
Thank you for your request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regardingIncidents of fly tippingreceived on 15th December 2016.

we would like to request all information (redacted where necessary) along with all evidence to support the statement that the current"the project has…reduced the incidents of flyposting by 90%"in respect to point 13, where the council clearly stated the following:

"The Council advised that the project has…reduced the incidents of flyposting by 90%"

This would include (but not be limited to):

1. All project related informationassociatedwith this statement held by the council

2. Such as the recorded information showingthe"incidents of flyposting"priorto thecommencementoftheproject

3. How this keyperformanceindicatorhas been recorded and measuredover the term of the contract,enabling the council to specify that"the project has…reduced the incidents of flyposting by 90%"

4. Including the ongoing systems usedover the term of the contract,to monitor and assess the reduction of, as stated,"the incidents of flyposting by 90%"

5. As well as anyassociatedresearch related to this most important keyperformanceindicator held over the term of the contract and that one would expect was in place prior to the commencement and the award of such a lucrative contract, held on file and easily accessible on demand given its significance and of course the value of the contract due to the way in which Cardiff Council owned assets are being commercially utilised (the land that the advertising revenue generating structures are positioned on) and where crucially, considerable amounts of advertising revenue have been generated over the contract term, estimated to be in excess of £3.29M as detailed in point 19 of The Information Commissioner’s decision and as shown again below for ease of reference:

"In support of his view that the Council does/should hold information relevant to his requests he pointed out that the existing contract in place with CCP provides that a significant number of posters can be displayed on the advertising drums – a total of 80 posters 30’ x 40’ and 211 posters 60‘ x 40’. The complainant argues, therefore, that the advertising drums are capable of generating significant revenue. He advised that, just taking the larger posters in isolation, could mean thatthe advertising drums have potentially generated a revenue of £3.29m over the 20 year period – based on 211 posters @ £15.00 per poster each week X 20 years. Based on this, the fact that advertising drums are situated on/occupying Council owned land and the fact that the contract with CCP has been in place for 20 years, the complainant finds it difficult to believe that no information is held relevant to his requests. He also considers that a “verbal request” to extend such a potentially lucrative contract and the absence of key fundamental and supporting project information seems to be “unusual but perhaps improper given the revenues and council assets involved”. "

And whereas shown in point 21, like us, where we feel it is more than a littleunusual that such keyfundamental project informationappears to be lacking aftermore than two decades (thedurationof this highlylucrativecontract)The Information Commissioner"considersitreasonableforan individual to assume that the Council does/should hold more information relating to the project”and as shown again in full below for ease of reference:

"The Commissioner has some sympathy with the complainant in this case as he considers it reasonable for an individual to assume that the Council does/should hold more information relating to the project."

Including all evidence supporting the statement that the scheme:

"has…reduced the incidents of flyposting by 90%"

And would include (but not be limited to) all information held by the council including all evidence supporting the above, for example the correspondences between the Council, Cardiff initiative, the City Centre Management Department, Procurement, CCP (City Centre Posters including any associated trading names) and all other council departments including the ones mentioned by the council in point 16 of theThe Information Commissioner’sdecision and as attached when dealing with the recent information requests and associated searches as well as communications generated by the subsequent investigation

We have considered your request and enclose the following information:

The Council holds no recorded data in relation to your request.
There is no requirements as part of our arrangements for reports or evidence to be provided to the Council. If any concerns were raised regarding the scheme these would generate complaints to the Council, of which we have not received any.
The Council is not required to produce information for the purposes of answering a Freedom of Information Request. The only recorded information held in respect of this scheme has been supplied, as outlined in our previous responses, and as found through the investigations from the Information Commissioners Office.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications

The Operational Manager, Information Governance Team, City of Cardiff Council, Room 357, County Hall, CARDIFF, CF10 - 4UW. Email:

You can find out more about the Regulations from the Information Commissioner at:
Information Commissioner's Office (Wales), 2nd Floor, Churchill House, Churchill Way, Cardiff, CF10 2HH. , Telephone: 029 2067 8400, Fax: 029 2044 8045, Email: