Corporation of the Township of Lucan Biddulph

Council Minutes

August 8th, 2016

The Corporation of the

Township of Lucan Biddulph

Council Minutes

Present: Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson, Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel, Councillor W. Hall, Councillor D. Manders and Councillor A. Westman.

Also Present: R. Reymer-CAO, L. deBoer-Clerk and D. Kester-Manager of Public Works.

Call To Order

Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Nature Thereof


Delegations & Petitions


1/ Minutes

Moved by A. VanGeel

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph adopt the Regular Council & Public Meeting minutes of July 11th, 2016 and the Special Council & Public Meeting minutes of August 2nd, 2016.


Communications Report

OMB Review

R. Reymer explained that the Province has commenced a review of the OMB and noted that the County will be developing comments for submission.

MTO Letter re: Connecting Link Funding Second intake

R. Reymer reported that a delegation with MTO was approved for the AMO Conference to discuss the traffic lights at Main Street/Saintsbury Line.


J. Boyer will be developing a report on the OCIF recommending the Township combine some future capital works into one project for this grant.

Lucan Lions

A request was received from the Lucan Lions asking that the Township fly their flag for their 100th Anniversary in 2017 at some point.

2/ Lucan Lions Flag

Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan agrees to fly the Lions flag in 2017 during a date to be determined.


Plowmen’s Association

Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson noted that she cannot attend the VIP plowing class and asked that a member of Council attend in her place on September 5/2016.

Committee Reports

Bluewater Recycling

Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel summarized the last meeting of the Bluewater Recycling Board and noted that they are still looking into hydro alternatives and that commodities are going up.


Councillor W. Hall noted that at the ABCA Board meeting the shoreline management plan and buildings at risk were reviewed but the study will be delayed at this time due to funding issues.

Canada Day

The final financial report was received from the Treasurer.

New Business

R. Reymer provided an update on a recent meeting with QPA Solar regarding the large project ground mount at Lucan STP and that a letter is being developed addressed to the IESO with concerns/comments on program. The Crest Support Services Site Plan and Agreement was submitted to Council for approval.

3/ Crest Support Services Site Plan

Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan approves the Site Plan from Crest Support Services and authorizes the execution of the Agreement.


L. deBoer recommended scheduling a special meeting of Council on August 29th, 2016 at 6:30pm to review a number of amendments to existing by-laws. An amendment to the Sign By-law was presented.

D. Kester presented a report on the Elginfield Drain and provided his recommendations based on Spriet Associates findings to fix the issues. Council agreed to proceed with the work and discussion arose on the distribution of the costs.

4/ Elginfield Drain

Moved by D. Manders

Seconded by A. VanGeel

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan directs staff to bill out the CN property works (now privately owned) to the benefitting landowners.


D. Kester brought forward a request from a landowner to install a culvert at their cost until such time as a municipal drain is constructed. Council members agreed to the request and noted that D. Kester advise landowner that they must ensure that it is properly engineering and installed. Councillor W. Hall inquired about discussions with North Middlesex regarding sharing of services/equipment and D. Kester has communicated Lucan Biddulph’s interest in partnering to North Middlesex for items such as street sweeper, gravel etc.


Councillor A. Westman reminded Council members of the Granton Fireman’s Breakfast coming up and also a September 10th, 2016 charity baseball game and steak dinner organized by the Granton Park Committee.

Councillor W. Hall inquired about when the mobile phone contracts expire and

R. Reymer noted that he will look into the dates.

Deputy Mayor A. VanGeel noted that he would like to review the Stump Removal policy, in particular, capping the costs so they do not escalate. Discussion arose regarding the wording in the policy and that landowners should be calling first to determine if there are any funds left in the current budget. Council directed staff to promote the policy on facebook, website and the next newsletter.

Mayor C. Burghardt-Jesson provided an update from County Council and noted that the Economic Development Department’s presentation is online. Mayor Burghardt-Jesson reminded members that on September 28th, 2016 the London Chamber of Commerce will be touring Seelster Farms and that they will also be hosting a Business After 5 for Agro Businesses in November.

5/ Sign By-law

Moved by A. Westman

Seconded by A. VanGeel

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan Biddulph agrees to amend the Sign By-law 16-2013 as follows:

“Not be closer than 3.0m to any property line, except that a post or ground
sign may by 0.3m (one foot) from a property line provided its height from
grade to the top of the sign is not more than 4m.”


6/ Accounts

Moved by D. Manders

Seconded by W. Hall

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan approves the accounts in the amount of $424,439.33 as paid.


7/ Airport Drain

Moved by W. Hall

Seconded by A. VanGeel

Resolved that the Council of the Township of Lucan appoints Spriet Associates regarding the petition for drainage works for the Airport Drain.


8/ By-law - First, Second and Third Reading

Moved by W. Hall

Seconded by A. Westman

Resolved that if no one cares to speak to these By-laws on their First, Second and Third Reading, that they be considered to have been read a First time and Passed, read a Second time and Passed, read a Third time and Passed, that they be numbered:

·  By-law No. 33-2016 Execution of Site Plan (Crest Support)

·  By-law No. 34-2016 Sign By-law

·  By-law No. 35-2016 Confirming


8/ Adjournment

Moved by A. Westman

Seconded D. Manders

Resolved that the Council meeting be adjourned at 7:58 p.m.