The DAVA WAY Association

Approved Minutes of the Committee Meeting: 19th March 2012

Venue: The Hub, Forres Meeting opened 19:30

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Action by

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J Thomson, chaired opened the meeting at 7.30 and welcomed members
2 / Present: David Binney, Pete Mitchell, Jim Thomson, Norman Thomson, Bill Bullock, Neil Sinclair, Paul Baron, Greg McAuley
Apologies: none
3 / Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Proposed: Neil Sinclair Seconded: David Binney
4.3 /

Matters arising:

Further to 7.3 NS said further investigation made him feel additional cover for first aid could be obtained. This prompted some discussion on the problem of over exertion on walks. To avoid confusion experienced in the past the Sec suggested the ambulance service should be contacted to ensure they knew the location of Edinkillie. It was agreed that any additional support would be welcomed and NS was asked to investigate further.
PB notified the meeting that the Paths for All submission (3.5) was sent.
The Sec said Mrs Robertson had not been contacted yet regarding the Ghost Train Walk and information board. He would contact her asap. / David
5.7 /

Treasurer’s report:

A balance of £11352.29 is in the account, which includes funding of £5000 from the Budge Project, £1596 Leader funding and £162 Paths for All. A cheque for £30 sent to Forres Tennis Club had still not been cashed.
He had made payments of £359 for Insurance with BTCV and £126 to Big Sky Printers.
Having received £11596 from the Budge Found'n currently we have £7903.29 left.
The treasurer asked NT if any payments were imminent, NT said we could expect an invoice from Big Sky Printers and to facilitate cash flow this should be made part of a consolidated claim to Leader.
The treasurer requested we re-appoint signatories to operate the Dava Way's Account. It was proposed we appoint Neil Sinclair, Paul Barron , Jim Thomson, David Binney. These nominations were seconded and unanimously elected. All the above were thus duly authorised to act as signatories.
NT said changes to gift aid will mean small cash donations can be made without a signature etc. The treasurer noted this but said we rarely received a non gift aided donation.
The treasurer reminded the meeting that any expense form should be presented before the end of the financial year. / Paul
6.6 /

Budge Foundation

NT said the opening ceremony would be on 28th April at 2pm on the Divie Viaduct. Lady Laing and Mrs Budge will unveil the information board. It was agreed we obtain presentations for the ceremony.
Edinkillie Hall will be open for 'Spring Teas' and they have agreed to display copies of the boards and we can sell guide books.
The sec sought clarification that the Tea organisers were aware of the plans to display the DW boards. NT confirmed this.
NS asked if Mr Budge had given any feedback after his visit, NT said not.
WB asked NT if discussions had taken place with Canary Dwarf regarding e publishing of the guide. WB said the company had indicated they could produce a e-copy that we could sell downloads via the app, our website and/or Amazon.
PB asked if all feedback from the estates had been positive. NT said it had, but Altyre had not responded yet.
The sec reported that he had had a conversation with Duncan Bryden concerning the Forres and area Interpretive Plan. During the conversation Duncan had indicated that he was also a CNPA board member. He had enquired whether the CNPA were aware of the Budge Trust proposals. NT confirmed that they were. / Norman
7.6 / Ghost Train Walk 2013
The Sec had booked Edinkillie Hall for 2 days. It costs £40 + electricity.
PB said 6 bookings had been received.(2 via Walking Festival)
The Sec said he would contact the residents.
PB asked about buses and said we should use a reputable company. The Chairman said he would approach Maynes. This was accepted.
The Chairman launched a discussion around the possibility that the Forestry Commission offer grants of up to £1000 for events in their forests and it was suggested that this would enable us to put in place a better Ghost effect. NT said he would explore this. PM said we had good effects last time and we should not overlook our repeating this. NT said Moray Arts via Findhorn Arts Festival were placing forest figures in Sanquhar and he felt they could assist us.
The Sec said a poster still had to be selected from the two on offer. After further discussion the Sec was asked to produce a poster. / David
8.3 / Path Survey
PM suggested a survey in May. He said we still had enough problems from the last survey to fill 5 pages. He suggested we prioritise maintenance, eg ditch clearance top priority.
The Chairman said he hoped COAT workers would do some of these tasks this year.
The Sec asked for a job as top priority, PM replied the placement of a DWA board at Rafford Bridge. NS said he would note this. / Neil
9.4 / Longley Farm/Gates
Ian Douglas has offered more gates. PM said we only need improved latches. He has two gates in his garden along with some drain pipes. It was felt we should seek money for latches rather than gates.
Squirrel Neuk was identified as a possible site for drain installation. PB felt a ditch may need clearing and the estate should be approached for comment. As forestry work was being carried out and we were to re-survey no immediate action could be identified.
NT said improvements underway at Forres Station would result in a new notice board and display showing the old permanent way and modern Dava Way.
A request had been circulated asking us to repair the steps at Sanquhar Bridge. PM advised the committee that a request that the Army help with improving this access point so that it is suitable for cyclists. PM said such requests must go via Ian Douglas. The Forres Footpath Trust was willing to ask for funds if the Army could not help.
10.5 / AOCB
PB said the European Year of Volunteering was offering another grant of £1000.
Information would be passed to NT.
The Sec asked it be recorded that he had agreed the DWA Insurance be renewed.
The Sec pointed out that an unofficial exit from the Dava Way at the north end of the Viaduct had been drawn to his attention. He wondered if this should be improved and made official. PM said there was an easier exit if one was to be officially created.
PB said we should not encourage parking on the bend and suggested we inform the estate and ask if they would allow a small fenced path to be developed across the field.
The Sec said it is not impossible that we could be offered a large sum of money but if we were, we would struggle to allocate it, we should have a strategy of aspirations. Time for a discussion should be made available.
PM said he had repaired the erosion at Logie Bank and if the DWA agreed would working on a minor erosion nearby. The DWA agreed. / Paul

Meeting closed at 21.40 Next meeting: 19.30 16th April 2013 at The Hub