Bar, 27th February 2015


The Contracting Authority, following the clarifications questions received within the time limits set in the Instructions to tenderers, would like to herewith provide all prospective tenderers with the following set of clarifications to support the preparation of the tender and smooth implementation of the future contracts.

Question 1: / Question for Bar:
On 09.02.2015 during the field visit we noticed that on the public lighting that are provided for telemetric management are lamps ONIX 2. Tender is required to enforce the individual control of lamps which involves assembling suitable ballast in each of lamps as well as the installation of radio communication device with integrated interface for managing ballast.
Installation of the equipment can be done in two ways:
1.1.  to place ballast in housing giving light, the radio device also placed in the luminaire housing
1.2.  to place ballast in housing giving light, the radio device placed in special housing that is installed on a pole
Which of these two options is provided or is it the bidder to decide?
Answer 1: / Installation of the equipment should be done in a way of placing the ballast in housing giving light and radio device in the luminaire as well (proposal 1.1).
Question 2: / Question for Bar:
Does the software of monitoring requests to the server for data acquisition and management is strictly owned by public utility company from Bar or the server can reside in the property of a third party JKP Bar to allow access to data from local workstations (CLOUD services).
Answer 2: / The software for monitoring requests to the server for data acquisition and management is to be strictly owned by public utility company of Bar, as this company is in charge for the supervision of the public lighting in the Municipality of Bar.
Question 3: / Question for Budva:
Please send us the name of the street in which it is envisaged to replace the lighting, as well as distance and height of pole.
Answer 3: / The name of the streets in the Municipality of Budva, where it is envisaged the replacement of the lighting are the following:
- Ulica (street) Mainski put
- Ulica (street) kod Druge Osnovne škole
- Ulica (street) Ferona
The distance between the poles is from 25 to 30 meters on average.
The height of the poles is 8,15 meter.
Question 4: / Question for Kotor:
During the site visit on 10.02.2015 we found that the project is envisaged to replace the different types of lamps in Kotor. Given the variety of lighting which is scheduled for replacement in Kotor, in order to provide high quality and accurate bids, please provide us with accurate information on the lamps, which are scheduled for replacement as well as their number. This is necessary in order to make a valid offer.
Answer 4: / This reconstruction envisages the replacement of the existing 268 luminaires of 125W and 9 lamps of 250W mercury used as a light source, with 258 lamps of 70W and 19 lamps of 100W which use high-pressure sodium as a lighting source.
1. The public lighting in the area of ​​Kindergarten is composed of 13 metal poles with the height of 4m, 35 metal poles with the height of 5m, 1 metal pole with the height of 7m, 12 concrete or wooden poles with the height of 7.4m and 3 metal wall brackets. Therefore, with this project it is foreseen the installation of 55 lamps of 70W and 9 lamps of 100W to replace the 53 lamps of 125W and 11 lamps of 250W.
2. The public lighting in the area of ​​Muo is composed of 62 metal poles with the height of 5m, 3 metal poles with the height of 6m and 1 metal wall bracket. Therefore, it is foreseen the installation of 58 lamps of 70 W and 8 lamps of 100W to replace the 66 lamps of 125 W.
3. The public lighting in the area of ​​Rakite is composed of 42 metal poles with the height of 3m and 18 metal poles with the height of 5m. Therefore, it is foreseen the installation of 60 lamps of 70W to replace the 60 lamps of 125W.
4. The public lighting in the area of St. Stasije is composed of 50 metal poles with the height of 4m. Therefore, it is foreseen the installation of 50 lamps of 70W to replace the 50 lamps of 125 W.
5. The public lighting in the area of ​​Arilje is composed of 18 metal poles with the height of 4m, 16 metal poles with the height 5m and 3 metal wall brackets. Therefore, it is foreseen the installation of 37 lamps of 70W instead of 37 lamps of 125W.
Each pole (made of metal, concrete or wood) as well as the metal wall brackets requires the delivery and installment of the appropriate zinc-coated carrier as well.
Question 5: / Is it necessary in table 1 Submitted by in part Member (in case of consortium) to add member of Consortium of Leader of Consortium?
Answer 5: / In table 1 Submitted by, in the first row, it is required to provide the name of the and the nationality of the tenderer that is going to be the Leader of the consortium, while in the second and additional rows, it is required to indicate the name(s) and nationality(ies) of the member(s) of the consortium.
Question 6: / Table 3 – Economic and Financial Capacity
Table 4 - Staff Resources
Table 5 – Fields of Specialisation
Table 6 – Experience
Is it necessary for tables above to fill with data of Leader only, data of consortium – sum of that two or each member separately?
Answer 6: / In Table 3 and Table 4 - if this application is being submitted by a consortium, the data in these tables must be the sum of the data in the corresponding tables in the declarations provided by the consortium members – see point 7 of this tender form for a supply contract.
In Table 5 it is clearly stated that it should “indicate the relevant specialisms related to this contract of each legal entity making this tender”, therefore the first column requires the data about the leader and the additional ones the data about the member(s).
In Table 6 it is also clearly indicated that it should summarise the major relevant supplies carried out in the course of the past 3 years[i] by the legal entity or entities making this tender.
Question 7: / 2 tables after Point 7 – Declaration
Also, do we need to fill them in case of consortium (separate each member) or together – sum of those two?
Answer 7: / As it is stated in the tender form, “each legal entity identified under point 1 of this form, including every consortium member, must submit a signed declaration using this format”.
Question 8: / Is it necessary to fill Legal Entity form and Financial Identification form only by Leader of consortium or each member?
Answer 8: / Legal Entity form has to be filled in by the Leader and by the member(s) of the consortium as well. Financial Identification form should be filled in by the Leader of the consortium only.
Question 9: / Is it necessary that translation in English to be with stamp of court interpreter?
Answer 9: / The documents translated in English that have to be submitted, do not require the stamp of the court interpreter. A proper translation that corresponds to the original is enough.
Question 10: / Do we need to make statement of origin or to put proof for origin of the supplies?
Answer 10: / As stated in the tender form, the origin of the goods must be determined according to the Community Customs Code or the international agreements to which the country concerned is a signatory. When submitting its tender, the tenders must state expressly that all the goods meet the requiremnts concerning origin and must state the countries of origin. It may be asked to provide additional information in this connection.
Question 11: / Is it necessary to be signed and stamped every page of documents that are submitting or not?
Answer 11: / Each page of the tender dossier that requires it has to have the corresponding signature and stamp.
Question 12: / Bank guarantee – our bank asked if there is a possibility to add in your form of bank guarantee the precise date of validity because the politic of the bank is to issue only this kind of guarantee? They would add only one sentence with that date, not changing your form?
Answer 12: / It is possible to add the expire date that for this tender is established in 3 months after the deadline for the submission of the tender.
Question 13: / Can the tender documentation be acquired and where?
Answer 13: / The tender dossier can be acquired at the website of the Public Procurement Administration (, project website ( and dgMarket website ( as well.
Question 14: / Can we submit the offer only for one part (we are concretely interested for Kotor and Budva)?
Answer 14: / No, it is not possible. The submitted tender offer has to include the supply of the equipment and installation for pilot project in Bar, Ulcinj, Budva and Kotor.
Question 15: / In the tender documentation for supply of the equipment and installation for pilot projects in Bar, Ulcinj, Budva and Kotor, under the paragraph A - Instructions to tenderers, section 2- Timetable for visiting sites, you have specified deadlines for their visiting. Is there any other deadline for visiting the sites?
Answer 15: / As indicated in the tender, site visits were conducted on February 9th 2015 (in Ulcinj and Bar) and February 10th 2015 (in Budva and Kotor). There is no other deadline for visiting the sites.
Question 16: / For participation at tender, is it mandatory to purchase the documents or is it just enough to download the documents from the website in order to participate at the tender?
Answer 16: / For participation at the tender, it is enough to download the tender dossier from the websites where it is published.
Question 17: / Estimated value of tender: we kindly ask you, if you can tell uswhat the estimated value of public procurement is.
Answer 17: / It is strictly prohibited to provide the estimated value of the contract.


[i] In the case of framework contracts (without contractual value), only specific contracts corresponding to assignments implemented under such framework contracts shall be considered.