Psalm 19:13, a prayer of King David: “Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep Your servant back from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. Then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from great transgression.”

There are 245 verses in the Scriptures that speak of presumption, presuming, or presumptuous action.

From The Merriam Webster Dictionary: 1) “Presume, presumed, presuming”: “to take upon oneself without leave or warrant, to take for granted, to act or behave with undue boldness.” 2) “Presumption”: “an attitude or conduct, audacity, an attitude of belief dictated by probability, the grounds that lead from probability to belief.” 3) “Presumptuous”: “overstepping due bounds, taking liberties.”

While I respect the sterile definitions of the dictionary, in this article I want to go beyond sterility, and present the seriousness of presumptuous attitudes and conduct for what they really are - sin.

I want to share with you the reality of the fatal mistake of presuming things are true, when they are not. Presumptive reasoning brings a curse--upon you, your family, your friends, and all you do business with! Its false-based reasoning never comes to the right conclusion. False conclusions lead to wrong expectations and wrong actions, because of trusted beliefs processed in the carnal mind without a person doing their own honest research with lots of prayer to find out the Truth.

Hardly anything is as it appears on the surface. Only through discernment by the Spirit, grounded in factual knowledge studied out, can one be saved from presuming things that are not true--which lead down a path to destruction. The “broad road” of Matthew 7:13-14 is paved with presumption!

Presumption is based on what seems to be, or feel, right--a faulty foundation leading to fallacious reasoning. Its roots are buried in many deadly sins--ranging from pride and arrogance, to defiance and rebellion, to a wrong opinion of one’s self, putting trust in false information--but all because of rejecting Yahuweh’s right to rule one’s reasoning and their everyday life.

Presumption is based on what looks good to the soul--the five senses--to the lust for ease, comfort, convenience, and what makes us feel good and look good to others. People buy into lies, into empty promises of con-artists and false prophets, all the time because they are offered something that looks good on the surface, and they trust what makes them feel good rather than taking the time to check it out for errors.

The American Christians quickly bought into the Jesuit implanted doctrines of Dispensational theology and a pre-7-year tribulation rapture because it sounded so wonderfully good. America’s new heroes were John Nelson Darby, C.I. Scoffield and all others who promoted these doctrines. A few Scriptures were taken out of context that appeased English cultural thinking, and the lie was supported by supposedly honorable men. But, the Jesuits sent Darby with the specific purpose to destroy the faith of American Christians--to weaken and soften them up so they would not be prepared for what is really going to happen.

But, the Christians did not check out the whole Word, or put it up next to the nature of Yahuwah, or check out the source of this new doctrine. I clearly document the source in “Warning! Nine Lies…”/August 6, 2015. [Also refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind”/January 2006] Today new doctrines are multiplying like rabbits, and few people check them out, or discern Truth in their spirit.

Factual Truth is out there for you to find--for the wise to seek out by the leading of the Spirit. The Truth is all through the Word, not just hidden in a few verses for the unscrupulous to misuse.

So, because Christians presumed the doctrine was correct because it made them relax and feel good, secure, and comfortable, many will throw away their faith when it doesn’t happen. Just these three verses capsule it--Proverbs 2:20-22, Matthew 13:13-50. But, it’s all through the Word – Noah went through the judgment on the earth, all the rest perished and went into Hades. [Refer to my article “Through”/March 4, 2012. Also, refer to the correct Hebrew rendering of Daniel 9:24-26 in “And He Shall Confirm the Covenant With Many For One Week”/September 14, 2013]

There is not one verse in the entire Bible that says there will be a 7-year tribulation. How long was the Flood! Six weeks! How long is the worst of the tribulation to come according to the nature, ways, and Word of Yahuwah? Six weeks! Yahuwah is no sadist!

The warning of II Thessalonians 2:8-12 stands firm. If you do not love the truth enough to search for it throughout the whole of the Word with the Spirit of Yahuwah to direct your study, then you will end up believing a lie and be damned. I didn’t say that…the Word says that. It is basic principle of the Word!

Be an astute researcher. Check out what you hear and read. Search the Word! Gather factual information. Do not try to find someone who agrees with you—that is dishonest research. Always ask the Spirit to reveal Truth to you. He will keep you from deception. He will confirm the truth to you!

Presumption is a curse of the soul. There is no presumption in the spirit, which is perfected at the true new birth. The spirit becomes an open portal to Yahuwah realm at the true new birth. All presumption is in the soul--the mind, emotions, reasoning, feeling, desires, lusts, and sin nature, which cases the will to react positively to that which is destructive.

Soft and weak people run after what makes them feel good and secure, that which satisfies their fleshly desires and pumps them in their self esteem (pride) as being good and wonderful. The “I am god” reasoning is predominant in Western culture – everyone thinking of themselves as deserving the best of everything.

Suffering is not in the equation with the soft and weak. But, it given as a favor by our loving Abba Yahuwah to us to grow us up (Philippians 1:29, I Peter 4:1-2) Our loyalty to Him will be tested strongly.

Because most weak people run after what “tickles the ear,” (II Timothy 4), they presume that what they hear is right, and buy into false teaching and false knowledge which leads to damnation.

Messiah warned: “Take heed to what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you…” (Mark 4:23-25) Make sure what you listen to or read is filtered through your eternal spirit, and OK’d by the Spirit of Yahuwah!

Though some presumption may be reasoned from good intentions and positive emotions, it is always based on some form of falsehood and deception that brings a false conclusion. Presumption is not faith! Presumption is based only on what we perceive to be true without checking out reality. It often stems from fear, pride, rebellion, or “self-centered” calloused negative emotions that lead to harming others and ourselves. Most presumption is in the mind of average “good” people who trust the wrong people!

II Corinthians 10:3-6: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but might through Elohim to the pulling down of strongholds, overthrowing reasoning, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to the Messiah.”

In Proverbs 8 Messiah is personified as wisdom – Messiah is speaking. Wisdom presumes nothing, but thinks, acts, and lives, on the solid ground of the Word of Elohim--trusting Him for all Truth, being led by His Spirit in what to believe.

Presumption causes action based on a shaky platform, an unstable foundation—on fallacious reasoning that comes from trusting the reasoning of one’s soul, or the words of another. Faith is based on wisdom and knowledge from Yahuwah.

Sometimes in small things what we presume is right--like if you greet a friend at the grocery store and they appear somber, you might presume that there was something wrong, something bothering them. These are natural presumptions that come under natural human perception. We assume, or presume, daily. But, putting ones faith in what is presumed because of false trust is a whole other story!

The Serpent played on the allurement of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and on the doubt, skepticism, and pride of Adam and Eve. Yochanan (John) the Apostle, in I John 2:15-17, covers the three allurements that trapped them: 1) “the lust of the eyes,” 2) the lust of the flesh,” and 3) “the pride of life.”

Though they walked with Yahushua in the Garden, Adam and Eve did not know Him well enough to trust that what He said was absolute truth. They had evidently been discussing and questioning why they couldn’t eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. They may have thought “perhaps He is holding out on us; perhaps He is keeping us from what would be good for us.”

The Serpent played on their doubt, which “confirmed to them,” in their reasoning, that what he said was true. They presumed the Serpent was telling the truth because it sounded right. All sin, all rebellion, and all the results of leaving the narrow path to life, comes from presuming the wrong things.

This is the curse that comes with presuming what is false. Solid faith in Yahuwah and Yahushua never presumes. All of our twisted reasoning that destroys our lives comes from presuming from what is false, from false trust.

Faith knows beyond the shadow of a doubt and acts on that positive belief because it knows the Giver of Truth. Faith is something in the realm of the re-born spirit. It is based on the Word, backed by the authority of Yahuwah Himself. It is built on is solid ground. (Luke 6:46-49) Faith only acts on a sure thing, backed by the integrity of Elohim. Those that know Him have built their lives on solid ground.

[Refer to my study “Faith Walk”/January 25, 2007]

Presumption has no solid foundation other than what the mind receives and believes is true because it has trusted in the giver of the knowledge. Presumption that the Serpent was telling the truth caused Adam and Eve to sell us all down the river to destruction. It brought the toil, pain, suffering of life, and death. It took us out of an eternal state into time and entropy. Only the mercy and love of Yahuwah and Yahuwah has rescued and redeemed us!

I give you a call to self-discipline! “The fear of Yahuwah is the beginning of wisdom.” “The beginning of wisdom is to hate evil.” Wisdom is submitting to the Master to rule over us, about dying to “self” will, about laying down our lives to pick up His, about forsaking what we think to embrace what He thinks. Every time we act on what we perceive, presume, to be right but is not, the curse begins. Romans 6 clearly states that if we are truly born from above we died with Messiah and rose with Him to new life through the working of the Spirit of Yahuwah.

Human reasoning exalts itself against submission to, and personal relationship with Yahuweh. To reject the wisdom of His mind, we have to elevate our mind, our will, and our reasoning, above His! Because of pride, most people prove by their actions that they think they are smarter than their Creator. It was pride that led Hellel/Lucifer to rebel against Yahuweh.

It takes time to learn His knowledge, His wisdom--His Word--His thinking, His ways, and His direction. It takes total submission to allow Him to transform our human nature into His nature. So, people go by what they think in making decisions, and presume they are right, when in rejecting His input, they are desperately wrong! Most people plan their lives, presuming that they know what is best for them. They make their own choices based on their will, not His.

Then there are those that act out of fear, presuming they know what they are doing, when they do not. They do no practical intelligent research to find truth, they just presume. They presume that life out of their box is the same as life in their box. When the reality of what is out of their box comes into their box, they can’t mentally or emotionally handle it – many go insane, commit suicide, deny their faith, and/or are taken over by demons.

Presumption leaves Him out of the picture. People decide what is right or wrong without His interjection, and then add justification and excuse-making to what they do, no matter who they have hurt in the process.

Presumption is at the root of every sin. It acts on the reasoning of the sin-prone mind. It makes judgments based on what it presumes is correct. Satan presumed that his rebellion against Yahuwah would end Yahuwah and His rule. Nimrod presumed that he could go into Yahuwah’s dimension and kill him.

Presumption stirs up rebellion against boundaries of righteous authority, causing one to think they can do as they please, and still be OK with parents, family, friends, society, culture, and “God,” because everyone should understand why they are the way they are, plus “God is love,” and “He knows my heart.” Cultural reasoning is dead wrong!

Yahuwah has set boundaries. He cannot love those who willfully cross His boundaries. (John 14:21, 23, 24 plus the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation!) He is Light. He cannot love what is not of His nature.

This is why people get lost oftentimes, they presume they know where they’re going, but they don’t and get lost. I have taken individuals and groups on tours of Jerusalem, as well as different parts of Israel. So, often at least one will take off ahead of me, because I walk too slow for them. Others often follow the lead “goat.” Always, the lead “goat” stops a block or two ahead and looks back like a lost sheep wondering where I am. Those who followed the “goat” act confused. But, to be a sheep and follow a shepherd who knows where they are going and where things are – no – the sin nature presumes they are smarter than the Shepherd. It’s a pride issue. Presumption wants to lead.