The Cromwell Association – registered charity no. 1132954

Report of the trustees for the year ended 31st December 2014

  1. Introduction
  2. This is the sixthannual report of the trustees (the Council) of The Cromwell Association, which was registered as a charity on 25th November 2009 following the decision of the 2009 annual general meeting (AGM) to proceed with registration.
  3. The report is for calendar year 2014, which is consistent with the charity’s financial year.
  4. Administrative details

2.1The trustees who served during the year were:

the officers, elected at the AGM held on 26 April 2014,

Dr Patrick LittleChairman
Professor Peter GauntPresident
Mr John NewlandSecretary
Mr Andrew ConstantineTreasurer( resigned October 2014)
Mr John GoldsmithPress Officer
Dr Maxine ForshawEditor of Journal.
ordinary trustees, non-office holding,

Mr Geoffrey Bush(appointed by Council April2014)
Mr M Mehaffey(elected at the 2012 AGM)
Dr D L Smith(elected at the 2012 AGM).

Mrs Serrie Meakins(elected at the 2013 AGM)

Dr Jonathan Fitzgibbons(elected at the 2014 AGM)

Dr Miranda Malins(elected at the 2014 AGM)

Mrs Susan Hughes(elected at the 2014 AGM)

2.2For the purposes of charitable registration the Press Officer is also the charity correspondent and his home address is the contact address used by the Charity Commission.

2.3The governing document is the constitution formally adopted by the Association at the AGM held on 25th April 2009 at Naseby Village Hall.

3Financial review of the year ended 31 December 2014
Members’ subscriptions in 2014 were in line with those of 2013 reflecting the stable membership numbers; included in the new members’ subscriptions are those from seven schools under the recently introduced schools’ programme.

The membership figures for 2014 were as follows:

As at 1st January 2014 483

New members in the year 55

Deletions (54)

As at 31st December 2014 484

General donations were sharply higher thanks to a very generous legacy from our former Treasurer, David Hall. We are highly indebted to many members who donate each year and without whose support we would have to reduce our activities.

A claim for both 2013 and 2104 under the Gift Aid scheme for charities has been submitted to HMRC since the end of the year and amounts received will be shown in the 2015 accounts.

Receipts and most costs of the Study Day,which was held in Huntingdon in conjunction with the Cromwell Museum, were shared with Cambridgeshire County Council and a small profit was recorded, compared with a small loss in 2013.

Among the payments the cost of the website was increased mainly due to the development of the new schools’ section.

The £1,500 shown against “New monuments” was for the new interpretation panel installed at Basing House.

Of the £2,650 spent on the Biographical Dictionary project, £2,000 was paid out of reserved funds built up from grants received in previous years.

A donation of £900 was made in the form of the purchase of Cromwell busts for the benefit of the Cromwell Museum.

A small excess of expenditure over receipts resulted in a deficit for the year of £651. However, as shown above, there were several one-time items which influenced the result; but with expenditure under control and a stable or growing membership plus regular Gift Aid refunds, we should resume being able to make small surpluses whilst both keeping subscriptions at their current rates and at the same time having sufficient funds for projects and activities in pursuit of our objectives.

4Public benefit statement

The trustees have complied with the guidance of the Charity Commission on public benefit.

5Objectives and activities

5.1The object of the charity is to advance the education of the public in both the life and legacy of Oliver Cromwell (1599-1658), politician, soldier and statesman, and the wider history of the seventeenth century.

5.2The trust has undertaken to carry out the following activities for the benefit of the public:
To campaign for the preservation and conservation of buildings, sites and relevant to Cromwell

To commission, on behalf of the Association or in collaboration with others, plaques, panels and monuments at sites associated with Cromwell.

To support and encourage the Cromwell Museum and Cromwell Collection library in Huntingdon.

To provide, within the competence of the Association, advice to television, radio, press and other media on all matters relating to the period.

To encourage interest in the period in all phases of formal education by the publication of reading lists, information and teachers’ guidance.

To publish news and information about the period, including an annual journal and regular newsletters

To organise an annual memorial service, day schools, conferences, lectures, exhibitions and other educational events.

To provide an Internet resource for researchers in the period including school students, genealogists and interested parties.

To offer, from time to time, grants, awards and prizes to individuals and organisations working towards the objectives stated above.

6Review of achievements during the year

6.1The Association continues to prosper. The council (trustees) met four times during the year, on 15th January, 2nd April, 12th June and 1st October. All meetings took place at The City Temple, Holborn.

6.2Members were sent two copies of The Protector’s Pen, in the spring and summer mailings, edited by the Chairman and produced by Mr Simon Blake.

6.3The journal Cromwelliana edited by Dr Forshaw was distributed with the summer mailing. The articles included the papers given at the previous year’s study day on ‘Cromwell and Ireland’, and the 2013 Cromwell Day address by Professor Colin Davis
Work has continued on the Biographical dictionary of parliamentary officers which is due to be published in April 2015

6.4The Annual General Meeting was held at Worcester Cathedral. The meeting was well attended. Professor Malcolm Wanklyn gave a talk about the Worcester campaign of 1651. After lunch there was a choice of events: a walking tour of the city, an ascent of the cathedral tower or a series of short presentations on the city and the battle. The day ended with tea at the Cathedral, hosted by the Battle of Worcester Society.

6.5The annual Cromwell Day Service on 3 September was held at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, preceded by a wreath laying at the Cromwell statue on Cromwell Green. The address was given by Professor Jason Peacey.

6.6The Annual Study Day was held in October at Huntingdon Library and Archive on the theme of Cromwell’s Army. The event, which was held jointly with the Cromwell Museum, was well attended and successful both in terms of content and financially. It is intended that the papers given will be published in a future edition of Cromwelliana.

6.7As part of our on-going programme of erecting plaques and monuments, in 2014 we funded the placing of an information board in the grounds of Basing House in Hampshire, taken by Cromwell in October 1645.

6.8The Association has continued to promote its work and interests through the web site

6.9The Trustees have followed closely the discussions over the Cromwell Museum in Huntingdon and made firm representations to Cambridgeshire County Council to try and secure its future.

6.10In November the Association successfully launched a new category of membership for schools, with a dedicated area of the web site. The objective is to provide a range of resources for teachers and students to encourage further study of Cromwell and the period.

7Chairman’s conclusion
The year has seen a number of activities of a high standard, and the work of the Association continues to develop. The high-point was perhaps the study day on Cromwell’s Army, which attracted excellent speakers and a capacity audience. I am grateful to all the Trustees for their work and commitment on behalf of the Association, and to the membership who have supported our endeavours.

The trustees declare that they have approved the trustees report above
Signed on behalf of the Charity’s Trustees:-

Full name Dr Patrick Little, Chairman
Full namePositionDate