The committee met in regular session on October 22, 2007. Meeting was called to order at 4:05pm, Chairperson Anne Evans presiding.


Aremu- Alternate (Rahim Bamba)

Bonacci- Present


Graver- Present


Evans- Present

Hetsler- Alternate (Mike Jewitt)


Lippus- Absent

Reis- Present

Swain- Present

Wernery- Present

Secretary’s Report

Minutes Approved.

Old Business:

Ron Kochendoerfer, Director of University Housing

The housing book is the first glimpse of living on campus that a student has of OhioState. They’re looking for additional space, and possibly building additional space. (i.e Baker was build in the late 1930s-1940s). The semesters/quarters debate will affect the housing (August in the halls).

Neil Complex- a real experience for us with different configurations. Worthington Apartments that people enjoy.

One of our biggest problems is limited housing. We’re looking around campus for spaces that we haven’t considered in the past. Another issue is the density. There are a lot of people in a geographically small area. The least satisfied are those in triples. One of our most successful programs is the living learning programs. We’re looking to improve having academic support in the residence halls. We need to make study space a premium for students.

Twenty-first century project is a nationwide initiative that promotes up-to-date housing options.

Abby- With all of the additions, could you lower the room numbers to two residents?

Ron- Definitely 2.

Alex- Is there a timeline on this?

Ron- I’ve heard anywhere from 11 years to 7 years to 4 years.

Abby- Is it possible to build “up” than build over the green space?

Ron- We can build on buildings. It costs 70% to renovate.

Rahim- Are these official?

Ron- These are just ideas.

There were originally supposed to be 8 Towers. Instead they built two. What they’re hoping to do is make it a triangle and add classroom space, study space, rec space. They also want to add a “connector” which is another dining option for students or extra space. South campus our biggest issue is the high rises.

What we are doing this year for students is surveying students and looking at other institutions to see how we’re doing.

Christina- The swipe card access in rooms?

Ron- It is cost effective. We’re just assessing with the new buildings. I know the students create a false sense of security.

Amanda- With the hand scanner?

Anne- If you’re looking at things,

Rachel- I was wondering if housing is looking into the Buckeye Express. It is noisy, smelly, and there is no way to gauge who is coming in to the building which is a safety issue. I’ve also had a lot of bad conflicts with roommates.

Ron- Send me your ideas for a roommate request form.

Anne- Where are you looking for swing space?

Ron- We don’t know. We’re looking for different options, like Fisher Commons

Rob- What are the plans for the first 14 floors of Lincoln?

Ron- It’s gone from Graduate housing, to upperclassmen housing, but we’re thinking about doing some different things with that space.

Our biggest problem is that we’re in need of more housing. Our facilities are a little less than they need to be. It would take probably $200 million dollars.

New Business:

Discussion of Committee projects


No meeting next week.

Looking at keeping the meeting at the same time for next quarter and doing a twice- monthly meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:59 pm.