Assessing Computing 2014
The curriculum is broken down into three strands:
Computer Science (CS)
Digital Literacy (DL)
Information Technology (IT)
Key Stage 1 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what an algorithm is / Use keyword posters
I know what a computer program is
I know what it means to run a program
I can explain the steps in a simple algorithm / Instructions for making a sandwich
I can explain how a computer follows an algorithm / Roamer / BeeBot
I can write an algorithm on paper / Instructions for getting dressed
I can write a simple program / Use scratch to tell a story
I can follow an algorithm without a computer / Simon says…
I can write an algorithm on paper
Key Stage 1 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- create and debug simple programs
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what a “bug” is / Tell the story of a real ‘bug’ in the Harvard University computers in 1947
I know what it means to debug a program
I can explain why debugging is useful
I can tell when a program runs correctly or has an error
I can use a debugger to step through a program
I can spot an error in algorithm / Instructions for navigating a maze (no computer – just people) – predict that people will bump into
I can find a bug in a program
I can fix a bug in a program
Key Stage 1 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I can break a problem down into smaller steps
I can predict how a computer program will behave
I can argue what problems are best solved by either computer programs or humans
I can compare different algorithms in terms of speed and how easy they are to follow
Key Stage 1 Computing: DL
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know the difference between private and public
I can explain why it’s important to be safe online
I can describe what information should be kept private
I can use a computer safely
I can use the Internet without giving away private information
I can send a message using a computer without upsetting anyone
I can say how my school could make its students safer online
I can say how my family could be safer online
Key Stage 1 Computing: DL
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies.
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I can list some dangers of using the Internet
I can recognise something online as bad or wrong
I can recognise something online as good or helpful
I can tell people what they can do if they see anything bad online
Key Stage 1 Computing: IT
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what a file is / Daily definition spelling test: get students to learn definitions and test spelling – link to literacy
I know what a computer is / annotate a picture
I can use a computer to create a file (document / presentation / picture etc…)
I can save my work on a computer
I can organise my files on a computer
I can open work on a computer
I can edit my work on a computer / proof read and edit text
I can create something useful on the computer
Key Stage 1 Computing: IT
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I can explain why it can be useful to use a computer
I can list jobs done by a computer inside school
I can list jobs done by a computer outside of school / homework activity – journal of what they see people using a computer for
I can say when it’s better to use a computer and when it’s better not to. / Students interview a parent: when are computers useful.
Key Stage 2 Computing: IT
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and collaboration
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what communication is / Play charades
I know what collaboration is / Wheel barrow races
I can explain what the Internet can be used for
I can explain how the Internet lets people communicate / Try shouting a conversation from one side of the field to the other. Then skype someone in Australia.
I can explain how the Internet lets people collaborate /
I can use the Internet to communicate with other people / Write a blog
Skype other schools
I can use the Internet to collaborate with other people /
I can describe what can go wrong when using the Internet to communicate or collaborate / Keep a journal of everytime something goes wrong when using the Internet!
I can explain the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet to communicate
Key Stage 2 Computing: IT
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what searching the Internet means
I know what relevant means
I can explain why some search results appear higher than others on a search engine / Play:”Spot the advert” or “Count the keyword“
I can search for information on the Internet
I can ignore information that isn’t relevant
I can work out which search result is the most relevant
I can create advice for others on how to search effectively online / Make a poster on how to use Google’s advanced search, keywords or quotation marks
I can evaluate how well a piece of work does what it’s supposed to do / Peer evaluation
Key Stage 2 Computing: IT
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what data is
I know what information is
I know what software is
I can explain the difference between data and information
I can choose which program to use to make a piece of work
I can explain what the Internet can be used for / Make a mind map
I can use software to create work for a given purpose
I can use a computer to collect data / Create a questionnaire
Use a data logger
I can use a computer to analyse data to show something useful / Questionnaire results in graph
I can create my own piece of work
I can present my work to others using a computer / device
Key Stage 2 Computing: DL
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what respectful means / Make a list of rules for having a discussion
Link to assemblies / PSHE
I know what responsible means
I know what safe means
I understand why people need to be safe online / CEOP resources
I understand why people should be responsible online
I understand why people should be respectful online
I can use technology safely
I can use technology in a responsible way / Report something that’s broken to the council online
I can use technology in a respectful way
I can evaluate how safe someone’s behaviour is (when using technology)
I can evaluate how responsible someone’s behaviour is (when using technology)
I can evaluate how respectful someone’s behaviour is (when using technology)
I can create something that tells people how to stay safe / Create a Video drama / poster / powerpoint / prezi
I can create something that tells people how to use technology responsibly / Write a song
Make a leaflet for parents or KS1
I can create something that tells people how to use technology respectfully / Create a wall display of Dos and Don’ts
Key Stage 2 Computing: DL
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know how to report unacceptable uses of technology / Use goanimate to make an animation about how to report things
I can explain the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (when using technology) / Role play drama
I can report unacceptable uses of technology / CEOP resources
I can spot acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (when using technology)
Key Stage 2 Computing: DL
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact.
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know how to report unacceptable uses of technology
I can explain the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (when using technology)
I understand why people need to be safe online
I can use technology in a responsible way
I can report unacceptable uses of technology / ThinkYouKnow films
I can create something that tells people how to stay safe / Prepare an assembly
Key Stage 2 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what a program is
I know what debugging is
I know what computer control means
I know what simulation means
I know what a physical system is
I can explain why programs need to be tested and debugged
I can explain why computers are sometimes used to control things
I can design a program on paper / Draw a plan for a scratch game
I can split a problem into smaller parts
I can use a program to control a gadget / Control a missile launcher in scratch
Use legowedo
I can use a program to simulate a physical system / Traffic lights in flowol
I can run a program / Find and run scratch games online
I can spot when a program goes wrong / Make a list of things that don’t work in a scratch game
I can debug a program to fix a problem / Give students a deliberately broken scratch game to fix
I can explain the strengths and weaknesses of using a simulation compared the real thing
I can write my own programs
I can write a program that controls a gadget
I can make a simulation of a physical system
Key Stage 2 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what sequence means / Use keywords posters
I know what selection means
I know what repetition means
I know what a variable is
I know what a program is
I can explain the difference between input and output
I can follow a sequence of instructions / Treasure trail – one instruction leads to the next.
I can make a decision based on a selection instruction / Put your hand up if you’ve got red socks on… Stick your tongue out if…
I can repeat something a certain number of times / Write out spellings 100 times. Discuss, surely there’s a faster way…
I can use a variable to keep track of something (e.g. counting) / Get different students to count the number of times you say different words in a literacy story
I can write my own programs
Key Stage 2 Computing: CS
National Curriculum Statement: Pupils should be able to:
- use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs
I can statement / Ideas for lesson activities
I know what an algorithm is / Use keyword posters
I know what a program is
I can give some examples of what algorithms can be used for / Write list of different types of instructions that people have to follow
I can explain why programs need to be tested and debugged / Deliberately give students wrong instructions for finding something.
I can tell when an algorithm has worked or not
I can explain how an algorithm works
I can run a program / Play scratch games online
I can spot when a program goes wrong
I can debug a program to fix a problem
I can write my own algorithm / Write a set of instructions for how to irritate a teacher
I can fix an error in an algorithm