Vilnius, June 6 and 7, 2013

The consortium of the FP7 REDNEX European project

Invites you to attend the symposium

“Improving Nitrogen Efficiency on Dairy Farms”

at the

Hotel Crowne Plaza, Vilnius

The symposium will disseminate results of FP7 REDNEX and other European & national projects that are relevant for the efficiency of nitrogen in the dairy sector. The main topics are: ● protein nutrition of dairy animals, ● socio-economics, ● manure management, ● whole farm nitrogen balance, ● feed resources

The event will include:

- Several keynote lectures on applicable results obtained from FP7 REDNEX and other projects

- A call for papers on subjects related to the nitrogen efficiency in dairy farms

- Discussions/debates on topics that are of interest

Invited audience: dairy farmers, milk processors, feed producers, agri-food consultants, decision factors, scientists academia, professional media, etc.

There is no registration fee and there are funds to support early career scientists from the region to attend.

Cledwyn THOMAS – EAAP, Italy
Ad Van VUUREN – Wageningen UR Livestock Research, Netherlands
Pamela CANAVACCI – EAAP, Italy
Paulius SVITOJUS - BLF, Lithuania
Simona ŽOŠTAUTAITĖ - BLF, Lithuania
Edvardas GEDGAUDAS - LGVA, Lithuania
Eva JAKAITIENĖ - LGVA, Lithuania
Dzmitry LUTAYEU - IPAAB “East-West”, Belarus
Arūnas RUTKAUSKAS – Palace of Agriculture, Lithuania / SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE
Arūnas SVITOJUS – BLF, Lithuania
Vida JUOZAITIENĖ – LUHS, Lithuania,
Ivan KYSSA- IPAAB “East-West”, Belarus
Aleksandras MUZIKEVIČIUS – GPK, Lithuania
Giedrė TAMKUVIENĖ – MOA, Lithuania
Arūnas JURGAITIS – SABSS, Lithuania
Neringa VALAVIČIENĖ - SABSS, Lithuania
Violeta JUŠKIENĖ, - Institute of Animal sciences, Lithusnia

Official language

The official language of the symposium is English. Simultaneous translation will be provided (English, Lithuania)


Please fill in the registration form and return it to by specifying “Vilnius symposium” in subject. There is no registration fee. Or email

Call for Papers

There will be a limited opportunity to present offered papers. Beside the registration form you will need to submit an abstract as email attachment to before the 31st of May 2013

The abstract should be written in English in Word and contain the specific objectives, experimental methods and statistical analyses used, together with a synthesis of the results and conclusions. The title, authors and the abstract must not exceed 2250 characters (including spaces). For style please refer to abstract published for EAAP annual meetings:

Symposium venue & Accommodation

Symposium venue: Crowne Plaza Vilnius
M. K. Ciurlionio 84, LT03100 Vilnius, Lithuania

Recommended hotel is the same Crowne Plaza Vilnius. Reservation Manager
Mrs. Jurate Snitkiene
phone: +370 (5) 274 34 01 / mobile: +370 616 46440

Financial support

The REDNEX project is also able to offer financial support of up to 500 euro, and exceptionally up to €1000/person, to help young scientists from the target countries (in case of Lithuania symposium – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belorussia, Poland, Ukraine, Kazakhstan to attend the meeting.

For details please check the attached form and information.


“Improving Nitrogen Efficiency on Dairy Farms”

Thursday, June 6, 2013

12.30-14.00 – Registration and Lunch

14.00h Welcome and Introduction

The Rednex project- Introduction

14.20 - Setting the Scene

Overview of environmental impact of livestock farming in Europe. - Cledwyn Thomas EAAP, Rome

15.00 - Local (Regional) situation of the milk industry in the future

Edvardas Gedgaudas, Lithuanian cattle breeders association, Kaunas.

ERA farming and sustainability - Arūnas Svitojus, Baltic Foundation, Vilnius.

Ligija Ozoliņa, Division of Animal Production and Pedigree Breeding, Agricultural Department Ministry of Agriculture, Ryga

17.30 Improving efficiency by the cow

Feeding systems comparisons - Ad van Vuuren (Netherlands)

18.15 Poster Viewing and Reception

20.00 Conference Dinner

Friday 7 June 2013

8.30-9.00 - Registration

09.00.- 10.45 Improving efficiency – feed evaluation

Feed evaluation - reference methods - Martin Weisbjerg (Denmark)

Rapid methods of Feed Analysis - Alejandro Belanche Gracia (Wales)

10.45.- Coffee

11.15 - 12.45 Improving efficiency

Efficiency of N utilization following a decreased nitrogen supply in dairy rations: digestive and metabolic effects of the energy source- Gonzalo Cantalapiedra (France)

Constraints to efficient protein utilization in the dairy cow and on the farm – Glen Broderick (USA)

12.45 - Lunch

13.45 - Improving efficiency

Measures to mitigate nitrogen emissions from barns and during manure storage - Hendrick Jan van Dooren (Netherlands)

Manure management and processing – Fridtjof de Buisonje (Netherlands)

Pasture and crop management strategies- Jon Moorby and Richard Hayes (UK)

16.00h - Close of Conference and Coffee

Saturday 8 June 2013 Visit to dairy farm. (Please inform if you would like to participate in the farm visit)