The Declaration of Independence: an Interactive Worksheet

The Declaration of Independence: An Interactive Worksheet

1.  Which words in the Declaration Of Independence are the first to indicate that Jefferson was worried about world opinion as to why the colonies were declaring their independence from Great Britain?

2.  Define the term “unalienable” rights.

3.  Which rights does Jefferson consider to be “unalienable”?

4.  Which political philosopher that was studied in class would have been most likely to agree with Jefferson’s that common people have “unalienable” rights?

5.  According to Jefferson, why are governments established among men?

6.  Which phrase does Jefferson use to explain that the power to govern comes from the people?

7.  When does Jefferson say it would be just and legal for people to replace their government?

8.  Which sentence in the Declaration Of Independence is the first to justify the treason of the revolutionaries against the British government? Quote it here.

9.  In the list of Grievances against the King of England, which sentence refers to The Proclamation of 1763? Quote it here.

10.  Which phrase in the Declaration Of Independence refers to the Stamp Act? Quote it here.

11.  Which sentence in the Declaration Of Independence refers to the use of Hessian Mercenaries by the British? Quote it here.

12.  Which sentence describes the Quartering Act? Quote it here.

13.  Which phrases in the Declaration Of Independence allude to the British government violating the rights of the colonist as guaranteed by Magna Carta, the Petition of Right and the English Bill of Rights? Quote them here.

14.  Which phrase in the Declaration Of Independence describes the British Government’s attempts to end the colonists’ history of self government? Quote it here.

15.  Which sentence in the Declaration Of Independence refers to the British governments alliance with Native Americans against the colonists? Quote it here.

16.  Which sentence in the Declaration Of Independence explains that the First and Second Continental Congresses made efforts at reconciliation? Quote it here.

17.  Which phrases in the Declaration Of Independence showed that the colonists had drifted away from the British culturally and politically? Quote them here.

18.  What sentence in the Declaration Of Independence is the first used by Jefferson to describe the sovereignty of the new United States? Quote it here.

19.  Which phrase in the Declaration Of Independence demonstrates to the world that Jefferson and the revolutionaries knew that they were taking a risk (possibly fatal) in declaring independence?

20. Based on what was studied about Thomas Hobbes, how would he have reacted to the representative democracy established by the new United States?