The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB)

Summary of Application – (please use this as your front sheet of your submission)

Name of Legal Entity applying
Contact name
Contact e-mail address
Contact telephone number

Invitation to Tender

Event Production for Employer Advisory Fora (Autumn 2017, Spring 2018, Autumn 2018)

CITB reference number: B17/09/1710

Issue Date:Friday 1st September 2017 / CITB
Closing Date:Monday18thSeptember 2017
Closing Time: 10.00 a.m. / Contact : Roger Miller
Bircham Newton
Kings Lynn
Norfolk PE31 6RH

In the first instance please submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to , confirming your intention to tender for this opportunity no later than Monday 11thSeptember. This will allow CITB to communicate with all potential bidders, should there be any changes to the procurement or timetable at any stage.



Section 1 – Information for Tenderers


2.Structure of this ITT

3.Important information

4.Corporate background

5.Services required

Section 2 - Instructions to Tenderers



3.Freedom of Information

4.Accuracy of information and liability of CITB

5.Conflicts of Interest

6.Preparation of Tender Documents

7.Rejection of Tenders

8.Submission of Tender Documents

9.Clarification Requests

10.Tender Validity


12.Criteria, Assessment and Evaluation

13.Contract Award

14.Tenderer’s Warranties

Section 3 – Evaluation Methodologies

Section 4 – Contract


Form of Tender

Tendering Certificate

Standard Selection Questionnaire

Tender Response

Selection Questionnaire/Tender – Template for Appendices

Redaction Schedule


This ITT is divided into two main Parts.

Part A contains general information and background about this opportunity and The Construction Industry Training Board (CITB). It also describes the procurement process being conducted by CITB, the Tender submission requirements and the Contract terms.

Part B comprises the Tender Documents to be completed and returned by Tenderers who wish to pursue this opportunity.


Section 1 – Information for Tenderers


CITB, the Industry Training Board for the construction industry is seeking to commission a supplier to provide production support in a series of customer advisory events to be held during October and November 2017. These events are expected to then by followed by two further tranches of similar scale in Spring 2018 and Autumn 2018. This ITT sets out the background, and details our requirements.

2.Structure of this ITT

  • This Part A is divided into the following Sections:

2.1.1.Section 1, containing general information for Tenderers, including the specification;

2.1.2.Section 2, comprising the Instructions to Tenderers and the Conditions of Tender;

2.1.3.Section 3, comprising the Evaluation Methodologies;

2.1.4.Section 4, containing the Contract Documents.

  • Tenderers are required to complete and submit a Selection Questionnaireand Tender Response each in the form set out and with the content described in Part B of this ITT.
  • This ITT describes the minimum standards of economic and financial standing and technical and professional ability to be satisfied by Tenderers. In addition, a Tenderer must be able to confirm in completing their Tender Responsethat none of the grounds set out in Part B of the Selection Questionnaire apply to them in order for CITB to be able to consider their Tender Response. Further details about the information required to be submitted in the Tender Response and how this will be assessed by CITB is set out in Section 2 of this Part A.
  • Tenderers must consider the Services required and the Contract Conditions in detail before completing their Selection Questionnaireand Tender Response. The Form of Tender and the Tendering Certificate also set out in Part B, duly signed by the Tenderer in accordance with paragraph 8.8 of Section 2, must form part of the Tender.
  • CITB reserves the right to request further clarification from tenders after the application of the Selection Criteria pursuant to paragraph 12.1 of Section 2

3.Important information

  • CITB will follow a transparent and non-discriminatory process in this procurement exercise.
  • Those applicants wishing to submit a tender (each being a “Tenderer”) in response to this ITT (in each case a “Tender”) are requested to note the instructions to Tenderers (the “Instructions”) set out in Section 2 of this Part A, in particular (but without limitation) paragraphs 4 and 6 of that Section.

4.Corporate background

CITB is the industry training board for construction and, in with the Construction Industry Council (CIC) and CITB Northern Ireland a partner in the Sector Skills Council for construction. CITB is a non-departmental government body, sponsored by the Department for Education.

CITB’s mission is toattractandsupportthe developmentof people to construct a better Britain.

This focuses on three priorities that support and meet industry needs:

Careers – Employers say there is a talent pool sufficient to meet the recruitment needs of the industry

Standards and Qualifications – Employers believe that the content and method of training and assessment reflects the industry’s needs

Training and Development – Employers say they can access the training they need in a timely manner

Further information on the role and function of CITB can be found at

5.Services required

CITBrequires production support as set out below:

CITB will be hosting approximately 30 events across Great Britain from late October through to November 2017. At these meetings we will be sharing with our customers some important information about the business and seeking their feedback. The events themselves will on average be for half a day. This process will then be repeated in Spring 2018 and Autumn 2018; this commission is for all three sets of events.

We hope to attract a maximum of 150 people to each event – we will be advertising them publically through our website and inviting customers through email/letter.

In order to present the information to our customers and to capture their feedback in a consistent and efficient way, we need to have support with the event production. This support will include:

  • Pop up stands for smaller events
  • Large display stands (4 -5 panel) for larger events
  • Providing high quality sound and visual equipment where it cannot be provided by the venues (full spec outlined below).
  • Use of a branded lectern
  • Filming or sound recording and editing capability at 2 of the larger events – the need to capture the debate in the room and develop a short 2min videos of the some of the events may be needed

The proposed schedule for the Autumn 2017 events is yet to be finalised but current plan is attached. Accommodation for the successful production company colleagues will be booked and paid for by CITB.

Technical specification

Where possible, the venues will provide the following AV equipment. Where this is not possible, the successful production company should have the capacity to provide the following kit:.

Technical requirements:


2 x cabling and plugs to fit standard 13amp wall sockets


- 1 x Projector, minimum 3000k lumens with a HDMI input

- 1 x Projection screen, it can be either 4:3 or 16:9 but must be 8ft or larger


- 4 x Radio mics (2 x lapel, 2 x handheld)

- 1 x AUX input into the sound system to play back audio from a laptop for video / music

- 1 x Suitable sound system for the space (normally this would be a two speaker PA, however for larger spaces 4 speakers may be required)

- A mixing desk / way of controlling the individual volumes of the radio mic's will be required.

1 x Laptop

The successful company will be required to liaise with CITB representatives, the company used to source the venues as well as the venues themselves to ensure that the brief is followed and that each event is consistent and well-managed.

Section 2- Instructions to Tenderers


1.1.These Instructions are designed to ensure that all Tenderers are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order specified. Please contact you have any doubt as to what is required or will have difficulty in providing the information requested.

1.2.Tenderers should read these Instructions carefully before completing the Selection Questionnaire and Tender Response. Failure to comply with these requirements for completion and submission of the Selection Questionnaire and Tender Response as well as the Form of Tender and Tendering Certificate may result in the rejection of the Tender. Tenderers are advised, therefore, to acquaint themselves fully with the extent and nature of theservicesand contractual obligations.

1.3.NOTE: These Instructions constitute the Conditions of Tender. Participation in the tender process automatically signals that the Tenderer accepts these Conditions of Tender.

1.4.All material issued in connection with thisITT shall remain the property of CITBand shall be used only for the purpose of this procurement exercise. All information provided by CITBshall either (at CITB’s option) be returned to CITBor destroyed by the Tenderer in a secure environment at the conclusion of this procurement exercise.

1.5.The Tenderer shall ensure that each and every one of its sub-contractors, consortium members and/or advisers abides by the terms of the Conditions of Tender.

1.6.Save as provided in paragraphs 1.1 and 9 of this Section 2, the Tenderer shall not make contact with any other employee, agent or consultant of CITBor any other person who is in any way connected with this procurement exercise during the period of this procurement, unless instructed otherwise by CITB.

1.7.CITB shall not be committed to any course of action as a result of:

1.7.1.issuing this ITT or any other invitation to participate or continue to take part in this procurement exercise at any stage;

1.7.2.any invitation to submit any response in respect of this procurement exercise;

1.7.3.communicating with a Tenderer or a Tenderer’s representative or agent in respect of this procurement exercise; or

1.7.4.any other communication between CITB and any other party.

1.8.Tenderers shall accept and acknowledge that:

1.8.1.this ITT does not constitute an offer; and issuing this ITT,CITBshall not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender and reserves the right not to award a contract for some or all of the Services for which Tenders are invited.

1.9.CITBreserves the right to amend, add to or withdraw all or any part of this ITT at any time during the procurement exercise.


2.1.Subject to the exceptions referred to in paragraph 2.2 of this Section 2, the contents of this ITT are being made available by CITBon condition that:

2.1.1.Tenderers shall, at all times, treat the contents of this ITT and any related documents (together called the ‘Information’) as confidential, save to the extent that such contents are already in the public domain;

2.1.2.Tenderers shall not disclose, copy, reproduce, distribute or pass any of the Information to any other person at any time or allow any of these things to happen;

2.1.3.Tenderers shall not use any of the Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of submitting (or deciding whether to submit) a Tender; and

2.1.4.Tenderers shall not undertake any publicity activity in connection with and/or referring to this procurement exercise within any section of the media.

2.2.Tenderers may disclose, distribute or pass any of the Information to the Tenderer’s advisers, sub-contractors or to another person provided that:

2.2.1.this is done for the sole purpose of enabling a Tender to be submitted and the person receiving the Information undertakes in writing to keep the Information confidential on the same terms as if that person were the Tenderer; or

2.2.2.the disclosure is made either for the sole purpose of obtaining: advice from external lawyers in relation to the procurement or to any Contract arising from it; and/or insurance policy or quotation for such policy for the purposes of the Tender; or

2.2.3.the Tenderer obtains the prior written consent of CITBin relation to such disclosure, distribution or passing of Information; or

2.2.4.the Tenderer is legally required to make such a disclosure.

2.3.In paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 above the definition of ‘person’ includes (but is not limited) to any individual, firm, body or association, corporate or incorporate.

2.4.CITBmay disclose detailed information relating to Tenders to its officers, employees, agents and/or advisers and CITBmay make any of the Tender Documents available for private inspection by its officers, employees, agents and/or advisers. CITBalso reserves the right to disseminate information that is materially relevant to the procurement to all Tenderers, even if the information has only been requested by one Tenderer, subject to the duty to protect each Tenderer's commercial confidentiality in relation to its Tender (unless there is a requirement for disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, as explained in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.3 below).

2.5.Suppliers and those organisations looking to bid for public sector contracts including those with CITB should be aware that if they are awarded a CITB contract, the resulting contract between the supplier and CITB will be published. In some circumstances, limited redactions will be made to some contracts before they are published in order to comply with existing law and for the protection of national security. Attached is the redaction form for you to complete and return if applicable. For further information can be found on

3.Freedom of Information

3.1.In accordance with the obligations and duties placed upon public authorities by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the ‘FOIA’) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (‘EIR’), CITB may be required to disclose in response to a request for information under the FOIA or the EIR any information submitted by the Tenderer to the CITB.

3.2.Ifa Tenderer considers that any information contained in its completed Tender Response is commercially sensitive, the Tenderer should:

3.2.1.clearly identify such information as commercially sensitive;

3.2.2.explain the potential implications of disclosure of such information; and

3.2.3.provide an estimate of the period of time during which the Tenderer believes that such information will remain commercially sensitive.

3.3.Where a Tenderer identifies information as commercially sensitive, CITB will endeavour to maintain its confidentiality. Tenderers should note, however, that, even where information is identified as commercially sensitive, CITBmay be required to disclose such information in accordance with the FOIA or the EIR. In particular, CITBis required to form an independent judgement concerning whether the information is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA or the EIR and whether the public interest favours disclosure or not. Accordingly, CITBcannot guarantee that any information marked ‘confidential’ or ‘commercially sensitive’ will not be disclosed.

3.4.Where a Tenderer receives a request for information under the FOIA or the EIR during this procurement exercise, this should be immediately passed on to CITBand the Tenderer should not attempt to answer the request without first consulting withCITB.

4.Accuracy of information and liability of CITB

4.1.The information contained in this ITT and/or contained in any document accompanying it and/or issued as part of this procurement process at any time (“Procurement Information”) has been prepared by CITB in good faith but does not purport to be comprehensive or to have been independently verified.

4.2.Tenderers should not rely on the Procurement Information and should carry out their own due diligence checks and verify the accuracy of the Procurement Information. Nothing in this ITT is, or should be construed as, a promise or representation as to the future.

4.3.Tenderers considering entering into a contractual relationship withCITB should make their own enquiries and investigations of CITB’s requirements beforehand. The subject matter of this ITT shall only have contractual effect when and to the extent it is contained in the express terms of an executed Contract.

4.4.None of CITB, its officers, employees, agents and/or advisers make any representation or warranty as to, or (save in the case of fraudulent misrepresentation) accept any liability or responsibility in relation to, the adequacy, accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the Procurement Information (including, but not limited to, loss or damage arising as a result of reliance by the Tenderer on all or any part of the Procurement Information).

5.Conflicts of Interest

5.1.CITB requires all actual or potential conflicts of interest (including (without limitation) those arising where a member of the Tenderer’s supply chain and/or any of its advisers is the same firm or company or is a member of the same group of companies as that put forward by another Tenderer as part of its supply chain or is an adviser to that second Tenderer and/or is working for CITB on this or any similar project). Any such actual or potential conflict of interest must be resolved to CITB’s complete satisfaction before the delivery of the Tender Documents. Failure to declare the existence of and/or to address any such conflicts to the complete satisfaction of CITB could result in a Tenderer being disqualified and its Tender Response (where submitted) being rejected.

6.Preparation of Tender Documents

6.1.Tenderers must obtain for themselves at their own responsibility and expense all information necessary for the preparation and completion of the Tender Response. Tenderers must satisfy themselves that the quality and standards specified by them or by CITB are appropriate. As stated in paragraph 4 of this Section 2, Procurement Information is supplied only for general guidance. Tenderers must satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of any Procurement Information and no responsibility is accepted by CITB for any loss or damages whatsoever and/or howsoever caused arising from the use by Tenderers of any Procurement Information.

6.2.Tenderers are solely responsible for the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the completion, preparation and submission of their Tender Documentsand all other stages of the selection and evaluation process. Under no circumstances will CITB be liable for any costs or expenses borne by Tenderers and/or their sub-contractors, suppliers and/or advisers in this procurement process.

6.3.Completed Selection Questionnaireand Tender Responses and any and all supporting documents shall be in English and any Contract subsequently entered into and its formation, interpretation and performance shall be subject to and in accordance with the law of England and Wales.

7.Rejection of Tenders

7.1.Tenderers are required to complete and provide all information required by CITB in accordance with this ITT. Failure to comply with this ITT may lead CITB to reject a Tender.