Group


30-5Thymine because it is bonded to Adenine

Station F

  1. Identify molecule #1.Glucose
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrate
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Chloroplast
  1. Identify molecule #2Amino Acid
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Protein
  3. Where in a cell is it made? Ribosome
  1. Identify molecule #9Fatty Acid
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Lipid
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Smooth ER

Station G

  1. Identify molecule #10. Monosaccharide (Triose)
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrate
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Chloroplast
  1. Identify molecule #11 (it’s part of a lipid, what is this PART called?)Phosphate Head
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Lipids
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Smoothe ER
  1. Identify molecule #13 (it has nitrogen..)Nitrogenous Base
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Nucleic Acids
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Nucleus

Station H

  1. Identify molecule #12.(Monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide)
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrate
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Chloroplast
  1. Identify molecule #14(Monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide)
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrate
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Chloroplast
  1. Identify molecule #15(Monosaccharide, disaccharide or polysaccharide)
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrate
  3. Where in a cell is it made?Chloroplast

Station I

  1. Identify this molecule.Triglyceride
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Lipid
  3. What are the monomers of this molecule?Fatty acids
  4. What are 2 functions of this molecule?Long Term Energy and Insulation
  5. Is this molecule solid or liquid at room temperature? Solid
  6. How do you know?All of the fatty acids are saturated molecules; None of them have double bonded carbons on the carbon backbone
  7. Where in a cell is this molecule produced?Smooth ER

Station J

  1. Identify this molecule.Protein
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Protein
  3. What are the monomers of this molecule?Amino Acids
  4. What are 2 functions of this molecule?Structure and regulation of the body
  5. Where in a cell is this molecule produced?Ribosome

Station K

  1. Identify this molecule.Polysaccharide
  2. Into which category of biomolecules would you classify it?Carbohydrates
  3. What are the monomers of this molecule?Monosaccharides
  4. What is the main function of this molecule?Short Term Energy
  5. Where in a cell is this molecule produced?Chloroplast

Station L

  1. What is this organelle? Mitochondria
  1. What is its function and what does it produce?To break down glucose, creating ATP

78. What is this organelle? Chloroplast

  1. What is its function and what does it produce?To help a plant cell go through photosynthesis, creating glucose

Station M

  1. Where are proteins made (translated) in the cell? _Ribsome__
  1. Where would you expect to find DNA in a cell? _Nucleus_
  1. What organelle produces carbohydrates for the cell? _Chloroplast_
  1. What organelle produces lipids (including phospholipids) for the cell? Smooth ER

Station N

Identify the group of biomolecules performs these functions?

  1. Long-term energy storageLipids
  2. Directs the synthesis of proteinsNucleic Acids
  3. Insulation Lipids
  4. Primary source of energy for the cellCarbohydrates
  5. Structural component of plant cell wallsCarbohydrates
  6. Catalyze chemical reactionsProteins
  7. Transports oxygen in blood and in muscle tissueProteins
  8. Stores and transmits genetic informationNucleic Acids

Station O

  1. How would you explain the function of enzymes to a student in middle school?

If all reactions have energy needed to start them, enzymes let the reaction work without as much enzyme.

  1. Look at the graph shown and explain the purpose of an enzyme.

An enzyme (or catalyst) speeds up a reaction by lowering the amount of energy needed