The Crucible Act III Quiz Study Guide

Act THREE reading questions (pages 24-25 of question packet)

1. As this act opens, what accusation does Giles Corey make? Giles accuses Thomas Putnam of trying to get/steal more land.

2. Find a direct quote from Giles Corey that proves he is sorry for his earlier accusations about his wife. “I have broke charity with the woman” (Miller 86).

3. When John Proctor arrives at court with Mary Warren, of what does Reverend Parris accuse him? Parris accuses Proctor of trying to overthrow the court. He says Proctor can’t be trusted.

4. What two pieces of evidence are brought out against Proctor in regard to his Christian nature? Parris says that John does not go to church often, and Cheever says he has seen John plowing/working his field on Sundays.

5. What news does Danforth tell John Proctor about Elizabeth? What deal does he try to make with him? Danforth tells John that Elizabeth is pregnant.Elizabeth will not have a trial for a year if she is pregnant.

6. What is going to happen to the 91 people who signed the testament stating a good opinion of Elizabeth, Martha Corey, and Rebecca Nurse? All 91 people will be arrested and questioned.

7. Explain the meaning of the quote: "Do that which is good , and no harm shall come to thee." John tells Mary that if she tells the truth (witch craft is a lie) nothing bad will happen to her.

8. What is Giles Corey’s proof that Thomas Putnam is "reaching out for land"? Why won’t he reveal his source? Giles says that Thomas Putnam had his daughter, Ruth, accuse George Jacobs of being a witch, so that Putnam can buy his land. Giles won’t reveal the source because he doesn’t want to get anyone else in trouble/arrested.

9. What happens to Giles Corey? Giles is arrested because he will not reveal the sources name.

10. What is Reverend Hale’s advice to John Proctor as he is about to read his deposition before the court? Hale advices John Proctor to get a lawyer, but Danforth says there is no need for lawyers.

11. When Mary Warren says that she pretended to faint in court, what is she asked to do? What is the result? She is asked to faint like she did before, but she says she can’t because the other girls are not also screaming “spirits” and fainting like they had been before.

12. What does Abigail do when suspicion that she might be pretending falls on her? She passes the blame to Mary Warren by pretending that Mary Warren is bewitching with a cold wind.

13. What does John Proctor do to discredit her? He admits that he had an affair with Abigail.

14. Who is called to back up John’s testimony? What happens? Danforth calls Elizabeth in to back up John’s claims of the affair.Elizabeth lies and says that John and Abigail did not have an affair.

15. What happens when Reverend Hale states that Abigail has always seemed false to him? Abigail starts screaming and looking at the ceiling in fear. She is causing a distraction, so no one pays attention to Hale’s comments about her.

16. What is Mary Warren’s reaction to Abigail’s performance? To save herself, she accuses John Proctor of witchcraft and forcing her to lie to the court.

17. What does John Proctor mean when he says, "God is dead!"? John Proctor means that God has left the town because the people are not being good Christians.

18. What does Hale do when Proctor is arrested? Hale quits the court and leaves.

The Crucible – Act III Review (page 26 in question packet)

Match each of the following descriptive phrases to the letter of the appropriate character in the list below. Some names will be used more than once, and some may not be used at all.

  1. Thomas Putnam (G) is accused of prompting his daughter to accuse George Jacobs.
  1. Abigail Williams (I) was twice put out of church for laughing.
  2. Danforth (C) has put nearly four hundred people in jail “from Marblehead to Lynn.”
  1. Elizabeth Proctor (E) lies to Danforth to protect her husband.
  2. John Proctor (D) claims Abigail plans to dance on Elizabeth’s grave.
  3. Giles Corey (B)has been a plaintiff in court thirty-three times.
  4. John Proctor (D) admits to plowing on Sunday “once or twice.”
  5. Giles Corey (B) is cited for contempt of court for refusing to identify an informant.
  6. Martha Corey (A) is accused of killing pigs
  7. Mary Warren (J) supposedly takes the shape of a yellow bird.
  8. Reverend Hale (H) denounces the proceedings and slams the door of the courtroom.
  9. Judge Hathorne (K) “a bitter, remorseless Salem judge.”
  10. Abigail Williams (I) accuses Mary of envy.
  11. Mary Warren (J) is unable to faint in court when asked.
  12. Giles Corey (B)has “broke charity” with his third wife.
  13. John Proctor (D) claims Elizabeth has never lied.
  14. Elizabeth Proctor (E) may live “yet another year until she is delivered.”
  15. Reverend Hale (H) has “signed away the soul of Rebecca Nurse.”
  16. Francis Nurse (F) waits three days to be heard by the court on behalf of Rebecca Nurse.
  17. Mary Warren (J) admits she lied about seeing spirits.
  1. Martha CoreyF. Francis NurseK. JudgeHathorne
  2. Giles CoreyG. Thomas Putnam
  3. Deputy Governor DanforthH. Reverend Hale
  4. John ProctorI. Abigail Williams
  5. Elizabeth ProctorJ. Mary Warren

Vocabulary Act III(vocabulary packet page 9)

Abundant- Available in large quantities

Befuddled- Unable to think clearly

Callous- Heartless; insensitive

Gait- A way of walking

Immaculate- Perfectly neat, clean or tidy

Manifest- To demonstrate or show

Qualm- An uneasy feeling of doubt or fear about one’s own conduct

Slovenly- Messy or dirty

Sophisticated- developed to a high degree

Unperturbed- Not concerned or worried

Wrath-extreme anger