The Collegiate Paw Page has links to a variety of web-based subscriptions. The following list highlights these resources and details their interesting characteristics.

AP Photo Archives

This resource includes 700,000 photographs. Although most are contemporary with several hundred added each day, there is good coverage of significant news and events of the twentieth century. The earliest photograph is an 1844 portrait of Abraham Lincoln. From the main page of the Archives, click on 'Enter Archive Here.' The search interface offers options to find photographs by what (person, event, concept), when (date), and where (city, state, or country). The search features of the Archives are unique and reading the User’s Guide is a good idea before you begin searching.


Online version of the McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Articles, dictionary terms, and research updates are included. Special features include Science and Technology in the News, a weekly addition. To access the resource, click on ‘subscriber login.’


A rich digital resource of art imagesgathered from the collections of member museums in the Art Museum Image Consortium (AMICO).Spans artistic creation from 20,000 B.C. to the present, with art from the cultures of Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, including Native American and Meso-American peoples.100,000 works of art, each with a full description and high quality image.


The full-text of more than 100 print publications from H.W. Wilson, noted publisher of Current Biography, the World Author, World Artists & Film Directors series, as well as a number of other books on musicians and composers. This database is designed to include both the famous and the infamous. Users can search by name, profession, gender, and ethnic background. The Advanced Search option provides text boxes and pulldown menus which allow a keyword search with AND, OR, NOT. Many entries also include references to additional full-text articles in journals. Biographical essays may be printed, saved, or emailed.

EBSCOhost Databases

Includes a multitude of databases including MAS Ultra, Middle Search, Primary Search, Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, EBSCO Animals, ERIC, ProfessionalDevelopment Collection, Newspaper Source, and Health Source. The databases in boldface, although different in focus, contain the same types of resources, full-text articles and citations to magazines and newspapers. Search options include the use of AND, OR, NOT, and parentheses, as well as, the ability to limit a search to resource title and full-text. Articles can be printed, saved, or emailed.

Electric Library

This database includes magazines, newspapers, books, pictures, maps, and radio & television transcripts. Researchers can focus a search on a specific source type and construct a query using the natural language of a question or using Boolean operators. In addition, the search can be limited to publication, date, author, and title. Although the list of publications is long, the depth and quality of the titles varies. The most useful aspect of Electric Library is the ability to search radio and television transcripts.

ERIC Document Reproduction Service

For decades ERIC has been the resource we have relied upon for education-related literature. To retrieve copies of ERIC documents through the web, Collegiate has an E*subscription to the ERIC Document Reproduction Service. About 90% of all ERIC documents from 1996 to the present are available. The link to EDRS is on the For Teachers page.

Includes solid information on events, issues, statistics, and people from Facts on File dating from 1980 to the present. In addition, it includes Today's Science, Issues and Controversies (the most hotly debated topics), and in-depth treatment of historic events from the Facts on File archives of the 1940's through the 1970's. The keyword search offers an automatic AND as well as the ability to use OR, NOT, and quotations marks for phrases. The researcher can also sort results by date or by relevancy.

Grove Dictionary of Art

A comprehensive reference of world art covering all the visual arts from prehistory through the twentieth century. Detailed articles include links to extraordinary images.

Humanities Abstracts & Full-text

Another resource from H.W. Wilson which covers art, archaeology, classical studies, history, literary criticism, music, religion, and philosophy. It includes bibliographic citations plus the full-text of selected scholarly journals. Advanced Search options are similar to BiographiesPLUS. In addition, a search can be limited to full-text articles only. These articles can be printed, saved, or emailed.

Lands and Peoples

A resource on countries, cultures, and current events. Fine resource for Middle School students.

New Book of Popular Science

Another great resource for Middle School. Articles focus on science, medicine, and technology.

Oxford English Dictionary

The OED: nothing more to say! To search the dictionary, click on ‘Enter the OED online.’

SIRS Researcher

Selected from 1,500 U.S. and international magazines, newspapers, and government publications, these full-text articles range in date from 1989 to the present. Two search options are available: subject heading and keyword searching. The keyword search allows the user to craft a query using AND, OR, NOT, quotation marks for phrases, parentheses, and truncation. The subject heading search is an exceptional tool because the headings clearly reflect the content of the articles. Special features of SIRS Researcher include: an option for printing a clean copy of an article (one free of website graphics and banners) and the ability to email an article to yourself.


Paw Page resources