The Constitution of the Currituck County High School

Honorary Beta Club

Revised September, 2012

Article I


The name of this organization shall be the Currituck County High School chapter of the National Beta Club.

Article II

Affiliation and Co-ordination

This chapter of the National Beta Club is an integral part of the central organization of the National Beta and shall be governed by the policies laid down in the National Constitution of the central organization of the National Beta Club. Its coat-of-arms, motto, colors, creed, and official insignia shall be those of the national organization of the National Beta Club. The motto of the club shall be “Let us lead by serving others.” The colors of the club shall be gold and black.

Article III


The purpose of this organization shall be the promotion of scholarship, leadership, and good citizenship at Currituck County High School and in the community at large.

Article IV


The membership of this organization shall be made up from among the students of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes of Currituck County High School, who because of their worthy character, good mentality, creditable achievement, and commendable attitude, have been approved for membership by the principal and sponsor of Currituck County High School; provided, of course, that these students meet the requirements as set forth in the By-laws of this organization.

Article VI


The officers of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be: a President, Two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. Officers for the following year will be elected by all current Beta members in the spring of each school year.

The President shall be a senior who has been an active member of Beta. An active member shall be defined as one who has gone above and beyond in his/her service. The duties of the President shall be to preside at the meetings; to appoint the committees of the chapter; to represent this organization when necessary; and to administer the policies as laid down in this Constitution and its By-laws.

The duties of the Vice-Presidents shall be to preside at meetings when the President is absent or incapacitated to perform the duties of the office; to assist in administering the affairs of the chapter; and to maintain the records of the service hours of members. One of the Vice Presidents must be a junior; the other shall be a senior. Should the President be absent or incapacitated in a manner as to prevent the President’s performance of the duties of the office of President, then the Vice President who is a senior shall serve as President or Acting President.

The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep the records of membership; to record the minutes of the meetings; and to carry out the necessary club correspondence.

The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep the financial records of the club up to date; and to provide a monthly financial report to the club; and to maintain the records of membership dues.

Article VI


The standing committee of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be the Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the five elected officers and the chapter sponsor and two sophomore members. The sophomore members shall be determined via a vote by the officers.

The duties of the Executive Committee shall be: to assist the officers in carrying out the policies and activities of this organization and to cooperate with the club sponsor in all matters pertaining to the general welfare of the club including internal affairs concerning officers and members.

In addition to the standing committee, the President may appoint special committees to attend to and report upon any specific matter it may become necessary for this club to consider.

Article VII


Regular meetings shall be held at such times and places as shall be designated in the By-laws. Special meetings may be called by the President after consultation with and the approval of the Executive Committee and the faculty sponsor of the club.

Article VIII


Besides endeavoring at all times to be of service to Currituck County High School, Currituck County and its inhabitants by upholding high standards of honesty and good citizenship, this chapter of the National Beta Club shall---after consultation with and upon the approval of the Principal of Currituck County High School and the club sponsor ---undertake some worth-while project, as designated in the By-laws appended herein below.

Article IX

Amending the Constitution

The constitution of this organization may be amended by a special constitutional revision committee. This committee shall be made up of two officers and seven regular members. The committee shall meet biyearly, unless the President calls for a meeting. The amendments and revisions made by the committee must then approved by a two-thirds vote of the membership at any meeting where a quorum is present; provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at a previous meeting.

The By-Laws of the Currituck County High School

Chapter of the National Beta Club

Revised September, 2012

Article I

Time and Place of Meetings

The time and place of meetings of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be decided upon only after the consultation with, and upon the approval of, the club sponsor and the principal of Currituck County High School.

The time of the meetings of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be during Power Hour on a designated day of each month.

The place of the meetings of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be in a designated spot that must be announced for the three days prior to the meeting (if the meeting is on a Wednesday, then the meeting must be announced on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).

Article II

Standards of Membership

Standards of membership in the Currituck County High School chapter of the National Beta Club must conform to the general features as laid down in the National Constitution; and in all cases must be approved by the club sponsor and the principal of the high school.

Members may be drawn from the sophomore, junior, and senior classes.

The scholastic requirements for membership in this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be a weighted GPA of 4.00 or better. Each student must have completed in an honor or AP level of each of the four core areas of English, Math, Science or Social Studies.

Article III

Induction of Members

The induction of new members into the membership of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be one of the dignities appropriate to the ideals of the organization. The annual induction will be held in the fall semester of each school year. Should a senior move into Currituck County during the school year, their application to be inducted into the National Beta Club will be reviewed by the Executive Committee on a case by case basis.

Article IV

Loss of Membership

A member of this chapter of the Beta Club may be dropped from membership if he/she is absent without a justifiable reason from three regular meetings. An explanation of reason for absence must be submitted to the Beta Club Sponsor within the week of the absence; he/she will determine whether it is excused or unexcused.

A member of this chapter of the National Beta Club may be dropped from membership if his/her weighted grade point average falls below 4.00. However, no member may be dropped from membership for scholastic deficiency without being accorded a probationary period of one semester to raise the scholastic record above the minimum required for membership.

The principal of Currituck County High School and Beta Club Sponsor, after consulting the Executive Committee, may drop a member from membership for moral or disciplinary reasons that are deemed to be sufficient. A student so dropped from membership may be reinstated provided he/she meets the requirements laid down in the Constitution and By-Laws of this chapter of the National Beta Club. For the offense of a documented cheating (as defined as being convicted by the Honor Court), a member shall be dismissed for the first offense.

Failure to pay yearly dues by the announced deadline shall result in loss of membership.

If and when a member is dropped from membership, a record of this action shall be relayed to the National Office of the National Beta Club immediately.

Article V

Service Project and Individual Service

As soon as possible after its activation in the fall semester of the school year, this chapter of the Beta Club will undertake a program of service which shall be of benefit to the Currituck County High School and/or the community of Currituck County, or the surrounding area. This project shall be decided upon only after consultation with, and upon the approval of, the club sponsor and the principal of Currituck County High School.

For the fall semester of the school year, an individual member must complete three of the scheduled community service opportunities. For the spring semester, a member must complete an additional three scheduled community service opportunities. Thus, for the entire school year, a member must complete six scheduled community service opportunities.

Article VI

Local Dues

The local dues of this chapter of the National Beta Club shall be $17.00 per year.

Article VII

Amending the By-Laws

The By-Laws of this chapter of the National Beta Club may be amended if 3/5ths of present members vote in favor of the changes provided a quorum is present and provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given at a previous meeting. The special constitutional revision committee shall have the authority to present changes to the by-laws, at the same time they present any changes to the Constitution.